
InventorySQL's Synchronizing process is currently divided in three parts:

  1. The Database Handler, which takes care of writing the stuff into a database
  2. The Serializer, which converts ItemStacks of the Player into a single String
  3. The Compressor, which packs the String in an optimised format to avoid unnecessary repetitions etc.

Those parts may be changed by developers by changing the name of implementation in the configuration. Nearly anything in InvSQL is based on a modular System and all parts are supposed to be as customisable as possible.

Loading: Each time the player is loaded the bytes will be extracted out of the database by the Database Handler. This data will be uncompressed by the Compressor. This will be converted to an ItemStack[] by the Serializer. The Inventory will now be replaced with this newly generated array.

Saving: The Serializer converts the Inventory to a datatype. The size will be compressed by the Compresser and saved by the Database Handler

Loading from database with extern programms/software: The software you are currently using needs to be configured to the correct modules. Please visit the wiki and the documentation of the author.

Implementations / Documentation: