docs/In-Game Commands

In-Game Commands

To Getting Started

These are the in game commands that let you create triggers or manage them.

General Commands

/vtriggerAliases vt Used to manipulate variables in game.
Usage /vtrigger ?
/vtrigger setlocAliases vt setloc Creates an Object.Variable that stores current position and orientation. This $Obj.Var may then be used in any script command argument the needs a location.
Usage /vtrigger setloc [OBJECTNAME] [VARIABLENAME]
/vt delobjDeletes an Object and all Variables on the object.
Usage: /vt delobj [OBJNAME]
/vt runRuns a script.
File:Script uses the same format as the @CALL command. <PLAYERNAME> is optional. If no player is given then the script is run as if the player typing the command activated script.
/vtrigger savetriggersAliases vt st Saves only the trigger data to YML files.
Usage /vtrigger savetriggers
/vtrigger reloadtriggersAliases vt rt Reloads only the trigger data from YML files.
Usage /vtrigger reloadtriggers
/vtrigger reloadscriptsAliases vt rs Reloads only the sepatate file.script.yml files.
Usage /vtrigger reloadscripts
/vtrigger autosaveAliases vt autosave Pause or Resume autosaveing of data to YML files.
Usage /vtrigger autosave
/vt savevarsAliases vt sv Save all variables to file without waiting for the autosave.
Usage /vtrigger savevars
/vtrigger delvarAliases vt delvar Removes an Object variable.
Usage: /vtrigger delvar [i|s|b] [OBJECT] [VARIABLE]

Click Trigger Commands

/vtclickAliases vtc Creates a new Click Trigger or adds to a existing one.
Usage: /vtclick [SCRIPT LINE]
/vtclickviewAliases vtcv Views the script on a Click Trigger
Usage: /vtclickview - You will be prompted to click the click trigger you want to view
/vtclickresetAliases vtcrset Resets an existing Click Trigger
Usage: /vtclickreset [SCRIPT LINE] -You will be prompted to click the trigger you want to reset
/vtclickremoveAliases vtcr Removes an existing Click Trigger.
Usage: /vtclickremove - You will be prompted to click the trigger you want removed
Usage: /vtclickremove [OPTIONALLOCATION]
This will allow you to remove a trigger from a script Example:
@CMDOP vtcr <triggerloc>
/vtclickeditAliases vtce Edit a line of script on a Click Trigger.
Usage: /vtclickedit [LINENUMBER] [NEW SCRIPTLINE]

Walk Trigger Commands

/vtwalkAliases vtw Creates a new Walk Trigger or adds to a existing one
Usage: /vtwalk [SCRIPT LINE]
/vtwalkviewAliases vtwv Views the script on a Walk Trigger
Usage: /vtwalkview - You will be prompted to click the walk trigger you want to view
/vtwalkresetAliases vtwrset Resets an existing Walk Trigger
Usage: /vtwalkreset [SCRIPT LINE] - You will be prompted to click the trigger you want to reset
/vtwalkremoveAliases vtwr Removes an existing Walk Trigger
Usage: /vtwalkremove - You will be prompted to click the trigger you want removed
This will allow you to remove a trigger from a script Example:
@CMDOP vtwr <triggerloc>
/vtwalkeditAliases vtwe Edit a line of script on a Walk Trigger.
Usage: /vtwalkedit [LINENUMBER] [NEW SCRIPTLINE]

Event Trigger Commands

/vteventAliases vte Creates a new Event Trigger or adds to an existing one.
Usage: /vtevent [EVENT] [SCRIPT LINE]
Possible Events so far: Join, Quit, PlayerDeath, EntityDeath, Respawn, EntitySpawn, BlockBreak, BlockPlaced, Interact
/vteventviewAliases vtev View an Event Trigger script.
Usage: /vteventview [EVENT]
/vteventeditAliase - vtee Edit a line of script on an Event Trigger
/vteventremoveAliases vter Removes an Event Trigger.
Usage: /vteventremove [EVENT]
/vtclearAliases Clears a pending trigger create command
Usage: /vtclear

Area Trigger Commands

/vt setareaPus you in set mode to select two loctaions for an area cube.
Usage: /vt setarea
/vt defineareaDefines an area with the two locations you selected with /vt setarea.
Usage: /vt definearea [AREANAME]
/vt getareaGets the name of the Area you ar currently in or null if not in an area.
Usage: /vt getarea
/vtareaCreates a trigger or adds script line to an existing one on an area.
Usage: /vtarea [AREANAME] [Enter|Exit] SCRIPTLINE]
/vtareaviewView the script on an existing area trigger.
Usage: /vtareaview [AREANAME] [Enter|Exit] [PAGE]
/vtareaeditAliase - vtae Edit a line of script on an Area Trigger
/vtarearemoveRemoves an Enter|Extit trigger from an area and removes the area if no other Trigger exists on it.
Usage: /vtarearemove[AREANAME] [Enter|Exit]
/vtrigger arealistAliase - /vt arealist Display a list of Command Triggers.
Usage: /vtrigger arealist [WORLD] [AREA]
If no arguments are provided, a list of areas in all worlds is displayed. If the World is provided a list of areas in that World is displayed. If World and Area are both provided, details on that area are displayed.

Command Trigger Commands

Create triggers that run script when a player types a /command. You can make some extra things happen when players type commands like /heal or you can create your very own commands like /foobar or /setquest

If you are extending the functionality of an existing /command

OverrideShould be false
PermissionShould match whatever permission is neaded for this /command

If you are overideing an existing /command with your own functionallity

OverrideShould be true
PermissionShould match whatever permission is neaded for this /command

If you are creating a new /command of your own

OverrideShould be true
PermissionCan be whatever you want it to be or empty if you want everyone to have access. Be sure to add your permission.node to your Permissions YML or Group YML
/vtcommandAliase - /vtcmd Creates a new Command Trigger or adds script to an existing Command.
Usage: /vtcommand [COMMAND] [SCRIPTLINE]
/vtcommandoverrideAliase - /vtcmdo Set override to true | false.
Usage: /vtcommandoverride [COMMAND] [TRUE|FALSE]
By default the Override is set to false.
If Override is set to true will override an existing /command or if no command exists will let you create your own /command. If it is false the normal ingame command will function as normal.
/vtcommandpermissionAliase - /vtcmdp Set or Remove Permission needed for this Command Trigger.
Usage: /vtcommandpermission [COMMAND] [PERMISION.NODE|REMOVE]
By default the Permission is not set. Anyone can use this command.
If you provide a permission.node then player will need that permission to use this command trigger. To remove the permission.node type Remove as the argument
/vtcommandremoveAliase - /vtcmdr Removes an existing Command Trigger.
Usage: /vtcommandremove [COMMAND]
/vtcommandviewAliase - /vtcmdv Views the script on an existing Command Trigger.
Usage: /vtcommandview [COMMAND]
/vtcommandeditAliase - /vtcmde Edit a line of script on an Command Trigger.
/vtrigger cmdlistAliase - /vt cmdlist Display a list of Command Triggers.
Usage: /vtrigger cmdlist [OPTIONALNAME]
If no argument is provided, a list of command triggers is displayed. If the name of a command trigger is provided then details on that command is displayed.

You will also need to see the Place Holders to use with Command Triggers

To Getting Started