About TrophyHeads
A plugin that causes players (and or mobs) to drop their heads when they die.
- Players can drop their heads when they die based on configuration settings.
- Players can spawn head with the /headspawn command. (Requires permissions.)
- Players can rename heads using a named piece of paper plus a head in a craftbox.
- Mobs optionally drop heads.
- Right click a skull to see who it belonged to.
How to install
- Just drop the jar file in your plugins directory and restart your server.
- Update config.yml as needed.
- Update permissions.
trophyheads.spawn - Allow player to run /headspawn command. (Default: op)
trophyheads.give - Allow player to run /headgive command. (Default: op)
trophyheads.drop - Allows players to drop heads. (Default: true) - Allows players to sneak punch a skull to see the owner. (Default: true)
trophyheads.reload - Allows players to use /trophyreload command. (Default: op)
See config.yml
drop-chance - The percentage chance of player dropping a head. A whole number between 0 and 100.
death-types - A list containing any of the following.
player-skin - Set to true or false. If true then a placed head will display the correct skin.
Spawn a player head.
/headspawn ([player]) ([count])
Aliases: /head
/headgive [player] [skull name] ([count])
Aliases: /headg
Reload configuration
Aliases: /threload, /thr
Known Issues
- Placing the head causes it to lose part of its meta data.
HOW IS THIS EVEN LEGAL ME AND MY FRIEND KILLED THE WITHER WITH THIS MOD AN WHAT WE GOT WAS FUCKING SHOCKING... Well heres what we goit A FUCKING NAZI HEAD WITH THE NAZI LOGO ON IT! HOW Why is this mod legel or is it someting else if you have this mod on your server try typing this /head MHF_wither yeah this will givee you a fucking nazi head if im wrong tell me beacause i dont know what to fucking do!
In reply to socketsct:
The reason this is happening if because the owner of the MHF_Wither account has changed their skin to a nazi symbol. You can see that here I recommend changing your config.yml and using a different account for the Wither skulls. Please also use the in-game reporting system to report the MHF_Wither account.
In reply to cnaude:
I am shocked as "socketsct" who send this comment, but shocked because you have even responded to this idiot and obvious troll
how do I disable animals heads drop?
Seems like a good plugin
Only problem is whenever I break a head, it turns into a regular Skeleton Skull :/
I'm aware of this, I was used to sneak+left click on it :I I'd stick with the version I use actually than the updated one I'm quite too used with this feature xD
Until then, I'll wont update to the latest release, without this feature (Always used to shift + left click on heads) than right clicking on them... sorry
EDIT: I've forked your plugin then myself (I know its bad) had to decompile the current version I have on my server and using that part of code in your current releases and I got it to work :)
To get info on a head use right click instead.
sneak-punch-info: true sneak-punch-no-break: true
are missing thus no work with the latest release :I Why it got removed?
All of the heads on my server are displaying the Alex and Steve skins instead of any of the players or mobs. I've tried changing the "player-skin" and "rename-enabled" settings to every combination of true and false and nothing works. I haven't changed any of the skin names in the config. I'm running MC 1.9.4 and TrophyHeads 1.12.7-46.
Nevermind. However, when breaking a head, it drops as an unknown head. Also, sometimes, heads of the same type do not stack.
Running 1.8. Set player drop rate to 100, and players still do not drop heads.
That's an interesting drop rate. I'm going to have to do some random number testing in java and see whats going on. My calculations are pretty simple. Even with a 4% drop rate you can technically drop 30 heads. It's all probability.
Hey there cnaude.
It seems as though the drop rates are not what I have set them to in the config, I'm guessing that drop value of 100 means %100 drop chance, 1 would be %1. Most of the passive mobs I set to 4, but in-game the chance is a lot more than %4, i killed 30 cows and got 4 heads on my first test. Am I using the drop values incorrectly, if not then I think the drop chances could do with a touch up in the next update.
Other than this I think you have done a really awesome job with this plugin :D
Is this perm for the victim or the killer? trophyheads.drop
I would like to have two separat permissions, one for killing players so that it drops heads and one that specifies if the player can drop their head.
Like these from playerheads: playerheads.canbeheadmob playerheads.canlosehead playerheads.canbehead
Please implement all features that playerheads has so we have a supported head drop plugin:
Most importantly we need a drop rate, the chance of a head drop per mob.
Works perfectly! Thank you so much :)
@cnaude I sent you a PM :)
The skins are not saved anywhere. The minecraft client will grab the skin from the mojang servers based on whatever the head is named. It is entirely possible for different clients to see different skins depending on how things are cached.
How are the heads skin 'saved'? I can't see anything server side, so I am guessing its stored at the client side? Is this permanently saved or refreshed after a while?
I am asking as we have a situation where some players are seeing different skins for the same player head or seeing a player head drop an old skin.