Version 2.7.0
NOTE: This plugin requires you have Vault enabled on your server
This plugin is used to create a Turnstile to prevent players from entering certain locations without paying money/items.
A Turnstile is a gate made up of a fence block or a door, this gate is only opened by paying money (triggered by either pressing a linked button, standing on a linked pressure plate, or walking through it) or placing specific items in a linked chest. The gate will close once someone steps through it or after a certain amount of time. Money/Items goes to the Turnstile owner (Money may go to a bank)
- Supports all major Economies and Permission Plugins thanks to Vault
- You can change what command this plugin uses by editing the plugin.yml (found inside the plugin jar file)
- MultiWorld support
- Configurable properties
- Custom messages
- Turnstiles can charge specific items instead of money
- Turnstiles may be set to charge money and allow the Player to pass for free for a given amount of time (like a day pass)
- Set different Turnstiles to unique prices and owners/banks
- Make Turnstiles one way
- Players can be charged either when they open the Turnstile, or when they walk through it
- Restrict use of a specific Turnstile to a certain group
- Create private Turnstiles only you can use
- Make a Turnstile Free or Locked during a certain time of day
- Autoclose timer
- Create Signs that automatically display and update Turnstile information
- Charge users money to create turnstiles
- Only owners and admins can destroy Turnstile blocks, buttons, and chests
- Only one person may look into a Turnstile Chest at a time
- List and locate Turnstiles
- Durability support
- Supports fence blocks, iron or wood doors, trapdoors, and fence gates
Permission Nodes:
- turnstile.open = Needed to open a Turnstile
- turnstile.sign = Needed to make a Turnstile Sign
- turnstile.make = Needed to make a Turnstile (/ts make)
- turnstile.set.price = Needed to set the price of a Turnstile (/ts price)
- turnstile.set.owner = Needed to the owner of a Turnstile (/ts owner)
- turnstile.set.access = Needed to set who has access to a Turnstile (/ts access)
- turnstile.set.bank = Needed to set the bank that a Turnstile is connected to (/ts bank)
- turnstile.set.free = Needed to set the time that a Turnstile is free (/ts free)
- turnstile.set.locked = Needed to set the time that a Turnstile is locked (/ts locked)
- turnstile.earned = Needed to see how much a Turnstile has earned (/ts earned)
- turnstile.collect = Needed to collect money/items from a Turnstile (/ts collect)
- turnstile.list = Needed to see a list of Turnstiles (/ts list)
- turnstile.info = Needed to See info about a Turnstile (/ts info)
- turnstile.openfree = Open Turnstiles free of charge
- turnstile.ignoreowner = Edit other Players' Turnstiles
Turnstile Signs:
Turnstile Signs can automatically update information
Each Sign can display two pieces of information such as:
- Name: The name of the Turnstile
- Price: The amount of money to use the Turnstile
- Cost: The item cost to use the Turnstile
- Counter: The amount of Players who used the Turnstile
- Money: The amount of money the Turnstile has earned
- Items: The amount of items the Turnstile has earned
- Access: Whether the Turnstile is public or private
- Status: Whether the Turnstile is open, free, or locked
- ts link
- [Turnstile Name]
- [Information type 1]
- [Information type 2]
I am going to add a debug option in the next release which should help you discover the issue
EDIT: Didn't have a chance to add the debug option but wanted to get the new version out.
Few problems..
/ts unlink doesn't work.. gives help
And when turnstile is open enderpearl can tp true it...
Yes, I use Vault.
did you use the plugin ""vault"
you need to have it or that that doesn't work
ok thank you i'm waiting for the new uptdate ^^
I can't get the plugin working correctly.
I think it is not the turnstile.openfree, because I can edit the other permission nodes so that they work. A sample: I set turnstile.make: false and I couldn't make a turnstile anymore, but when I set turnstile.openfree: false, there happens nothing.
I hope you can help me.
if you dont use a permissions plugin then you have that permission if your an op
Thank you for the answer, but the problem is that the turnstile won't charge anyone of the server. I don't use permissions, so I don't know what I have to do.
Thanks for finding this bug. I have fixed it but am in the middle of adding a few large features that I must finish b4 updating
if you do want want to get money from the Turnstile then set the owner to "server". You proly also have the 'turnstile.openfree' node so it won't charge you
I am trying to set a price for my turnstile, but it doesn't take the money of my account. Worse, when I am the owner of the turnstile and I open it, it will give me the money.
I hope you can tell me what I am doing wrong.
i found a bug
when i write /ts rename (name) (newname) on my turnstile a message say :" you must target the turnstile chest you wish to collect from"
i think the command /ts rename is like /ts collect
could you fix that?
This plugin requires that you have the plugin Vault enabled on your server
I have download Turnstile 2.2.0 and place in the folder plugins like everyone else. My server is bukkit 1.0.1, but when i launch the start_server.bat this message appear:
2011-12-24 11:47:16 [SEVERE] Could not load 'plugins\Turnstile.jar' in folder 'plugins': Vault org.bukkit.plugin.UnknownDependencyException: Vault at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.loadPlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:135) at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:215) at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins(SimplePluginManager.java:136) at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(CraftServer.java:151) at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.<init>(CraftServer.java:127) at net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigurationManager.<init>(ServerConfigurationManager.java:52) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(MinecraftServer.java:145) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:399) at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:457)
what exactly are you typing?
/ts nofraud won't let me change state... It just prints out the help.
Vault will automattically link Turnstile and iConomy.
Hey, Is it possible to connect IConomy6 to it? Ive looked through everything and cant seem to find anything that will allow me to create a turnstyle and have a regular player come along and get the money deducted out of their account.
have you tried version 2.2.0?
Sorry for the wait, here is the .dat (I've put 0 for the price just for Turnstile to work without error)
are you using version 2.1.2? If so I need to see the .dat file
turnstile.save :