Simple, player-directed plugin allowing for Walls games to be created and managed easily.
Brought here by an update notification and can't find a newer version?
Go to this Dropbox page to look for the newest version (Warning: Not approved by BukkitDev staff)
- Virtual mode (disables redstone, optional time notifications, configurable time until walls drop)
- Automatic update notification (since v1.3)
- Join a queue for the next game, teleporting you to the waiting area
- Leave the queue, teleporting you back to where you were before
- Separate inventories
- Optionally join team 1–4 (will be auto sorted into a team otherwise)
- Command to start the game, activate the redstone, and teleport players to their starting positions
- Block rule-breaking (such as breaking the walls, or doing anything before the game starts)
- All dead players will respawn at their previous locations
- 1 team can win the game
- The winner will receive a configurable prize (default: 1 diamond) and be teleported back to their previous location (Supports Vault for economy)
- The world will be automatically reset to its normal state when someone wins the game or an admin uses the command '/thewalls restoreworld'
- Automatically attempt to start games 10 minutes after the server starts and every 15 minutes
Step-by-Step Guide
- /thewalls - Display TheWalls2 help
- /thewalls join - Joins the game queue
- /thewalls leave - Leaves the game queue
- /thewalls team <1–4> - Joins a team
- /thewalls start - Starts a game
- /thewalls stop - Stops a game
- /thewalls restoreworld - Restores the world
Bold - Requires OP or permission node
/thewalls - /tw, /twalls
- Concurrent games
- Team chat
- TagAPI integration
- Compasses point towards enemy players
- Localization
- Suggestions please (Post in the comments or on GitHub)
Bug Reports
Please post these on GitHub or, if that's not possible, in the comments below. Please provide (at minimum) the following information:
- What the most likely cause of the issue was (such as what you were doing at the time)
- Any errors displayed in the console (Please use for these!)
- The version numbers of the plugin and of Craftbukkit (Don't say 'latest'!)
- Any additional information you can provide, such as potentially conflicting plugins
Need Help?
- Make sure you have read the Step-by-Step Guide
- Post a ticket on GitHub
- Post a comment on this page
- E-mail me ([email protected])
Servers using TheWalls2 (follow the link for information on getting your server listed)
Ah, that would explain it then. Well, v1.3 onwards should fix your issue. Please let me know if it doesn't.
Yea our clan has a test server, and #2's problem was the slow chunk loading on the world
Also previously when we had one game done with few friends, but when we join the 2nd game, we didn't teleport to the thewalls2 lobby. Instead it just spawned us in mid air and dropped us to the bottom.
I guess I'm going to need to implement a movement check anyway to make sure people aren't climbing over the outside walls, so I might as well. Thanks for the suggestion.
That problem (#2) is because of how the map was designed itself.
I redid the spawn points on my map so it isn't glitchy.
Maybe you should have it so players can't move out of their spawn points like in SG.
Dropbox link: HERE
Dropbox link: HERE
Hm... can you post your config file as well?
Also, I'll be releasing a new version in a few minutes which might fix this issue.
Now I have this problem:
1. I guess I should add the functionality to do that, although you can just re-join the queue to fix this for now.
2. Really? That shouldn't be happening. Is the world being restored after every game? If not, are there any errors in the console? The only other explanation I can think of is that the chunks aren't loading soon enough. If that's the case, you could try using Spout, but I'll try to fix this.
3. That shouldn't be happening either, and I can't seem to reproduce this issue. Are there any errors in the console and is the redstone actually being triggered (Try looking at the redstone behind the clocks to find out)?
This is a very awesome plugin. So far I'm using it, I have some issues with the plugin.
1. We cannot switch teams while you're in a team already 2. People get glitched into the stone slab when you start the game and then they end up dying 3. Sometimes the slabs doesn't push up to get out of the hole.
I know there is tons of problems in this plugin, but some of them needs to be resolved soon
thanks for your time!
Thanks :)
Any suggestions on what to implement next would be appreciated.
Looks good. Keep it going! :)
Dropbox link: HERE
I look forward to trying this out when the new build is posted.
(I already replied to you via PM, but I figured I would still reply here)
By default, you will need to download The Walls 2 map from here and then rename it to a world called 'thewalls2' (although you can change this in the config). Then simply launch the server, and you're done (apart from actually starting the game, which is documented above).
An improved version of the plugin will likely be uploaded tomorrow as the first fully stable (hopefully?) release.
Response to edit: That will be in the next version as well.
Cant wait until its fully automatic!