
Welcome to the TheWalls setup guide!

Using this plugin, you can have 100% automated The Walls games on your server.
Currently, you cannot change things such as game length, minimum people to start game, and things like that.
These are things I plan on adding in the future.

How to setup the plugin.

Step 1: Install Multiverse, Permissions, and TheWalls.
Step 2: Link Removed: and import the backup world into Multiverse. (After putting the backup folder into your main server folder, do /mv import backup normal)
Step 3: TP to the backup world (/mvtp backup), stand in the middle of the map (where all four sides meet), and do /setback.
Step 4: Shutdown your server and delete the uid.dat from the backup world.
Step 5: Create multiple copies of the backup world, name them world1, world2, and so on. (Names suggested, not required.)
Step 6: Import these worlds into Multiverse, TP to the world, stand in the middle of the map (where all four sides meet), and do /add.
Step 7: Create a waiting location for people, I suggest the end, stand where you want them to spawn, and to /setwait. DO NOT MAKE THIS IN THE BACKUP OR LOBBY WORLDS.
Step 8: Enjoy.

(P.S.) Make sure all the world configs are right in the multiverse worlds config file. Monsters are supposed to be off, animals are supposed to be on, and I suggest setting it to at least normal.


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