
Ultimate Survival Games

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Main Install Config Functions Tutorial

English | German


  • WorldEdit - Needed to created arenas


1. Put the .jar into your plugins folder.
2. Type /sg lobby create <NAME> to start the lobby setup.
3. Type /sg lobby setspawn <NAME> to set the lobbyspawn.
4. Mark a region with WorldEdit.
5. Type /sg arena create <LOBBYNAME> <ARENA NAME>.
6. To add spawn to arenas select the arena first with /sg arena select <LOBBYNAME> <ARENA NAME> and add a spawn with /sg arena addspawn. If you want to remove a spawn than /sg arena removespawn <ID>
7. If you're done editing the arena, type /sg arena finish.

To use all the functions of the plugin, it's recommended to watch a tutorial video on the tutorial page!