SignShop v4
SignShop allows you to set up physical shops by punching a chest with your items you want to sell, then punching a sign (while holding redstone dust). It's easy to set up, and even easier to customize!
This plugin requires Vault and a vault compatible economy plugin.
Main | SignShopHotel | SignShopGuardian | Features | FAQ | Signs | Config | Permissions|Developer API | Issues / Suggestions
[Buy] Allows players to buy items from a chest.[Sell] Allows players to sell items to a shop.[Trade] Allows players to trade one set of items for another.[iBuy] Admin shop that allows players to buy infinite items.[iSell] Admin shop that allows players to sell infinite items.[iTrade] Admin shop that allows players to trade one set of items for another an infinite number of times.
Important Links:
View Config
SignShop Quick Reference (This is also in your /plugins/SignShop folder)
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Latest Features:
SignShop v3.6.1
- Fixes error loading due to null CMIWorthHandler
- Fixes a NPE when converting empty timing file
- Adds support for EasyConomy and Lands
- Only hook into Ess/CMI worth if worth is enabled in the Signshop config
- Adds a new permission("Signshop.Destroy.Others") which allows a player to destroy other player's shops without having the other admin permissions
- Makes internal colors configurable
- Replaces deprecated methods in SignShopPlayer
- Adds a spawn protection check to inform server owners that the vanilla spawn protection may prohibit non ops from using shops
- Adds shulkerbox to descriptions
- Fixes potion names in descriptions
SignShop v3.5.0
- Adds warped and crimson variants to the config
- Fixes AuthorNagException when canceling async tasks
- Fixes NullPointerException when converting and empty sellers.yml
- Adds Op bypass to BentoBoxHook
- Fixes issue when BentoBBox blocks other worlds (Thanks BONNe)
- Updated Kit help message
- Fixed allow-shop flag being ignored in WorldGuard global region
- Update ResidenceHook for owner bypass
- Switch to locale names for languages and remove web names
- Add Ultimate_Economy to soft dependencies
- Fixes SSQuickReference.pdf being blank
- Switched to OfflinePlayer instead of deprecated playerName for Vault
- Fixes Spigot complaining about loading classes without being a dependency
- Added configurable shop explosion protection
For a full list of features, visit this page.
Extending SignShop with other Plugins
Plugin | Description |
Vault | Works with all standard economies (EssentialsEco, iConomy, BOSEconomy, Gringotts, and more) and permission plugins (LuckPerms, Permissions 3, bPermissions, PEX, GroupManager, PermissionsBukkit, zPermission (and defaults to OP permissions, if you don't want to use a permission system)). |
For sign and chest protection, though SignShop has built in sign protection. | |
Use the worth.yml for dynamic sign prices by putting [worth] on the bottom line of the sign (must be enabled in SignShop config) | |
SignShopGuardian | Save your inventory when you die. |
SignShopHotel | Allow players to rent rooms for a period of time. |
dynmap | Show shop locations. |
Multiverse | Supports Multiverse worlds. |
WildcardCommands | Make SignShop run commands for all players online. |
Towny | Use Towny banks and only let players make shops in Towny shop plots. (Thanks ryvix!) |
WorldGuard | Respects build permissions, and you can only let players make shops in regions with the allow-shop flag. |
ChestShop | Convert from ChestShop format to SignShop format by just punching the sign with redstone. |
SignShop2 tutorial video
Example SignShop
This is an example of how to set up a [Buy] sign with SignShop. The sign above is linked to a chest containing items. In this example, it will sell an enchanted pickaxe for 600 Waffles (Waffles are our server's currency :-) ).
Featured SignShop
GamerFreak's Epic SignShop
Send me pictures of your server's SignShops in the comments below and the image above could be YOUR shop!
Suggestions and Issues
If you are having a problem with SignShop, please feel free to take a look at our tickets to make sure others have not already reported the issue! If they haven't, please fill out the requested info when making a ticket. Thanks!
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I have found an issue with my signshop that I really want to fix.
Earlier this week I discovered that I had no way to confirm a transaction when using the [Buy] sign.
When right clicking, it doesn't recognize the item name It is selling.
This might be because I am using custom items.
How do I fix this?
Please respond quickly!
In reply to pandakings_16:
That doesn't sound like a signshop message. You likely have another shop plugin interfering such as Essentials. If it is Essentials you can disable their signs in the Essentials config.
Does this work with Geyser?
In reply to JeffBob101:
I have not tested it with Geyser. I do think some people are using it with Geyser but I don't know to what extent.
anything like this for Fabric server?
In reply to vitaslowang:
Sorry, I have no idea. I don't have any experience with Fabric servers.
I'm having an issue where I can't buy anything using the Signs, I tried using my Alt and nothing. I have the full Error Log in the Spoiler.
In reply to animation_gamer_studiosyt:
Try updating to the latest version and doing a full restart. If you still have issues pastebin your startup log. For faster support join the Discord.
Your translation page not work, Fix IT!
Is there pl-PL translation?
In reply to DarkGraphic_:
Sorry for the late reply, for some reason I never saw the email notification; and I don't spend much time on Bukkit.
You have likely already solved your issue or moved on but I will reply just in case. That page is broken and I have tried to fix it but it won't even let me see it to edit it. I did remove as many links to it that I could.
There is no pl_PL translation but if you make one I could add it and you should also be able to use it by listing it in the config. If you generate one of the others you can follow it's format. All this assumes you are using the latest version. For quicker support join the Discord.
Bonjour, j'ai un petit soucis assez dérangeant.
J'ai le plugin et également mcmoney et vault mais je ne trouve pas le moyen de relier SignShop et mcmoney ensemble pour payer au shop.
Pouvez-vous m'aider merci.
In reply to Mrchiro38:
Sorry for the late reply, for some reason I never saw the email notification; and I don't spend much time on Bukkit.
You have likely already solved your issue or moved on but I will reply just in case. I don't see where mcmoney supports Vault. You should try a different economy. For faster support join the Discord.
Hi, I have a problem. I have this signs pluggin and previously I had put in the Jobs pluggin which supposedly they are both use vault (and I do have vault installed). When I try to set up a sign shop it says I dont have enough to purchase the item. Both pluggins are working but I'm guessing they technically dont use the same money system so is there a way to configure it to work?
In reply to FreestylesVS:
Hi, I believe that I have already responded to your question on Spigotmc. Let's continue the conversation there since I am more active on Spigotmc. You can also join the Discord for even easier support.
In reply to FreestylesVS:
Same thing is happening to me. i set up an [ibuy] sign for 1 diamond that costs 1000 and i have 5000 for my balance. im using economy++ for my money plugin but dont know why it doesnt work.
In reply to fnafman102:
I replied to you on the Discord but you did not say what economy you are using there. Since you mention economy++ you may need to try a different economy plugin and make sure you don't have 2 economy plugins. I think others have had issues with economy++.
Ultimate Economy is not working for this plugin, as the sign says:![Error](
In reply to decadongaming:
Do you also have Vault installed and your economy properly configured? If so please provide your startup log.
Hi, nice of you to pick this up, have had an idea for some time now, and I read you are busy atm, but maybe for future reference?
In a world, many many signshops can be made by one person, unfortunately, if all shops that become empty, or close to empty, sending a message is one thing, but it is a lot on your plate sometimes and to keep track. Instead of every time you log in, getting overwhelmed by messaging shops that are empty, why not every shop hands you a tp-link to it's location and tell you what item is needed. This way you get a message, not all at once, but one at a time, and you go gather the items, tp to the shop, fill it back up and the message is gone!....
Hope you like this idea more than being overloaded with info that is hard to handle...
One thing that would be really nice to add is a way to track purchases. It would save time knowing what items may need restocking, especially when there is still one left in the chest so the link hasn't turned red yet. Maybe something like [SalesDay] or [SalesWeek], and just relist the same text that went to chat along with the date it was bought. Another possibility could be to have a book that you can link to a number of signs that just records any transactions by the signs.
Love the app! Thanks!