uHome - The Ultimate Multi-Home Plugin
Is teleporting to your homes making you suffocate? Having trouble getting in and out of minecarts? Update to v1.5.3 and set loadChunks: true in your uHome config.yml!
uHome is a fork of the wonderful MyHome plugin by tkelly and spathizilla, modified to provide multiple homes to players that are simple to use and easy for server operators to control. Developed for use on my server, Ultimate Minecraft, some features have been removed that were previously available in MyHome, namely publicizing of homes and economy support, which were removed as they were not needed on the server. Currently, economy support is implemented in v1.5a and above, and will be available in release versions shortly.
Version Support
uHome 1.5.3 is known to be compatible with all releases of CraftBukkit 1.4.7.
Feature Summary
- Creation of multiple private homes (warps) for each player.
- Bukkit SuperPerms support, including permissions variables.
- Works out of the box without config changes and no permissions plugin necessary
- Home creation limit, with support for different levels through permissions nodes.
- Command cool-downs and warm-ups, also variable according to permissions nodes.
- MySQL and SQLite support.
- Simple default home support - players can use /sethome and /home, without parameters, to warp to a default named home.
- Importing of homes from MyHome.
- Inviting of players to homes.
- Locale Support - customise uHome to talk your language, or fit your server's theme.
- Multi-world support, you decide if players can move between worlds with their homes.
- Auto completion of home names when warping.
- All commands work with online and offline players, case insensitively.
- Use Minecraft's vanilla command blocks with uHome to make teleporters in your world!
Installation & Setup
Simply download and place the uHome.jar into your plugins folder in your Bukkit directory. A configuration file is generated when running the plugin for the first time, which contains many options to adjust the behaviour of the plugin to your needs. Hopefully, the defaults provided should prove a good basis for most users. Easy permissions setup is possible by giving your players 'uhome.own' and your admins 'uhome.admin'. A 'uhome.all' node is provided that will also give the group/player no limits in addition to the player and admin command rights. If you're not a user of permissions, uHome allows all players to do basic actions by default, while giving ops full access.
For information on setting up permissions based (per group) limits, see the section entitled "Other Permissions" below.
For more configuration information, check out the Configuration page.
Need Help?
If you have any queries, you can use the comments section below and I should reply fairly quickly, as I check this page almost daily. If you'd like live support, you can ask me in IRC, either in #bukkit or #uhome under the username 'ks'. If you come across bugs, or have a feature request, create a ticket using the "Tickets" tab at the top of the page.
Live Support: irc.esper.net #uhome (May not be online, sorry!)
Commands & Permissions
Basic Commands: /home - (uhome.own.warp) - Takes you to your "home" home. /home set - (uhome.own.set) - Sets your "home" home to your current position. /home delete - (uhome.own.delete) - Deletes your home "home". /home help - Display help Multihome Commands: /home <name> - (uhome.own.warp) - Takes you to your home with the name <name>. /home list - (uhome.own.list) - Displays the homes you own. /home set <name> - (uhome.own.set) - Sets a home called <name> to your current position. /home delete <name> - (uhome.own.delete) - Deletes your home named <name>. /home limit - (uhome.own.set) - Displays the number of homes you can set. /home warp <name> - (uhome.own.warp) - Takes you to your home with the name <name>, avoiding conflicts with other commands. Invite Commands: /home invite <player> <name> - (uhome.own.invite) - Allows <player> to warp to your home called <name>. /home uninvite <player> <name> - (uhome.own.uninvite) - Removes <player> from <name>'s invited players list. /home invites [page] - (uhome.own.listinvites) - Displays the homes that you have been invited to. /home requests [page] - (uhome.own.listinvites) - Displays the players that you have invited to your homes. /home lock <name> - (uhome.own.unlock) - Locks a home, so that only those invited can warp to it. (Default behaviour.) /home unlock <name> - (uhome.own.unlock) - Unlocks a home, so that anybody who knows the name of the home may warp to it. Admin Commands: /home <player> - (uhome.admin.warp) - Warps to a player's default home (provided you have no homes with similar names). /home list <player> - (uhome.admin.list) - Lists a player's homes. /home delete <player> <name> - (uhome.admin.delete) - Delete's a player's home. /home reload - (uhome.admin.reload) - Reload uHome's configuration - Do not use this for swapping to MySQL /home <player> <name> - (uhome.admin.warp) - Takes you to the home of <player> called <name>. /home set <player> <name> - (uhome.admin.set) - Sets another player's home to your location. /home limit <player> - (uhome.admin.list) - Displays the maximum number of homes <player> can set. /home invites <player> - (uhome.admin.listinvites) - Displays the invites <player> has received. /home requests <player> - (uhome.admin.listinvites) - Displays the invites <player> has sent. /home info <player> <name> - (uhome.admin.info) - Displays information on the given home, including it's co-ordinates. /home debug - **(Console Only)** - Toggles debug logging to investigate permissions errors. Can create a lot of messages. /home <player> <owner> <name> (uhome.admin.send and uhome.admin.warp) - Sends the given player to another player's home. Can be used from the console, and from command blocks!
Other Permissions
Variable Permissions: (uhome.limit.[a-e]) - Gives the player the home limit reflected by the config. E.g. if limitB=10, and the player has the permission "uhome.limit.b", the player can make up to 10 homes. (uhome.cooldown.[a-e]) - Gives the player the cooldown time reflected by the config, as above. (uhome.warmup.[a-e]) - Gives the player the warmup time reflected by the config, as above. Bypassing Timers/Limits Permisions: (uhome.bypass) - Bypass all limits (cooldowns, warmups, bed usage and home limit) (uhome.bypass.cooldown) - Permission to bypass /home cooldowns (uhome.bypass.warmup) - Permission to bypass /home warmup (uhome.bypass.warmup.damage) - Permission to ignore damage when warming-up (uhome.bypass.warmup.movement) - Permission to ignore movement when warming-up (uhome.bypass.bed) - Permission to use /sethome when bed usage is forced. (uhome.crossworld) - Allows a player to move between worlds with homes. Admin Permissions: (uhome.all) - Has access to all commands in uHome (uhome.admin.reload) - Is able to reload uHome config.
Limits Explained
Limits and variable permissions are powerful and actually very simple to use. However, they may seem confusing at first, so for information on how to use them visit the Configuration page.
Importing From Other Plugins
uHome v1.5a and above support importing homes from both CommandBook and MyHome. For information on how to do this, please read the page Importing From Other Plugins. Would you like to see import support from other home plugins? Create a ticket!
Current Usage Stats
Stats provided from v1.5 and above only!
A huge thankyou to the original authors - tkelly and spathizilla, for their work on the base plugin. :)
Thanks to CubeNation for adding economy implementation via Vault.
Thanks to linkinkov & Schmarotzer for the Russian translation.
Another thanks to those users who consistently send good feedback, bug reports and feature requests. You know who you are!
Source code available on GitHub, feel free to fork, butcher and re-release to your liking. https:github.com/ks07/uHome
Want to see it in action? Visit Ultimate Minecraft
Sorry for the lack of updates - expect a new version in the near future. Happy new years!
Getting this error on startup:
My donators really don't want to donate more because of no limit of warping into their created homes =( can you make limited warp into single home named 'home' if limit is eq to 1, please?
I'd really like to see a compiled list of permissions nodes at the end, just so I can make sure I didn't miss anything when configuring.
Deutsche U-Home customlocale, schlecht Übersetzt, aber übersetzt ^^
German U-Home customlocale, badly translated, but translated xD
customlocale.properties (Thats just my Home-Server, bad-Downloadrate and not always online)
Ah, finally. I got a NORMAL home plug-in. This is just the plug-in I was looking for.
Thanks a bunch! :)
If you could make a ticket describing the problem in more detail, that would be helpful. Include versions and a startup log with any errors if possible.
Thanks so much! We got the problem resolved and now all players can use homes. Your config really helped.
Importing from MultiHome to MySQL Dosent seem to work.
Look at my config, maybe useful for you: http://pastebin.com/kjeRneYk
PermissionsEx: http://pastebin.com/3aVq0uEp
We had a lot of trouble with permissions so we gave up on that and i checked the config and enableDefaultPerms is set to true and non-ops still can't set homes, all they can do is tp to other people's homes.
Can you help me, please? I have a server with vip players which are alloved to set more homes (10+) than default players (1). But when the vip-account is gone, they continue to be able to warp into their homes. How can I stop them and allow warp into default home only? The same question applicable to invites to... Sorry for maybe bad english!
Hey Edipil - you will need to either use a permissions plugin and give your normal players "uhome.own", or make sure enableDefaultPerms is set to true in your config.yml.
So I installed this on my server and only op-ed people can set homes and stuff and I don't know why. Non op-ed people cannot use any of the uhome commands for some reason so I could use help figuring out why.
In case you haven't worked it out already, the plugin has always checked A to E by default. If you are using the latest version, you can change the order, and the nodes themselves by editing the config file.
@Creat1v31 - Yes. :)
@Milinus - odd. What versions of CB and uHome are you using? Are you using permissions?
I've done a default install. For some reason, only I can use the plugin, (I'm the only op on my server) none of my friends can use it. When they try /sethome it tells them they don't have permission. If they try /home set, nothing happens at all. I can warp to their homes, but they cannot, even though they haven't received any indication they created the home.
Is this compatible with minecraft 1.3.1 or 1.3.2?
There is a problem on Home limit,
If player have
He will get permission B, not C.
Could you make that if plugin checks E to A?
Glad you got it working, if you have problems in future, remember to provide as much detail as possible so others can help you as quickly as possible! :)
nvm it works now