VillageMarker - Supports VillageMarkerMod:
Actual version: v0.48 supporting MC/LL 1.12.2
LiteLoader Mod files can get downloaded here...
From version 0.41.1 I am using the source code from LiteLoader Mod author GuntherGW
With version 0.43 I released the first own migrated client mod vor LiteLoader
This plugin supports clients modded with the VillageMarkerMod/LiteLoader mod. It sends information about the villages to all connected clients.
Note: Just modded clients will process that information to visually indicate village bounds.
Until version 0.3: Every client gets the village information from server.
How to use
- Just copy the plugin jar into your Bukkit plugin folder. (As with other plugins)
- Restart your server or reload plugins via "/reload" command
- Follow the instructions on VillageMarkerMod page to mod your client.
- >0.41 use the client mod for LiteLoader
- Support for clients modded with the VillageMarkerMod.
- Supports the Multiverse Plugin (tested Version: 2.5-b678 (beta))
- villagemarker - the server will send information about villages to every player with this permission (by default true)
VillageMarkerMod LiteLoader
Version 1.11:
Update needed?
If you are searching for a new version, just trigger me via an PM. Most of the time I just didn't noticed that a new minecraft version was released.
hi, it looks amazing, i wish it works with 1.14+
i would like to browse the source code ... where can i get it?
In reply to atesin_dj:
Hi please find the source code here:
I would appreciate any help!
My paper server is running 1.13.2 with ProtocolSupport on it so I can connect with 1.12.2 and other clients. This might be a way for you to test and release the server side for 1.13.2. Looking forward to a release. Pretty much all my other server mods are ready for the switch to 1.13.2. Getting WorldEdit (FAWE), DynMap, and WorldGuard all playing nice with each other is a challenge.
Any update on 1.13.2 ?
In reply to TimR1ker:
In reply to eruvanos:
builds here:
Currently not working on 1.13. Hopefully will be updated, I love this plugin. Thanks :)
In reply to mattboy9921:
In reply to mattboy9921:
In reply to mattboy9921:
In reply to mattboy9921:
Hey I was wondering if you could make it work with SpongeForge too
In reply to Anubis3467:
Any Idea when this will be out for 1.12.1?
In reply to Heydok:
It looks to me like the rectangular boundary is not quite right. According to the wiki and other infromational videos, the village box should be 9 blocks high (5 blocks under the doors).
In reply to LaserCucumber:
Referring to the wiki, the spawn area is 16x16x6.
So everything should be fine.
Thanks for notifying me about the new MC 1.12 version.
Update is already uploaded and should be downloadable soon.
Please inform me about any issues.
LiteLoader files moved to
Will this ever be updated to 1.12?
Thanks in advance, its a huge help!
In reply to Forge_User_30131174: