Commands & Permissions

Commands & Permissions

New permissions will be underlined and highlighted in green.

Permissions and commands shown for SpawnJoin Version 5.1.6


Note: <arg> = required. (arg) = not required. This is for ingame commands only.
Note: If warping other players, hub/lobby/warp name IS required!
Note: Permissions have changed! They will now follow the format "SpawnJoin.use.(Command_Name)
Note: All hubs, lobbies, warps, and spectating locations have per-location permissions: SpawnJoin.use.warp.(Warp name)
Note: Player groups/ranks added, can now set home limits for groups instead of only per player. (More will come with this aswell)

/setspawn/setspawnSets a spawn locationSpawnJoin.use.setspawn
/spawn (PlayerName)/spawn shades161Teleports you or another player to a worlds spawnSpawnJoin.use.spawn or SpawnJoin.use.spawnothers
/spawns/spawnsDisplays a list of spawnsSpawnJoin.use.spawns
/invspawn/invspawnOpens an inventory menu for spawns.SpawnJoin.use.invspawn
/editspawn <spawnName> <Option> <Value>/editspawn world item 137Edits spawn infoSpawnJoin.use.editspawn
/sethub (Hub Name)/sethubSets a hubSpawnJoin.use.sethub
/delhub (Hub Name)/delhub hubDeletes a hub.SpawnJoin.use.delhub
/hub (Hub Name) (player name)/hubTeleports the user to a hubSpawnJoin.use.hub or SpawnJoin.use.hub.(hubName) or SpawnJoin.use.hubothers
/hubs/hubsDisplays a list of set hubs or opens the inventory menuSpawnJoin.use.hubs
/invhub/invhubOpens an inventory menu for hubsSpawnJoin.use.invhub
/edithub <HubName> <Option> <Value>/edithub Main name newHubEdits hub infoSpawnJoin.use.edithub
/setlobby (Lobby Name)/setlobbySets a lobbySpawnJoin.use.setlobby
/dellobby (Lobby Name)/dellobby lobbyDeletes a lobby.SpawnJoin.use.dellobby
/lobby (lobby Name) (player name)/lobby lobby shades161Teleports the user to a lobbySpawnJoin.use.lobby or SpawnJoin.use.lobby.(lobbyName) or SpawnJoin.use.lobbyothers
/lobbies/lobbiesDisplays a list of set lobbies or opens the inventory menuSpawnJoin.use.lobbies
/invlobby/invlobbyOpens an inventory menu for lobbiesSpawnJoin.use.invlobby
/editlobby <LobbyName> <Option> <Value>/editlobby minigames name minigameEdits lobby infoSpawnJoin.use.editlobby
/setwarp <Warp Name>/setwarp factionsSets a warpSpawnJoin.use.setwarp
/delwarp <Warp Name>/delwarp factionsDeletes a warp.SpawnJoin.use.delwarp
/warp <warp name> (player name)/warp minigames shades161Teleports the user to a warpSpawnJoin.use.warp or SpawnJoin.use.warp.(warpName) or SpawnJoin.use.warpothers
/warps/warpsDisplays a list of set warps or opens the inventory menuSpawnJoin.use.warps
/invwarp/invwarpOpens an inventory menu for warpsSpawnJoin.use.invwarp
/editwarp <WarpName> <Option> <Value>/editwarp factions name facEdits warp infoSpawnJoin.use.editwarp
/setspectate <Location Name>/setspectate hgSets a spectating locationSpawnJoin.use.setspectate
/delspectate <Location Name>/delspectate hgDeletes a spectating locationSpawnJoin.use.delspectate
/spectate <Location Name> (player name)/spectate hgTeleports the user to a warp, or displays a list of spectating locations if there are no argumentsSpawnJoin.use.spectate or SpawnJoin.use.spectate.(locationName) or SpawnJoin.use.spectateothers
/invspectate/invspectateOpens an inventory menu for spectating locationsSpawnJoin.use.invspectate
/sethome (homeName)/sethomeSets your home locationSpawnJoin.use.sethome
/delhome (homeName)/delhomeDeletes your home locationSpawnJoin.use.delhome
/home (homeName)/homeTeleports the user to their homeSpawnJoin.use.home
/homes/homesDisplays a list of your homes or opens an inventory
/invhome/invhomeOpens an inventory menu for your homesSpawnjoin.use.invhome
/edithome <Home/Player> <Option> <Value>/edithome Shades161 limit 3Edits home infoSpawnJoin.use.edithome
/spawnjoin help/spawnjoin helpDisplays a list of
/spawnjoin info/spawnjoin infoDisplays info about the pluginSpawnJoin.admin

Edit Command Options and Values

These are all of the possible options for the edit commands.
Currently supported locations: Spawns, warps, hubs, lobbies, and homes
Support for editing spectating locations coming soon.

/editwarp <WarpName> cost <integer>/editwarp myWarp cost 10Edits a warps costSpawnJoin.use.editwarp
/editwarp <WarpName> item <ItemID>/editwarp myWarp item 137Edits the item displayed in the inventory menuSpawnJoin.use.editwarp
/editwarp <WarpName> name <NewName>/editwarp myWarp name newWarpChanges that warp's name.SpawnJoin.use.editwarp
/edithub <hubName> cost <integer>/edithub myhub cost 10Edits a hubs costSpawnJoin.use.edithub
/edithub <hubName> item <ItemID>/edithub myhub item 137Edits the item displayed in the inventory menuSpawnJoin.use.edithub
/edithub <hubName> name <NewName>/edithub myhub name newhubChanges that hub's name.SpawnJoin.use.edithub
/editlobby <lobbyName> cost <integer>/editlobby mylobby cost 10Edits a lobby's costSpawnJoin.use.editlobby
/editlobby <lobbyName> item <ItemID>/editlobby mylobby item 137Edits the item displayed in the inventory menuSpawnJoin.use.editlobby
/editlobby <lobbyName> name <NewName>/editlobby mylobby name newlobbyChanges that lobby's name.SpawnJoin.use.editlobby
/editspawn <spawnName> cost <integer>/editspawn myspawn cost 10Edits a spawns costSpawnJoin.use.editspawn
/editspawn <spawnName> item <ItemID>/editspawn myspawn item 137Edits the item displayed in the inventory menuSpawnJoin.use.editspawn
/edithome <homeName> cost <integer>/edithome myhome cost 10Edits a homes costSpawnJoin.use.edithome
/edithome <homeName> item <ItemID>/edithome myhome item 137Edits the item displayed in the inventory menuSpawnJoin.use.edithome
/edithome <homeName> name <NewName>/edithome myhome name newhomeChanges that home's name.SpawnJoin.use.edithome
/edithome <playerName> limit <Integer>/edithome Shades161 limit 20Changes the player's max home limit.SpawnJoin.use.edithome.limit


Command Based Permissions

SpawnJoin.use.setspawnAllows use of the setspawn commandop
SpawnJoin.use.spawnAllows use of the spawn commandtrue
SpawnJoin.use.spawnsAllows use of the spawns commandtrue
SpawnJoin.use.invspawnAllows use of the invspawn commandop
SpawnJoin.use.editspawnAllows use of the editspawn commandop
SpawnJoin.use.sethubAllows use of the sethub commandop
SpawnJoin.use.delhubAllows use of the delhub commandop
SpawnJoin.use.hubAllows use of the hub commandtrue
SpawnJoin.use.hub.(hub name)Allows going to a hub, that matches the name specifiedfalse
SpawnJoin.use.hub.*Allows going to any/all hubs no matter the name.false
SpawnJoin.use.hubsAllows use of the hubs commandtrue
SpawnJoin.use.invhubAllows use of the invhub commandtrue
SpawnJoin.use.edithubAllows use of the edithub commandop
SpawnJoin.use.setlobbyAllows use of the setlobby commandop
SpawnJoin.use.dellobbyAllows use of the dellobby commandop
SpawnJoin.use.lobbyAllows use of the lobby commandtrue
SpawnJoin.use.lobby.(lobby name)Allows going to a lobby, that matches the name specifiedfalse
SpawnJoin.use.lobby.*Allows going to any/all lobbies no matter the name.false
SpawnJoin.use.lobbiesAllows use of the lobbies commandtrue
SpawnJoin.use.invlobbyAllows use of the invlobby commandtrue
SpawnJoin.use.editlobbyAllows use of the editlobby commandop
SpawnJoin.use.setwarpAllows use of the setwarp commandop
SpawnJoin.use.delwarpAllows use of the delwarp commandop
SpawnJoin.use.warpAllows use of the warp commandtrue
SpawnJoin.use.warp.(warp name)Allows going to a warp, that matches the name specifiedfalse
SpawnJoin.use.warp.*Allows going to any/all warps no matter the name.false
SpawnJoin.use.warpsAllows use of the warps commandtrue
SpawnJoin.use.invwarpAllows use of the invwarp commandtrue
SpawnJoin.use.editwarpAllows use of the editwarp commandop
SpawnJoin.use.setspectateAllows use of the sethub commandop
SpawnJoin.use.delspectateAllows use of the delhub commandop
SpawnJoin.use.spectateAllows use of the spectate commandtrue
SpawnJoin.use.spectate.(location name)Allows going to a spectating location, that matches the name specifiedfalse
SpawnJoin.use.spectate.*Allows going to any/all spectating locations no matter the name.false
SpawnJoin.use.invspectateAllows use of the invspectate commandtrue
SpawnJoin.use.sethomeAllows use of the sethome commandtrue
SpawnJoin.use.delhomeAllows use of the delhome commandtrue
SpawnJoin.use.homeAllows use of the home commandtrue
SpawnJoin.use.homesAllows use of the homes commandtrue
SpawnJoin.use.invhomeAllows use of the invhome commandtrue
SpawnJoin.use.edithomeAllows use of the edithome commandtrue
SpawnJoin.use.edithome.limitAllows use of the edithome (limit) commandop
SpawnJoin.use.helpAllows the use of the help commandtrue
SpawnJoin.adminAllows use of the info and version commandfalse

Non-Command Based Permissions

SpawnJoin.bypass.joinAllows bypassing of SpawnJoin when joiningfalse
SpawnJoin.notify.updateAllows being notified of new updates upon joining (if enabled)false
SpawnJoin.bypass.spawnAllows bypassing the spawn delay set in the configfalse
SpawnJoin.bypass.hubAllows bypassing the hub delay set in the configfalse
SpawnJoin.bypass.lobbyAllows bypassing the lobby delay set in the configfalse
SpawnJoin.bypass.warpAllows bypassing the warp delay set in the configfalse
SpawnJoin.bypass.spectateAllows bypassing the spectate delay set in the configfalse
SpawnJoin.bypass.tprAllows bypassing the tpr delay set in the configfalse
SpawnJoin.cooldown.tprAllows bypassing the tpr cooldown set in the configfalse

Group Permissions

PermissionDescriptionDefault a player to a group/rank. This is used for home limits and morefalse

Sign Permissions

SpawnJoin.sign.use.warpAllows use of the warp signfalse
SpawnJoin.sign.use.hubAllows use of the hub signfalse
SpawnJoin.sign.use.lobbyAllows use of the lobby signfalse
SpawnJoin.sign.use.tprAllows use of the tpr signfalse
SpawnJoin.sign.use.spectateAllows use of the spectate signfalse
SpawnJoin.sign.use.homeAllows use of the home signfalse
SpawnJoin.sign.use.spawnAllows use of the spawn signfalse placing of the warp signfalse placing of the hub signfalse placing of the lobby signfalse placing of the tpr signfalse placing of the spectate signfalse placing of the home signfalse placing of the spawn signfalse
SpawnJoin.sign.breakAllows breaking of SpawnJoin signs (If UseBreakPermission is enabled in config)false