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TNTCannon v0.7b

Extremely simple, minimal configuration, fun addition to the game. What this plugin does is turn a dispenser into a cannon. What happens is when you create a sign behind the dispenser and then, after adjusting the aiming, click on the sign with a Flint and Steel equipped you will fire various types of projectiles and effects depending on what kind of barrel and what type of ammunition recipe is in the dispenser. Youtube demonstration: Source:


  • Ball (Clay ball, Paper, Sulphur): Fires a basic, small explosive, projectile.
  • Fireball (FireCharge, Paper, Sulphur): Similar to ball round except incendiary.
  • Explode (TNT, Paper, Sulphur): Fires a high explosive TNT projectile.
  • Catapult (MineCart, TNT): Launches a nearby entity with a minor explosion on contact.
  • Buck (Four of each: Melon Seeds, Paper, Sulphur): Fires a barrage of 'pellets' that individually do minor explosive damage.
  • Buster (Eye of Ender, Paper, Sulphur): Fires a tunneling round that creates a very large explosion inside the target.


Barrels alter the effects of ammunition. Barrel materials include : Iron Block, Gold Block, Diamond Block, Emerald Block.

  • Normal (three iron blocks):Basic barrel with no additional effects.
  • Long (more than three of any barrel material): Upgraded Velocity
  • Short (less than three of any barrel material): Lowered Velocity
  • None: No special effects with terrible accuracy and lower than normal power.
  • Catapult (one emerald block followed by two iron blocks): Improved catapult round accuracy and velocity.
  • Shotgun (one gold block followed by two iron blocks): Improved buck round accuracy and velocity.
  • Fireball (one diamond block followed by two iron blocks): Improved fireball round accuracy and velocity.


Allows overriding Sign protections. Includes tntcannon.sign.
Allows creation of Cannon signs.


  • To create a sign:
    • Face the back of the dispenser, and place the sign.
    • On the FIRST line type: [cannon]
    • On the SECOND line, leave it blank for private or for public type: public.


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