

Default Configuration

  - quit
serverID: 'MyServer'
  url: 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb?user=root&password=asdf'
  handler: 'tk.manf.InventorySQL.database.handler.MySQLDatabaseHandler'
  serializer: 'tk.manf.InventorySQL.datahandling.serializer.BukkitSerializer'
  compressor: 'tk.manf.InventorySQL.datahandling.compressor.GZipCompressor'
enable-metrics: true

update-events: Events whenever players inventory should be saved. Possible Events:

  • quit - called whenever the Player leaves.
  • changeworld - called whenever the Player changes the World.
  • respawn - called whenever a Player respawns (after he died).
  • bedenter - called whenever a Player enters a bed.
  • bedleave - called whenever a Player leaves a bed.
  • death - called whenever a Player dies.

serverID: The ID of the ServerNetwork, which are using the same syncronisation. (Will be md5-hashed) Just use the exactly same ID(case-sensitive) to enable syncronisation between these particular servers.


url: The URL to which the connection is etablished. Refer to Installation

handler: Enter Database Handler Does not need to be changed.


serializer: Sets Serializer Serializer. See Documentation for all Serializers and their advantages..

compressor: Sets Compressor Compressor Does not need to be changed.

enable-metrics: Enables loading of metrics. (Supports Developers if enabled)