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Elevators v 2.0

Hey guys, I continued the simple Elevator plugin. Pls note and respect that the originally author is Cybran.

Thank you for making this tutorial 'FleckenBukkit'


  1. Stay on a 2x2 wood area
  2. Write: /elev create
  3. Write: /elev call [Name]
  4. Place a button 2 blocks high near the elevator ground fiel.
  5. Go upstairs. /elev call [Name]
  6. Place a button 2 blocks high near the exit.
  7. Press the button (upstairs)
  8. Wait until the elevator come up!


  • Creating elevators with an individual size (square or rectangle shape).
  • Floor-management: define your own floors with their own names, being able to call an elevator on every floor by – per example – pressing a button.
  • Movement-triggers: control the elevator with redstone circuits or buttons or any other redstone-powered block!
  • Elevator movement-controls: have different buttons for moving the elevator up and down, skip floors by pressing a control button several times.
  • Command-queuing: the elevator will move to the different floors one after the other if it gets more than one command at the same time.
  • Build on the elevator whatever you want (nearly )
  • Use redstone outputs to link the elevator to iron doors or more complex circuits.
  • Connect the elevator to your minecart system!
  • Use the elevator as something else, like a lava door.
  • Build automtically opening/closing glass doors around or on your elevator!
  • Protect your elevator with a password or user restriction.
  • Permissions support (PEX, Permissions 3.0, bPermissions)

How to install

  1. Put the .jar in your plugin folder.
  2. Restart your Server.
  3. Configure the config.yml file.
  4. Restart your Server.
  5. And ready.
  • Enjoy the plugin! :)



  • help|? - shows the commands.
  • permission|permissions - shows your current permission level.
  • create - creates a new elevator at your current position.
  • remove - removes an existing elevator from your current position.
  • call|floor <Floorname> - creates a new floor with the given Floorname.
  • up - creates a new UpBlock, right-click to select block after command.
  • down - creates a new DownBlock, right-click to select block after command.
  • go|direct [<Floorname>] - creates a new link to the given floor or the nearest. Toggled by redstone input. Right-click a block.
  • redstoneout [<Floorname>] - creates a redstoneoutput, right-click to select the output block after. Has to be a lever.
  • glassdoor [<Floorname>] - Type command and place glass blocks. A door will be created to the given floor or the nearest. Use /elev finish to finish * * and disable glass block listener.
  • glassremove [<Floorname>] - Removes all glass blocks linked to the given floor or from the cabin when no floor is specified.
  • finish - Finishes an action (like glassdoor placement).
  • info - creates debugging info file. CONSOLE ONLY.
  • lock - locks the cabin blocks to stop updating before every movement.


  • help|? - shows the commands.
  • permission|permissions - shows your current permission level.
  • create [password <Password>] [users <Username1> <Username2> <UsernameN>]- creates a new elevator at your current position, optional with * * * password or user whitelist.
  • remove - removes an existing elevator from your current position.
  • call|floor <Floorname> [password <Password>] [users <Username1> <Username2> <UsernameN>] - creates a new floor with the given Floorname, * optional with password or user whitelist.
  • up - creates a new UpBlock, right-click to select block after command.
  • down - creates a new DownBlock, right-click to select block after command.
  • go|direct [<Floorname>] - creates a new link to the given floor or the nearest. Toggled by redstone input. Right-click a block.
  • redstoneout [<Floorname>] - creates a redstoneoutput, right-click to select the output block after. Has to be a lever.
  • glassdoor [<Floorname>] [direction <DirectionIdentifier>] - Type command and place glass blocks. A door will be created to the given floor or the * * * * nearest. Use /elev finish to finish and disable glass block listener. You can use a DirectionIdentifier (left,right,up,down,splitH,splitV) to set the * * * * * * opening direction manually.
  • glassremove [<Floorname>] - Removes all glass blocks linked to the given floor or from the cabin when no floor is specified.
  • finish - Finishes an action (like glassdoor placement).
  • info - creates debugging info file. CONSOLE ONLY.
  • pw|password [<Floorname>] [password <Password>] - Overrides password protection for the given floor or the whole elevator.
  • user [<Floorname>] [users <Username1> <Username2> <UsernameN>] - Overrides user whitelist for the given floor or the whole elevator.
  • give [<Username>] - changes the owner of the elevator. Once changed, a reset is not possible.
  • lock - locks the cabin blocks to stop updating before every movement.

Permission notes

  • elevators.builder - basic permission level, user can set up elevators.
  • elevators.advancedbuilder - advanced permission level, user can protect elevators with password / user list.
  • elevators.operator - ignores owner, passwords and user restrictions, can modify everything.
  1. Compatible with PEX, bPermissions and Permissions 3.0!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 9, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Jan 27, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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