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Below is a list of commands built into TTT as well as their descriptions.

[Square brackets] represent required arguments, and represent optional arguments.

Basic Commands

/ttt join [arena]

Description: Adds player to a specified TTT round. Arguments: The name of the arena to join.

/ttt leave

Description: Removes player from their current round. Arguments: None.

/ttt listarenas

Description: Lists available arenas. Arguments: None.


/ttt arenainfo [arena]

Description: Displays detailed information about a given arena. Arguments: The arena to display information about.

/ttt createarena

Description: Initiates the arena creation wizard. Arguments: None.

/ttt import [world]

Description: Imports a TTT map from a specified folder in the server's root directory. Arguments: The folder containing the world to be imported.

/ttt removearena [arena]

Description: Removes the given arena from TTT's registry. Arguments: The name of the arena to remove.

/ttt listspawns [arena]

Description: Lists the spawn points of a given arena. Arguments: The name of the arena to list the spawn points of.

/ttt addspawn [arena] {[x] [y] [z]}

Description: Adds the sender's or a specified location as a spawn to a specified arena. Arguments: The arena to add a spawn point to, and optionally, the location (coordinates only, world is inferred from the arena data). If the last three arguments are omitted, the player's current location will be used instead.

/ttt removespawn [arena]

Description: Removes the sender's or a specified location or an index as a spawn from the specified arena. Arguments: The arena to remove a spawn point from, and optionally, the internal index of the point to remove. If the last argument is omitted, the plugin will attempt to remove the spawn point at the player's current location if it exists.


/ttt prepare [arena]

Description: Forces a round to enter its preparation stage. Arguments: The name of the arena to set the stage of.

/ttt start [arena]

Description: Forces a round to enter its playing stage. Arguments: The name of the arena to set the stage of.

/ttt end [arena]

Description: Ends a round. Arguments: The arena to end the round of.

/ttt forceend [arena]

Description: Forces a round to end immediately, skipping its round-end period. Arguments: The arena to end the round of.

/ttt roles [arena]

Description: Lists the roles of all players in a given arena. Arguments: The arena to list the roles of.


/ttt role [player]

Description: Displays the role of a player. Arguments: The name of the player.

/ttt slay [player]

Description: Slays a player within their round. Arguments: The name of the player to slay.

/ttt respawn [player]

Description: Respawns a player within their round. Arguments: The name of the player to respawn.

/ttt kick [player]

Description: Kicks a player from their current round. Arguments: The name of the player to kick.

/ttt ban [player]

Description: Bans a player from joining TTT rounds. Arguments: The name of the player to ban.

/ttt pardon [player]

Description: Unbans a player from joining TTT rounds. Arguments: The name of the player to unban.


/ttt help

Description: Displays commands available to the sender along with their description and usage. Arguments: None.

/ttt help [command]

Description: Displays description and usage for a given command. Arguments: None.