Version 2.7.0
NOTE: This plugin requires you have Vault enabled on your server
This plugin is used to create a Turnstile to prevent players from entering certain locations without paying money/items.
A Turnstile is a gate made up of a fence block or a door, this gate is only opened by paying money (triggered by either pressing a linked button, standing on a linked pressure plate, or walking through it) or placing specific items in a linked chest. The gate will close once someone steps through it or after a certain amount of time. Money/Items goes to the Turnstile owner (Money may go to a bank)
- Supports all major Economies and Permission Plugins thanks to Vault
- You can change what command this plugin uses by editing the plugin.yml (found inside the plugin jar file)
- MultiWorld support
- Configurable properties
- Custom messages
- Turnstiles can charge specific items instead of money
- Turnstiles may be set to charge money and allow the Player to pass for free for a given amount of time (like a day pass)
- Set different Turnstiles to unique prices and owners/banks
- Make Turnstiles one way
- Players can be charged either when they open the Turnstile, or when they walk through it
- Restrict use of a specific Turnstile to a certain group
- Create private Turnstiles only you can use
- Make a Turnstile Free or Locked during a certain time of day
- Autoclose timer
- Create Signs that automatically display and update Turnstile information
- Charge users money to create turnstiles
- Only owners and admins can destroy Turnstile blocks, buttons, and chests
- Only one person may look into a Turnstile Chest at a time
- List and locate Turnstiles
- Durability support
- Supports fence blocks, iron or wood doors, trapdoors, and fence gates
Permission Nodes:
- turnstile.open = Needed to open a Turnstile
- turnstile.sign = Needed to make a Turnstile Sign
- turnstile.make = Needed to make a Turnstile (/ts make)
- turnstile.set.price = Needed to set the price of a Turnstile (/ts price)
- turnstile.set.owner = Needed to the owner of a Turnstile (/ts owner)
- turnstile.set.access = Needed to set who has access to a Turnstile (/ts access)
- turnstile.set.bank = Needed to set the bank that a Turnstile is connected to (/ts bank)
- turnstile.set.free = Needed to set the time that a Turnstile is free (/ts free)
- turnstile.set.locked = Needed to set the time that a Turnstile is locked (/ts locked)
- turnstile.earned = Needed to see how much a Turnstile has earned (/ts earned)
- turnstile.collect = Needed to collect money/items from a Turnstile (/ts collect)
- turnstile.list = Needed to see a list of Turnstiles (/ts list)
- turnstile.info = Needed to See info about a Turnstile (/ts info)
- turnstile.openfree = Open Turnstiles free of charge
- turnstile.ignoreowner = Edit other Players' Turnstiles
Turnstile Signs:
Turnstile Signs can automatically update information
Each Sign can display two pieces of information such as:
- Name: The name of the Turnstile
- Price: The amount of money to use the Turnstile
- Cost: The item cost to use the Turnstile
- Counter: The amount of Players who used the Turnstile
- Money: The amount of money the Turnstile has earned
- Items: The amount of items the Turnstile has earned
- Access: Whether the Turnstile is public or private
- Status: Whether the Turnstile is open, free, or locked
- ts link
- [Turnstile Name]
- [Information type 1]
- [Information type 2]
unfortunately abandoned, which is a shame as it was a great plugin!
is there a way to link more than one turnstile to a single button ?
unfortunately, although now possible to set up the turnstile, once done and it is opened, it isn't possible to pass through. The plugin pushes you back and then says you cannot go that way through a turnstile
I think this really does need moving to spigot.org, most plugins are over there now :)
New dev version up on github :D
User Actions Following
Cody Sommer @Codisimus @KBCraftgaming I plan to update my plugins as I move them to my new website. Turnstile or ButtonWarp will be next. Whichever is less work.
let me know if you find anything similar, been looking for a while now and struggling to find a plugin that act's in a similar way without too much complexity. :)
Definitely seems like it's time to call it quits and label this one abandoned :/
I've tried reaching out to the developer a few times, don't think it's gonna happen.
Time to find a suitable replacement!
It's a shame that this amazing plugin appears to have been abandoned, it would be well worth paying for as a spigot premium plugin!
Would love the plugin to just work, it's totally broken in 1.8+ :( Different doors etc would just be icing on the cake.
Last update Jan 20, 2013.
Really? I would like to use this plugin with 1.8 doors...
Any news on the dev version? We sadly have a few areas shut down until the update :(
still hoping for a dev version :)
Hi, is here any way you could put the dev version on jenkins? thanks
Hi, I dropped you a message via skype, thanks
I have a dev build ready if you'd like to try it. Can you contact me on Skype? My username is Codisimus.
Getting quite desperate for this one to control access to our features
Keenly awaiting the new release :D
That's great :D
I've no doubt banks are tricky, we just set ours to pay to one of the op staff, in fact an option to just 'deduct' the amount as opposed to pay would be a really useful addition for server features :)
Looking forward to seeing the new version :D
I am working on rewriting this. The code was really outdated. I was also thinking about dropping support for banks but it looks like people would still use it. I will have to write that back in. Once I am done, it will be much more efficient and of course work with 1.8. You may lose all of you save files in the update process, but it will allow me to release the update sooner.