
Default config

# InventorySQL config - by ThisIsAreku -
check-interval: 600 # invervals in second between checks
after-login-delay: 1 # delay fo checking after login
check-plugin-updates: true # check updates availability
no-creative: true # check players in creative mode
multiworld: true # enable multiworld support
allow-unsafe-ench: false # allow the use of enchantment in bad items
mirror-mode: false # enable inventory sync across servers
use-permission: false # enable to use permissions
mysql: # mysql config
  host: localhost:3306
  user: root
  pass: pass
  db: minecraft
  table-prefix: invsql
backup: # store backup of inventories
  enabled: true
  cleanup-days: 5
messages: # configurable messages
  no-modif: 'No modifications'
  modif: '%s items added, %s items removed of %s items'
  no-online: 'None of these players were online..'
  check-n-players: 'Checking %s player(s)'
  check-all-players: 'Checking all players...'
  check-yourself: 'Checking yourself...'
  mirror-wait: 'Hello %s ! Wait a little, your inventory is loading..'
  mirror-latest: 'Your inventory is ready !'
  mirror-done: 'Your inventory has been loaded !'
update-events: # check on specific events
  join: true
  quit: true
  changeworld: true
  respawn: true
  bedenter: true
  bedleave: true
  death: true
debug: false # DO NOT set it to true :)