Simple, player-directed plugin allowing for Walls games to be created and managed easily.
Brought here by an update notification and can't find a newer version?
Go to this Dropbox page to look for the newest version (Warning: Not approved by BukkitDev staff)
- Virtual mode (disables redstone, optional time notifications, configurable time until walls drop)
- Automatic update notification (since v1.3)
- Join a queue for the next game, teleporting you to the waiting area
- Leave the queue, teleporting you back to where you were before
- Separate inventories
- Optionally join team 1–4 (will be auto sorted into a team otherwise)
- Command to start the game, activate the redstone, and teleport players to their starting positions
- Block rule-breaking (such as breaking the walls, or doing anything before the game starts)
- All dead players will respawn at their previous locations
- 1 team can win the game
- The winner will receive a configurable prize (default: 1 diamond) and be teleported back to their previous location (Supports Vault for economy)
- The world will be automatically reset to its normal state when someone wins the game or an admin uses the command '/thewalls restoreworld'
- Automatically attempt to start games 10 minutes after the server starts and every 15 minutes
Step-by-Step Guide
- /thewalls - Display TheWalls2 help
- /thewalls join - Joins the game queue
- /thewalls leave - Leaves the game queue
- /thewalls team <1–4> - Joins a team
- /thewalls start - Starts a game
- /thewalls stop - Stops a game
- /thewalls restoreworld - Restores the world
Bold - Requires OP or permission node
/thewalls - /tw, /twalls
- Concurrent games
- Team chat
- TagAPI integration
- Compasses point towards enemy players
- Localization
- Suggestions please (Post in the comments or on GitHub)
Bug Reports
Please post these on GitHub or, if that's not possible, in the comments below. Please provide (at minimum) the following information:
- What the most likely cause of the issue was (such as what you were doing at the time)
- Any errors displayed in the console (Please use for these!)
- The version numbers of the plugin and of Craftbukkit (Don't say 'latest'!)
- Any additional information you can provide, such as potentially conflicting plugins
Need Help?
- Make sure you have read the Step-by-Step Guide
- Post a ticket on GitHub
- Post a comment on this page
- E-mail me ([email protected])
Servers using TheWalls2 (follow the link for information on getting your server listed)
Take your time! The longer we wait, the better it will be for all of us in the long run. Just wondering, when do you expect to put out the Walls update? Sometime this week?
Another update: I apologize once again for the delays. I've been taking a lot of time to consider how everything in the API should work. I suppose I should mention that now, actually; the next version will depend on an external library. This is mainly for the sake of having one standard implementation between mini-game plugins. However, it will be an automatically downloaded dependency, so you won't have to worry about downloading it as well. This also means that you can expect to see me releasing more plugins using this library in the future. I'm thinking Survival Games and Super Craft Bros. at the moment, and more are sure to follow.
Awesome! We appreciate your updates. You are one of few plugin developers who give this kind of updates. Keeps peoples hopes up. :) Cant wait to use this plugin. I am using it but its a bit buggy and not working as it should so its not fully up on my serevr. Cant wait to keep it working 24/7. :) I got a multiverse server and if this plugin is good enough i got myself another world :P.
Thanks again
Quick update: it's taken me longer than I thought, but I'm almost done with the new version. The main thing that has to be done now is testing. I might release a beta build tomorrow.
The last Walls plugin that works the maker of the SurvivalGames Plugin abaned there verson so thats never comeing out but hoots is the best tho no matter what cant wait for update :)
Good to hear! Can't wait.
Thanks. It's always inspiring to see comments like these :)
Either today or tomorrow, seeing as it's a long weekend for most people.
Is the update coming today? It's Saturday already. :p
That'd be awesome, I've been looking for a working Walls plugin for months (all the other ones are broken/dead). Keep up the awesome work! :D
Hopefully sometime this weekend.
Do you have any idea when you'll push out the next update? :D
The random player located bug was fixed a while ago, but I haven't put it into a build yet. Thanks for telling me about the lobby health bug, though. I figured that blocking interaction to prevent players from hitting each other would be enough, but maybe not.
As for the suggestions:
Thanks for the report.
v1.7.1a works pretty well on 1.4.7.
Yes, that's one of the key features of the plugin. It's designed to be used on multi-purpose servers.
alright, i want to add TheWalls game to my server , but im not sure if the plugin work with multi-worlds.
so im asking if i can add TheWalls2 plugin and map in new world and would that work without problems !?
I'm not quite sure what you're asking. Can you rephrase that?
hey i got huge server with multiv so i got around 12 worlds can i add mcthewalls as another world and let players play it when they go to that world ,or that wont work?
Thank you very much! It's working fine for me now!
Those errors actually occur when a player logs in but is no longer in the game. You must not have a world called 'world' on your server, which is the default fallback world (set in the config). Make sure you create that world or set the fallback world to something else.
This is one error when I start my server
14:25:18 [WARNING] [TheWalls2] Task #7 for TheWalls2 v1.7.1 generated an excepti on java.lang.NullPointerException at me.Hoot215.TheWalls2.TheWalls2PlayerListener$ at :53) at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_4_R1.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHea rtbeat( at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_R1.MinecraftServer.r( 30) at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_R1.DedicatedServer.r( 24) at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_R1.MinecraftServer.q( 94) at :427) at 49)
And this is the error when I am restoring the world
14:25:18 [WARNING] [TheWalls2] Task #7 for TheWalls2 v1.7.1 generated an excepti on java.lang.NullPointerException at me.Hoot215.TheWalls2.TheWalls2PlayerListener$ at :53) at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_4_R1.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHea rtbeat( at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_R1.MinecraftServer.r( 30) at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_R1.DedicatedServer.r( 24) at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_R1.MinecraftServer.q( 94) at :427) at 49)