Jun 12, 2020
If you've ever used the VeinMiner mod for minecraft Forge, it has now been recreated for Bukkit, CraftBukkit, and Spigot
May 1, 2019
aims to improve the bow vs. bow combat experience while staying true to Minecraft's vanilla mechanics as much as possible
Sep 24, 2017
The ability to lock blocks with keys. Uncheatable! No way to bypass these locks unless you have the key!
May 29, 2016
A simple, light-weight plugin to negate damage. When holding shift there's a chance you roll and take no damage
Mar 21, 2016
An addon for LockSecurity (http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/lock-security/) that allows for collection chests
Mar 12, 2016
Upon the breaking of the tool, you have a chance of getting some of the raw items back
Sep 3, 2015
Blood, food poisoning, and zombie infections! This adds a whole new level of danger to minecraft