Installation & Configuration

Installation & Configuration

Installation Instructions

The instructions below are only for installing SpawnJoin. If updating, please refer to the instructions in the "Update Instructions" section of this page.

  1. Download the SpawnJoin.jar version for the supported version of your server.
  2. Put the SpawnJoin.jar file in your plugins folder in the server directory
  3. Stop and restart your server so that all of the required SpawnJoin files can be generated. (DO NOT reload as this can cause many severe problems)
  4. After your server has started back up navigate to the SpawnJoin folder in the plugin folder in the server directory
  5. Edit SpawnJoin's settings to your likings.
  6. Restart your server for the changes to take effect.
  7. Finally enjoy all of the wonderful features SpawnJoin has to offer to your server.

Update Instructions

The instructions below are only for updating SpawnJoin. If it is your first time installing SpawnJoin, please refer to the instructions in the "Installation Instructions" section of this page.

  1. Download the latest SpawnJoin.jar version for the supported version of your server.
  2. Stop your server. (DO NOT reload as this can cause many severe problems)
  3. Delete the old SpawnJoin.jar file from your plugins folder and replace it with the new version of the plugin.
  4. If the new SpawnJoin version requires you to delete files to update them, delete the files needed to be changed. (Usually only the config.yml and/or messages.yml) If you do not do this, the plugin will notify you on startup and will then break if you try to use something that was changed/added.
  5. Start your server back up to generate the new/changed files once again.
  6. Stop your server and change any of the plugin's settings to your likings.
  7. Finally start your server back up and enjoy the new, updated, an improved version of SpawnJoin.

Config File

Notes added in manually, not in actual config.
Config displayed is for the newest version of plugin.
Config for "SpawnJoin Version 5.1.6"

#This is for the plugin. If you change it, the plugin will break.
DO NOT DELETE: SpawnJoin is developed and managed by Shades161
Config Version: '5.2'
# If true, upon start up, and a player joins with the permission the plugin will check for a new update. (Suggested as true)
Check for Updates: true
#If true, when I join the server, it will announce that I, the developer, has joined.
Announce Dev Join: true
#If Debug is true, it will print extra info to help solve simple issues and help the dev when you file a ticket.
Debug: true
#Choose the first two letters of the supported language file. (This is not implemented yet)
Language: En
#If true, you can set costs for teleports. Not yet implemented.
Use Economy: true
#Settings for SpawnJoin (if and where a player will be teleported upon join)
#Whether or not SpawnJoin(Auto teleportation upon join) is enabled (if false, settings below do nothing).
  Enabled: true
#If true, when a player has the bypass permission they will not be teleported on join. If false, no player can bypass the auto tp.
  AllowBypass: true
 #Specific world settings for join here.
    #If true, any time a player joins, no matter what world, they will be teleported to the specified location
    All: true
    #If "Join > Worlds > all" is false, this list should contain worlds in which a joining player should be teleported. Worlds not in this list are ignored.
    - aMinigamesWorld
    - exampleWorld1
#Command you want to use. Accepted commands (Hub, Warp, Lobby) (Not case sensitive).
  Command: Hub
#The location for the command, you only need to set it for the command you want used, it will ignore the rest.
    Hub: ExampleHub
    Lobby: ExampleLobby
    Warp: ExampleWarp
#Settings for all commands. Whether they are enabled, a teleportation delay and possible cooldown delays.
    Enabled: true
    Delay: 1
    Enabled: true
    Delay: 1
    Enabled: true
    Delay: 1
    Enabled: true
    Delay: 1
    Enabled: true
    Delay: 1
    Cooldown: 1
    Enabled: true
    Delay: 1
    Enabled: true
    Delay: 1
#Default limit is the default amount of homes a player can set. (This only works for new players)
    DefaultLimit: 1
#If true, ranks in the homeSettings.yml file will be used, players given the permission ( will be given the home limit as defined in the homeSettings.yml file.
    UseRankLimits: false
#Global home limits (or limits for ALL players are set here) this will override per-player limits. Keep it disabled if you want to use the per-player limits.
      Enabled: false
      Limit: 3
#Settings for the inventory menus.
#Use, if true, will let you use the inventory menu, if false, it will just be the default list.
#Name is the name of the menu ingame.
    Use: true
    Name: '&6Warp Selector'
    #Should it show the cost to teleport there?
    ShowCost: true
    Use: true
    Name: '&6Hub Selector'
    #Should it show the cost to teleport there?
    ShowCost: true
    Use: true
    Name: '&6Lobby Selector'
    #Should it show the cost to teleport there?
    ShowCost: true
    Use: true
    Name: '&6Spectate Location Selector'
    #Should it show the cost to teleport there?
    ShowCost: true
    Use: true
    Name: '&6Spawn Selector'
    #Should it show the cost to teleport there?
    ShowCost: true
    #If it should show how many players are in the world.
    ShowPlayerCount: true
    Use: true
    Name: '&6Your Home Selector'
    #If it should show the world name.
    ShowWorld: true
  #If true, when a player does /warps it will open the inventory menu. (This applies to all list commands except for /spawns
  ListCommandOverride: true
#Settings for tpr(teleport random), the max radius in blocks, and a list of worlds its allowed in.
  Max: 1000
  - world
  - ExampleWorld1
#Settings for spawn
#If it saves to a file (prevents data leaks and contains yaw + pitch).
  Save to File: true
#If it is perworld. If not it uses the default world.
  PerWorld: true
#Settings for respawns.
#If SpawnJoin handles respawns.
  Use: true
#If respawns are perworld, if false, it uses the default world specified below.
  PerWorld: true
    World: world
#Settings for signs
# If log is true, SpawnJoin will log all SpawnJoin sign placement. (STILL IN BETA)
  Log: true
#If true, you need the permission SpawnJoin.sign.break in order to break SpawnJoin signs. (Still a work in progress. Even if you do not have the permission, you can break a SpawnJoin sign by breaking the block it is attached to.)
  UseBreakPermission: true
#Notification settings. Disable or enable each notification you want. (Ex, if Perm is false, if a player does not have permission to use the command, it won't notify them.)
  Spawn: true
  Hub: true
  Lobby: true
  Warp: true
  Spectate: true
  Home: true
  Respawn: true
  Tpr: true
  TprAllowed: true
  Bypass: true
  Perm: true
  Args: true
  SpawnJoin: true
  Update: true

Shares File

File shown for SpawnJoin Version 5.0.0 and later
Found in /plugins/SpawnJoin/Data/SpawnData.yml
This file is for setting up what worlds will share their spawns together. This means that /spawn and all respawns in one world, will go to another world.

Example File:

DO NOT DELETE: SpawnJoin is developed and managed by Shades161
SpawnData Version: '1.0'
world_nether: world
world_the_end: world
WorldFrom: worldTo

Home Settings File

File shown for SpawnJoin Version 5.0.0 and later
Found in /plugins/SpawnJoin/Settings/HomeSettings.yml
This file is for setting up home groups/ranks. Meaning, instead of having to set home limits per player, by giving the player the permission " they will inherit the home limit as set in this file. (Good for staff or donator ranks).

DO NOT DELETE: SpawnJoin is developed and managed by Shades161
Home Settings Version: '1.0'
#Settings for groups, must be formatted like this. Currently only limits can be set.
    limit: 1
    limit: 5
#This is a list of the groups you have above. This is CaSe SeNsItIvE so make sure the names match. To give a player the group. Give them the permission:
- Default
- Staff