version-3/Frequently asked questions


InventorySQL does not sync my Inventory, while changing Bungeecord Server!

Problem: Your Database cannot save the Inventory in time, so that InventorySQL cannot load the Inventory properly. This is NOT an issue related to Inventory, rather than BungeeCord switching too fast.

Solution: Use the build-in switch command to switch the server AFTER the Inventory has been saved.

How does the saving work? What is a BLOB in MySQL?

Well, basically InventorySQL seperates physically saving the Data (ex: saving to mysql) and generating the data (ex: converting to a json format). Because InventorySQL aims to provide a customizable amount of flexibility for Developers, the default MySQL implementation uses a dynamic Binary format to store data. This means you cannot directly view the data in some common database View Tools. Under most circumstances this is not needed anyway.

Do you have a messenger?

Yes, but i won't share it for private Support. Use the Ticket System or the IRC Channel