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Basic Usage

Creating an Arena

To start, you'll need to create an arena. Arenas may be created in one of two ways:

  1. Initiate the arena creation wizard by running /ttt carena.
  2. Place a world containing an arena in the server's root folder and run /ttt import [world name].

Joining an Arena

Now that your arena is created, you'll need to join it. To do this, run /ttt join [arena name]. Once a certain number of players (defined in the config) have joined a map, the round preparation timer will automatically start, and after that, the round. Once all innocents or traitors have been eliminated, players will be teleported out of the arena, which will be rolled back.

Creating a Lobby Sign

Lobby signs are used to provide players with a physical way to interface with the plugin. Lobby sign creation has been greatly simplified in version 0.8. To create one, simply create a sign with the first line as [TTT]. This will enter you into an interactive wizard. Once the sign has been created, players may click it to join an arena instantly. To remove it, simply sneak (hold SHIFT) and break it.

Operating Modes

TTT v0.10 introduces the concept of operating modes, which may be particularly useful for larger servers or server networks. Detailed information regarding how they work may be found here.

Further Reading

Any remaining functionality is generally explained in the Commands page.