In-Game Commands
These are the in game commands that let you create triggers or manage them.
General Commands
/vtrigger | Aliases vt Used to manipulate variables in game. |
| Usage /vtrigger ? |
| |
/vtrigger setloc | Aliases vt setloc Creates an Object.Variable that stores current position and orientation. This $Obj.Var may then be used in any script command argument the needs a location. |
| Usage /vtrigger setloc [OBJECTNAME] [VARIABLENAME] |
| |
/vt delobj | Deletes an Object and all Variables on the object. |
| Usage: /vt delobj [OBJNAME] |
| |
/vt run | Runs a script. |
| Usage: /vt run [FILE:SCRIPT] <PLAYERNAME> |
| File:Script uses the same format as the @CALL command. <PLAYERNAME> is optional. If no player is given then the script is run as if the player typing the command activated script. |
| |
/vtrigger savetriggers | Aliases vt st Saves only the trigger data to YML files. |
| Usage /vtrigger savetriggers |
| |
/vtrigger reloadtriggers | Aliases vt rt Reloads only the trigger data from YML files. |
| Usage /vtrigger reloadtriggers |
| |
/vtrigger reloadscripts | Aliases vt rs Reloads only the sepatate file.script.yml files. |
| Usage /vtrigger reloadscripts |
| |
/vtrigger autosave | Aliases vt autosave Pause or Resume autosaveing of data to YML files. |
| Usage /vtrigger autosave |
| |
/vt savevars | Aliases vt sv Save all variables to file without waiting for the autosave. |
| Usage /vtrigger savevars |
| |
/vtrigger delvar | Aliases vt delvar Removes an Object variable. |
| Usage: /vtrigger delvar [i|s| b] [OBJECT] [VARIABLE] |
| |
Click Trigger Commands
/vtclick | Aliases vtc Creates a new Click Trigger or adds to a existing one. |
| Usage: /vtclick [ SCRIPT LINE] |
| |
/vtclickview | Aliases vtcv Views the script on a Click Trigger |
| Usage: /vtclickview - You will be prompted to click the click trigger you want to view |
| |
/vtclickreset | Aliases vtcrset Resets an existing Click Trigger |
| Usage: /vtclickreset [ SCRIPT LINE] -You will be prompted to click the trigger you want to reset |
| |
/vtclickremove | Aliases vtcr Removes an existing Click Trigger. |
| Usage: /vtclickremove - You will be prompted to click the trigger you want removed |
| Usage: /vtclickremove [OPTIONALLOCATION] |
| This will allow you to remove a trigger from a script Example: |
| @CMDOP vtcr <triggerloc> |
| |
/vtclickedit | Aliases vtce Edit a line of script on a Click Trigger. |
| Usage: /vtclickedit [LINENUMBER] [NEW SCRIPTLINE] |
| |
Walk Trigger Commands
/vtwalk | Aliases vtw Creates a new Walk Trigger or adds to a existing one |
| Usage: /vtwalk [ SCRIPT LINE] |
| |
/vtwalkview | Aliases vtwv Views the script on a Walk Trigger |
| Usage: /vtwalkview - You will be prompted to click the walk trigger you want to view |
| |
/vtwalkreset | Aliases vtwrset Resets an existing Walk Trigger |
| Usage: /vtwalkreset [SCRIPT LINE] - You will be prompted to click the trigger you want to reset |
| |
/vtwalkremove | Aliases vtwr Removes an existing Walk Trigger |
| Usage: /vtwalkremove - You will be prompted to click the trigger you want removed |
| Usage: /vtwr [OPTIONALLOCATION] |
| This will allow you to remove a trigger from a script Example: |
| @CMDOP vtwr <triggerloc> |
| |
/vtwalkedit | Aliases vtwe Edit a line of script on a Walk Trigger. |
| Usage: /vtwalkedit [LINENUMBER] [NEW SCRIPTLINE] |
| |
Event Trigger Commands
/vtevent | Aliases vte Creates a new Event Trigger or adds to an existing one. |
| Usage: /vtevent [EVENT] [ SCRIPT LINE] |
| Possible Events so far: Join, Quit, PlayerDeath, EntityDeath, Respawn, EntitySpawn, BlockBreak, BlockPlaced, Interact |
| |
/vteventview | Aliases vtev View an Event Trigger script. |
| Usage: /vteventview [EVENT] |
| |
/vteventedit | Aliase - vtee Edit a line of script on an Event Trigger |
| Usage: /vteventedit [EVENT] [LINENUMBER] [NEW SCRIPTLINE] |
| |
/vteventremove | Aliases vter Removes an Event Trigger. |
| Usage: /vteventremove [EVENT] |
| |
/vtclear | Aliases Clears a pending trigger create command |
| Usage: /vtclear |
| |
Area Trigger Commands
/vt setarea | Pus you in set mode to select two loctaions for an area cube. |
| Usage: /vt setarea |
| |
/vt definearea | Defines an area with the two locations you selected with /vt setarea. |
| Usage: /vt definearea [AREANAME] |
| |
/vt getarea | Gets the name of the Area you ar currently in or null if not in an area. |
| Usage: /vt getarea |
| |
/vtarea | Creates a trigger or adds script line to an existing one on an area. |
| Usage: /vtarea [AREANAME] [Enter| Exit] SCRIPTLINE] |
| |
/vtareaview | View the script on an existing area trigger. |
| Usage: /vtareaview [AREANAME] [Enter| Exit] [PAGE] |
| |
/vtareaedit | Aliase - vtae Edit a line of script on an Area Trigger |
| Usage: /vteventedit [AREA] [ENTER| EXIT] [LINENUMBER] [NEW SCRIPTLINE] |
| |
/vtarearemove | Removes an Enter| Extit trigger from an area and removes the area if no other Trigger exists on it. |
| Usage: /vtarearemove[AREANAME] [Enter| Exit] |
| |
/vtrigger arealist | Aliase - /vt arealist Display a list of Command Triggers. |
| Usage: /vtrigger arealist [WORLD] [AREA] |
| If no arguments are provided, a list of areas in all worlds is displayed. If the World is provided a list of areas in that World is displayed. If World and Area are both provided, details on that area are displayed. |
| |
Command Trigger Commands
Create triggers that run script when a player types a /command. You can make some extra things happen when players type commands like /heal or you can create your very own commands like /foobar or /setquest
If you are extending the functionality of an existing /command
Override | Should be false |
Permission | Should match whatever permission is neaded for this /command |
If you are overideing an existing /command with your own functionallity
Override | Should be true |
Permission | Should match whatever permission is neaded for this /command |
If you are creating a new /command of your own
Override | Should be true |
Permission | Can be whatever you want it to be or empty if you want everyone to have access. Be sure to add your permission.node to your Permissions YML or Group YML |
/vtcommand | Aliase - /vtcmd Creates a new Command Trigger or adds script to an existing Command. |
| Usage: /vtcommand [COMMAND] [SCRIPTLINE] |
| |
/vtcommandoverride | Aliase - /vtcmdo Set override to true | false. |
| Usage: /vtcommandoverride [COMMAND] [TRUE| FALSE] |
| By default the Override is set to false. |
| If Override is set to true will override an existing /command or if no command exists will let you create your own /command. If it is false the normal ingame command will function as normal. |
| |
/vtcommandpermission | Aliase - /vtcmdp Set or Remove Permission needed for this Command Trigger. |
| Usage: /vtcommandpermission [COMMAND] [PERMISION.NODE| REMOVE] |
| By default the Permission is not set. Anyone can use this command. |
| If you provide a permission.node then player will need that permission to use this command trigger. To remove the permission.node type Remove as the argument |
| |
/vtcommandremove | Aliase - /vtcmdr Removes an existing Command Trigger. |
| Usage: /vtcommandremove [COMMAND] |
| |
/vtcommandview | Aliase - /vtcmdv Views the script on an existing Command Trigger. |
| Usage: /vtcommandview [COMMAND] |
| |
/vtcommandedit | Aliase - /vtcmde Edit a line of script on an Command Trigger. |
| Usage: /vtcommandedit [COMMAND] [LINENUMBER] [NEW SCRIPTLINE] |
| |
/vtrigger cmdlist | Aliase - /vt cmdlist Display a list of Command Triggers. |
| Usage: /vtrigger cmdlist [OPTIONALNAME] |
| If no argument is provided, a list of command triggers is displayed. If the name of a command trigger is provided then details on that command is displayed. |
| |
You will also need to see the Place Holders to use with Command Triggers