Version 2.7.0
NOTE: This plugin requires you have Vault enabled on your server
This plugin is used to create a Turnstile to prevent players from entering certain locations without paying money/items.
A Turnstile is a gate made up of a fence block or a door, this gate is only opened by paying money (triggered by either pressing a linked button, standing on a linked pressure plate, or walking through it) or placing specific items in a linked chest. The gate will close once someone steps through it or after a certain amount of time. Money/Items goes to the Turnstile owner (Money may go to a bank)
- Supports all major Economies and Permission Plugins thanks to Vault
- You can change what command this plugin uses by editing the plugin.yml (found inside the plugin jar file)
- MultiWorld support
- Configurable properties
- Custom messages
- Turnstiles can charge specific items instead of money
- Turnstiles may be set to charge money and allow the Player to pass for free for a given amount of time (like a day pass)
- Set different Turnstiles to unique prices and owners/banks
- Make Turnstiles one way
- Players can be charged either when they open the Turnstile, or when they walk through it
- Restrict use of a specific Turnstile to a certain group
- Create private Turnstiles only you can use
- Make a Turnstile Free or Locked during a certain time of day
- Autoclose timer
- Create Signs that automatically display and update Turnstile information
- Charge users money to create turnstiles
- Only owners and admins can destroy Turnstile blocks, buttons, and chests
- Only one person may look into a Turnstile Chest at a time
- List and locate Turnstiles
- Durability support
- Supports fence blocks, iron or wood doors, trapdoors, and fence gates
Permission Nodes:
- turnstile.open = Needed to open a Turnstile
- turnstile.sign = Needed to make a Turnstile Sign
- turnstile.make = Needed to make a Turnstile (/ts make)
- turnstile.set.price = Needed to set the price of a Turnstile (/ts price)
- turnstile.set.owner = Needed to the owner of a Turnstile (/ts owner)
- turnstile.set.access = Needed to set who has access to a Turnstile (/ts access)
- turnstile.set.bank = Needed to set the bank that a Turnstile is connected to (/ts bank)
- turnstile.set.free = Needed to set the time that a Turnstile is free (/ts free)
- turnstile.set.locked = Needed to set the time that a Turnstile is locked (/ts locked)
- turnstile.earned = Needed to see how much a Turnstile has earned (/ts earned)
- turnstile.collect = Needed to collect money/items from a Turnstile (/ts collect)
- turnstile.list = Needed to see a list of Turnstiles (/ts list)
- turnstile.info = Needed to See info about a Turnstile (/ts info)
- turnstile.openfree = Open Turnstiles free of charge
- turnstile.ignoreowner = Edit other Players' Turnstiles
Turnstile Signs:
Turnstile Signs can automatically update information
Each Sign can display two pieces of information such as:
- Name: The name of the Turnstile
- Price: The amount of money to use the Turnstile
- Cost: The item cost to use the Turnstile
- Counter: The amount of Players who used the Turnstile
- Money: The amount of money the Turnstile has earned
- Items: The amount of items the Turnstile has earned
- Access: Whether the Turnstile is public or private
- Status: Whether the Turnstile is open, free, or locked
- ts link
- [Turnstile Name]
- [Information type 1]
- [Information type 2]
it looks like you have set a price for the Turnstile but don't have a Economy plugin enabled
It's too much text to write here, click this link to get to a google docs where you can download the textfile.
@Codisimus I mean you can use a command to spawn a turnslide, it would be much faster and better.
And you can have diffrent designs you can spawn.
I'm going to try to make Turnstile crash again so I can see the errors :P
I'll get back to you when I have it.
any errors printed? make sure you are using the latest version
any errors printed? and I don't know wut you mean by the design thing
This plugin isn't working for me. I am running the latest Bukkit Build. When i am in the game and i type /ts make 1 it says: An Internal Error Occured While Attempting to Preform This Command Please Help
Every time I use the plugin I get "Could not pass this on".
Even if I just try to use a turnstile, use a /ts command. Everything.
Could it be another plugin that fucks it up? It started acting like this after I updated the server to 1.0.
I really need help fast, I'm launching the server this weekend, and we can't do it without your plguin :(
And I have an idea. You stand on a flat surface and write like /ts create 1 Gate button 200
That will spawn a turnstile in design one with a button and it will cost 200 to enter.
You can have many diffrent designs.
'Gate' is the name
thanks a lot and again amazing plugin
fixed in version 2.1.2
hmm, I'll test it out and fix wutever is wrong tonight.
Good idea!! :) :)
when i push a button ,turnstile say to me "you don't have enough money" my turnstile fence just cost 5.0 dollars and i have 10000000 lol how can i fix that or could you fix that? i'm using vault and iconomy 6
Looks good.
Looks like I'll go with that. thanks.
the plugin vault is here for you http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/vault/ it work better than register
Added to my bookmark, when it works with iConomy, or anything similar, I'll defiantly use this, also - if I really like this plugin, expect a donation! ;)
it seems that Register went inactive, I will have to update economy support myself then. I believe there is something new that works the same way. Stay tuned
Not working with iConomy 6.
it charges me 5 coins and allows me to pass through but no reductions are made to my /money readout
@xjonny84x @ghost76549 @hainkiwanki
Fixed fence blocks closing too soon in 1.0.0
Let me know if this still occurs with the newest version
Each Turnstile can now individually set to oneway
@WhiteNightFury @theMatty @WhiteNightFury
retest with newest version
same thing for me the fence close before i cross it
turnstile is a good plugin are there a dev build or something to fix that problem?
@hainkiwanki - if you use a bukkit build for minecraft 1.0 it will close before you pass through. If you notice, his plugin is only compadible with RB 1337 or Minecraft beta 1.8.1. I too had this issue when i played with an upgrade to see what would break and what would still work. So until bukkit releases another RB, we will have to wait for a fix action.