Ultimate Report
This plugin use bStats. For more informations about what data collects and how to disable it visit bStats page.
Don't edit/copy the code !!
Bugs report: here
With this plugin you can report a player !
Other plugins by me:
MOTD: here
Ultimate Vote: here
Enhanced Crafting: here
Drop-Event: here
Admin Utils: here
/reset report/<PLAYER> (when you report a player, in the config, is created **"REPORTER">"REPORTED": "Abusing/Spam/Griefing/Hacker/Other"**
/onduty (For receive reports)
/offduty (For not receive reports)
/grieftp <player> (To teleport to the place where the reporter reported the player. Will teleport you if "GriefTeleport" is true in config.yml)
/removegtp <player> (To remove the place for teleport to a grief report)
/ureport <variable> <option> you can set the options directly from server.
Available options: GriefTeleport (for now...)
/reports <player> - to see all the reports from a player.
If a staff comes on and wanna check the latest reports how could u do that bc players could be reported while staff is offline or if they dont see it ? it should be a list of reported players
In reply to hoodiebooii:
Players can only report if an admin is onduty ("/onduty").
I am here from a professinal server to tell you about this plugin, Is there a way to change what the wool is? or not having the GUI and only /report <player> <reason> ?
In reply to Ivel9999:
i love you plugin <3, plugin for muted and baned kick etc? pls man <3
In reply to ItzMattiasPvP:
My server all day logs this message.
What does it mean:
[Server thread/ERROR]: Could not pass event InventoryClickEvent to UReport v4.7
In reply to tommix1969:
It should send a message to staff saying that there has been a report or something.
There is this.
When a player reported a player.
Staff will be alert ;)
Can you make a new review with the new update? Because now the plugin has a GUI. :D
Here is my french review ;) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Jm3HfUyV1I
Nice plugin :D
Can you? Skype: mr.echotm
I can help you with making a gui.
Not this time, but in the future is possible that I will add a GUI.
Add a GUI please. :)
I am begginner at bukkit coding :'( , I can't do that, now...
Add a GUI. :D