
Ultimate Survival Games

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Main Install Config Functions Tutorial

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Version: SurvivalGames Version Beta 1.0 R2


enable-update-check: true # If this is enabled, the plugin will inform you, if a update is available.
use-permissions: true  # If you disable this, non-ops have permission to join a lobby.
broadcast-win: true  # If you disable this, a win is no longer broadcasted on server!

  on-death: true  # If a player die, a lightning strikes on his position.
  on-few-players: true  # Dis/Enable lightning if only a few players are in the game. If the deathmatch is enabled, this function does not work.
  few-players: 3  # The number of players when the lightning should start
  few-players-time: 45  # The delay between the lightning

Default: # These are defaults for arena creating. If you've already created an arena, change the settings in the database.yml!
  Enable-Voting: true  # Dis/Enable voting in the lobby. This only works if at least two arenas are in the lobby.
  Lobby-Time: 120  # time in seconds to vote or wait in the lobby
  Max-Voting-Arenas: 3  # maximal amount of arenas you can vote for.
  Required-Players-to-start: 6  # amount of players when the lobby timer should start
      TypeID: 54  # Material of chests in the arena. 54 = chest
      Data: -1  # subId of chests in the arena. -1 = ignore subId
    Grace-Period: 30  # time in seconds of the peace phase in the arena. 0 disable the phase.
    Automaticly-Deathmatch-Time: 1800  # time in seconds to start automaticly the arena deathmatch
    Player-Deathmatch-Start: 3  # amount of players to start the deathmatch automaticly
    Allowed-Blocks: # allowed blocks to place or break in the arena
    - 18 # leaves
    - 31 # long grass
    - 92 # cake
    - 103 # melon block
    - 39 # brown mushroom
    - 40 # red mushroom
    - 86 # pumpkin
    - 46 # tnt (auto explode)
    - 51 # fire (flintandsteel)
  Money-on-Kill: 2.5  # money on player kill for the player (need Vault)
  Money-on-Win: 20.0  # money on game win (need Vault)
  Midnight-chest-refill: true  # Dis/Enable the chest refill at midnight

# Here, you can configure the content of the chest in the arena. 
# Its splited in 5 levels: C1 is very commonly, C5 is rarely
# You can add unlimited items to each level. 
# Format: itemid:subid,amount Example: 350:1,3 (3 cooked salmons)

  - 271,1
  - 301,1
  - 314,1
  - 32,2
  - 287,2
  - 376,2
  - 260,3
  - 262,5
  - 364,1
  - 365,2
  - 366,1
  - 282,1
  - 268,1
  - 314,1
  - 316,1
  - 301,1
  - 320,2
  - 281,1
  - 360,2
  - 363,1
  - 262,3
  - 103,1
  - 306,1
  - 360,4
  - 283,1
  - 30,3
  - 303,1
  - 305,1
  - 398,1
  - 300,1
  - 262,4
  - 266,2
  - 46,1
  - 266,5
  - 307,1
  - 309,1
  - 302,1
  - 259,1
  - 215,1
  - 317,1
  - 272,1
  - 268,1
  - 249:3,1
  - 264,2
  - 265,2
  - 280,2
  - 3,1
  - 354,1
  - 261:168,1
  - 373:8261,1
Chest-Title: Survival Chest  # The name of the chest you open (can contains color codes | maximal length = 32)


    Show current arena: true
    Show players remain: true
  Line: # design of the join sign
    '1': '&bSurvivalGames'
    '2': '&8[&e%name%&8]'
    '3': '&o%state%'
    '4': '%currentplayers%/&7%requiredplayers%&r/%maxplayers%'
  LeavePrefix: '&bSurvivalGames' # first line of the leave sign


prefix: '&3[SurvivalGames] &6'
no-permission: '&cYou don''t have permission to do this!'
cmd-error: '&cError: %0%'
join-unknown-game: '&cThe lobby %0% does not exist!'
join-game-running: '&cThis game is already running!'
join-vehicle: '&cYou can''t join SurvivalGames in a vehicle!'
join-game-full: '&cSorry, this lobby is full!'
join-success: '%0% joined the lobby! &7(&e%1%&7/&e%2%&7)'
join-already-playing: '&cYou''re already playing!'
leave-not-playing: '&cYou aren''t playing!'
game-cooldown-big: The game starts in %0% seconds
game-cooldown-little: The game starts in %0%
game-waiting-cooldown-big: The voting ends in %0% seconds
game-waiting-cooldown-little: The voting ends in %0%
game-waiting-end: The waiting phase has been ended!
game-deathmatch-cooldown-big-minutes: '&7The final deathmatch starts in %0% minutes!'
game-deathmatch-cooldown-big-seconds: The final deathmatch starts in %0% seconds
game-deathmatch-cooldown-little: The final deathmatch starts in %0%
game-deathmatch-start: Let's start the final deathmatch!
game-deathmatch-timeout: The deathmatch ends automaticly in %0% seconds!
game-deathmatch-timeout-warning: When the deathmatch ends automaticly, the winner will be choosed random!
game-player-die-killer: '%0% was killed by %1%!'
game-player-die-damage: '%0% has died and gone from us!'
game-player-left: '%0% left the game'
game-remainplayers: '%0% tributes remain.'
game-grace-period: '&bYou have %0% seconds Grace-Period!'
game-grace-period-ended: '&bThe Grace-Period has been ended!'
game-voting-cooldown-big: The voting ends in %0% seconds
game-voting-cooldown-little: The voting ends in %0%
game-voting-end: The voting phrase has been ended!
game-no-vote: '&cYou can only vote in the voting phase of the game!'
game-bad-vote: '&cThis isn''t a valid vote ID!'
game-already-vote: '&cYou''ve already voted for a arena!'
game-no-voting-enabled: '&cSorry, voting isn''t enabled! The arena will choosed random!'
game-success-vote: You've voted successfully for arena &b%0%&6!
game-start-canceled: Not enough players are in this lobby. Cancel Timer...
game-start: The round begins, &b%0% &6players are playing! &bGood luck&6!
game-chestrefill: It's midnight! All chests are refilled!
game-win: '%0% won SurvivalGames in Arena %1% in game %2%!'
game-win-winner-message: Congratulations! You've won SurvivalGames in Arena &b%0%&6!
game-sign-info: '&7&m-----&r &6Lobby info: &e%0% &7&m-----'
game-sign-arena: 'Arena&7: &e%0%'
game-sign-playersleft: '%0% players remain&7: %1%'
game-sign-noinfo: There aren't any informations now!
game-not-loaded: '&cLobby %0% isn''t loaded!'
game-already-loaded: '&cLobby %0% is already loaded!'
game-success-loaded: Lobby %0% loaded successfully!
game-success-unloaded: Lobby %0% unloaded successfully!
game-load-error: '&cCan''t load lobby %0%! %1%'
game-already-exists: '&cThe lobby %0% already exist!'
game-created: You've created the lobby %0% successfully!
game-spawn-set: You've set the spawn for game %0% successfully!
game-set-spawn: To set the lobby of this game, type /sg game setspawn %0%
game-not-found: '&cThe Game %0% does not exists!'
game-must-enter: '&cYou must enter a name: %0%'
game-vote: 'Vote for an arena: &b/sg vote <ID>'
forbidden-command: '&cYou can''t execute this command in SurvivalGames!'
forbidden-build: '&cYou aren''t allowed to build in a SurvivalGames arena!'
arena-already-exists: '&cThe arena %0% already exists in lobby %1%!'
arena-must-select: '&cPlease select an arena with %0%!'
arena-created: You've created arena %0% in lobby %1% successfully!
arena-selected: You've selected arena %0% in lobby %1%!
arena-not-found: The arena %0% does not exists in lobby %1%!
arena-no-selection: '&cPlease select two points with the selection item: %0%'
arena-check: Type %0% to see what you have to do to complete the arena setup!
arena-spawn-added: You've added Spawn %0% successfully!
arena-spawn-removed: You removed Spawn %0% successfully!
arena-spawn-notfound: '&cSpawn %0% does not exist!'
arena-deathmatch-changed: 'You''ve changed the deathmatch: %0%!'
arena-money-win: '&eYou''ve received &a%0% &emoney for winning survival games!'
arena-money-kill: '&eYou''ve received &a%0% &emoney for killing %1%!'
arena-tools: Here is the selection tool. Left/Rightclick to set two positions!
arena-tools-worldedit: Please use the WorldEdit Wand Tool to set two positions!
config-error-name: '&cPlease enter a valid configuration name: %0%'