CrackShot (Guns)



Create your own melee or ranged weapons and replicate any first-person shooter. With advanced gun-mechanics and a huge number of customizable features, your only limit is your imagination!

Works on all servers above 1.7.2. See Known issues below for more information.

Live demo

Visit for zombie survival and genuine Call of Duty in Minecraft.


Guns that are customizable in every aspect, and a lot more. Toss grenades at enemies. Deflect melee and ranged attacks with riot shields, Call of Duty® style. Guard your property with land-mines that explode when walked into by mobs or players, struck with fists or items, or when shot by projectiles. Call in airstrikes to bomb a designated area. Place or throw explosives that you can remotely detonate from any world, from any position on the map. Items that generate explosions when picked up, shot out of dispensers, or when the chest containing the item is opened. When a booby trap is placed in an item frame, all pressure plates within 4 blocks will generate an explosion whenever they are stepped on. Dual wield your weapons. Also known as "Akimbo". Release explosive bomblets upon detonations. Add attachments to your weapons. Create all kinds of melee weapons, ranging from simple combat knives to chainsaws. Fire instant projectiles that can pass through multiple enemies.


  • A stand-alone system. Does not require mods or Spout.
  • Gun mechanics: firearm actions, iron sights, dual wield, attachments and more!
  • Reloads: replicate reload-animations with CrackShot's reloading system - press Q to reload!
  • Custom sounds: choose what sounds your weapons make!
  • Custom recipes: create crafting recipes for your weapons!
  • Shops: buy your customized weapons from established shops!
  • Multi-world support: disable CrackShot weapons in certain worlds with ease!
  • Mechanics: deal bonus damage on headshots, backstabs or critical hits!
  • Flexibility: compatible with all region-protection and arena plugins such as MobArena!
  • Flexibility: functions alongside all kit and economy plugins such as SignShop!
  • Riot shields: introduce riot shields from the Call of Duty franchise into your server!
  • Explosives: call in airstrikes, fire an RPG, deploy landmines or remotely detonate C4!
  • Much more! For more information, view each and every module in detail.

Getting started

Frequently asked questions

Default weapons

For those who are curious about what CrackShot is capable of achieving, but squealed like a little girl upon viewing the complete list of modules, you're in luck. The plugin comes with 18 default weapons, so you can jump right into the action! ... a very small taste of the action.

  • Python: Revolver w/ tactical knife
  • Frag Grenade: Explosive
  • Riot Shield: Protection device
  • Olympia: Double-barreled shotgun
  • Hunting Rifle: Bolt-action rifle
  • Type 95: Assault rifle
  • AK-47: Assault rifle
  • Flashbang: Tactical grenade
  • Toaster: Incendiary landmine
  • Harrier Strike: Precision airstrike
  • C4: Remote-detonated explosive
  • Trinket: Booby trap
  • CocoPops: Cluster bomb
  • Bazooka: Rocket launcher
  • Desert Eagle: Dual pistols
  • Carbine: Assault rifle w/ grenade launcher
  • Gauss Shotgun: Advanced pump-action shotgun
  • Putty: Remote-detonated explosive

Known issues

  • Minecraft visual bug: Projectiles that are launched at high velocities (>40) may follow a warped flight path. Generally, they will appear to either curve to the left or to the right. Do not be fooled though, as the projectiles will always be spot-on despite what you see!
  •  Minecraft 1.9 bug: Players may hurt themselves if they shoot at an entity that is too close to them. Affects servers between 1.9 and 1.16.
  • Spigot 1.15 bug: Entities cannot be hit by multiple projectiles at the same time. Affects servers between 1.15 and 1.16.4.

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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 20, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Dec 28, 2020
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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