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General Help

Making the Switch

Run RPGSkills first then navigate to the converter.yml(plugins\RPGSkills\converter.yml)and set the 'convert' to true and set the worlds you wish to have these skills set to. Once done reload/restart your server.
Make sure you have mcMMO running and all its files are still there.


AntiDrops is an exclusive built in feature for RPGSkills. It allows all player block breaks to be added instantly to the players inventory rather than onto the ground. If the players inventory is full the item WILL be dropped on the ground and the player will be prompted in this case. By default, this is enabled//

What is 'worlds.yml'?

world.yml is your multi-world support center. It offers parent/child world support, so take for example we have our main world(main) and we want our other 3 worlds dependent on main. For this you would do:

Active Worlds:
- main,-
- world_1,main
- world_2,main
- world_3,main

The '-' tells this plugin that the preceding world is a lone world that carries its own config values and experience map.
If you wish to not include a world under "Active Worlds" this is perfectly acceptable, this just means that the excluded world will not register any of the skills.

SilkTouch Spawners

This is a built in feature that allows players with a pickaxe that contains the enchantment silk-touch to harvest creature spawners of any type and place the same spawner with the aforementioned creature. Players are blocked from changing the names of the spawners to something else unless they have correct permissions, thus avoiding a cheating situation.


This is a built in feature that allows players with a spade that contains the enchantment silk-touch to harvest the plowed dirt

Setting up recipes

Click Here!

None of the skills are working

  • This is most likely because you enabled "Skill Permissions" and did not add the permission nodes to said group/player.
  • Another reason may be the current world is not listed in the worlds.yml under "Active Worlds".

Item ID's

To find and item id, use this Easy Item ID transcriber

Don't see what you need help with?

Create a comment on this page and let me know.


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