
This plugin use bStats. For more informations about what data collects and how to disable it visit bStats page.
Other plugins by me:
MOTD: here
Ultimate Report: here
Ultimate Vote: here
Enhanced Crafting: here
Drop-Event: here
Plugin was created specially to lazy/inexperienced admins.
This plugin opens a virtual inventory for you, which allows you to: reload the server, change the server difficulty, toggle the whitelist, sanction players (ban, kick or even mute), custom commands and a lot more features in future.

- /au [Open GUI]
- /setcc <1-7> <NewCommand> [Set CustomCommands command]
- /setnc <1-7> <NameCommand> [Set CustomCommands message]
- /setunban <player> [Set unban to players you banned from GUI]

- adminutils.reload
- adminutils.whitelist
- adminutils.difficulty
- adminutils.sanctions
- adminutils.customcommands
- adminutils.setcustomcommand
- adminutils.setnamecommand
- adminutils.banplayer
- adminutils.kickplayer
- adminutils.muteplayer
- adminutils.kickallplayers
- adminutils.setunban
- adminutils.cgamemode

i have a suggestion to add temp bans and add it where you can change your game mode
and i had a question after you ban someone are you able to unban them cause that could be usefull also incase of a false ban
but i really like this plugin good job!
In reply to cfeco:
I will take the temp ban into consideration. And about gamemode, surely it will be added.
To unban a player banned through AdminUtils, you use the following command:
/setunban <player>
In reply to EchoGamingZ:
thanks so much
In reply to cfeco:
The update has been pushed to Bukkit, it will take up until 24 hours, until Bukkit Dev Team will approve my plugin.
I've added your suggestion with Change Gamemode, unfortunately, the Temp Ban option couldn't be added at this time, it will be added in the future versions as well.
In reply to EchoGamingZ:
thanks so much i really like this plugin
but if i could make another suggestion add a vanish ability and make it where when your in vanish it hides you online from the join menu
How do you give a permission, do you write in the console give lafrek permission adminutils.whitelist? my rank plugin is lucky perms
In reply to Forge_User_59080211:
To give permission to someone you need to add the permission to him.
If you use a permission plugin you need to create a group/role and add the permission to that group/role and assign the group/role to the user.
In your case LuckPerms, you can check their documentation on:
I've checked myself anyway, so you can easy add a permission.
To add a permission you need to execute this command in your server:
/lp user/group [username or group name] permission set <permission name> <true/false>
Let's say the player you need to give the permission is Forge_User_59080211, to give permission adminutils.whitelist to him, you will need to write this on your server:
/lp user Lafrek permission set adminutils.whitelist true
Do not ban yourself lol it doesn't use the console ban you can't undo it as far as i know without removing it!!
In reply to Tagback1:
Thanks for reporting the bug, we'll fix it as soon as possible!
In reply to Tagback1:
Download the new version and you can't ban yourself!
I installed this plugin and it works but i cant OP myself or use any of the stuff in the /au GUI. Anyone know why? im on a 1.13.2 server i made with Aternos. Its a spigot server. :(
In reply to szinimini:
Does it console log something?
Nice for new server owners, good job.