Join the TARDIS Community Discord Server - https://discord.gg/sfuPVHh
I'm too lazy to upload TARDIS files to Bukkit anymore, as builds are automatically created when the plugin is updated and changes pushed to GitHub.
Version specific downloads can be found here: https://tardis.pages.dev/download
Please make sure you are using the latest Spigot/Paper builds (for the Minecraft version you are running) before installing TARDIS or creating an issue!
What it does
TARDIS is a plugin that gives you the ability to create a Police Box that lets you time travel (teleport) to random locations. It adds a Whovian twist to the typical /sethome and /home commands.
As a player, you can:
- Create a TARDIS that is bigger on the inside.
- Time travel to a random location.
- Time travel back home (where you created the TARDIS initially).
- Save and list interesting time travel locations, so you can return to them easily.
- Take companions with you when you time travel.
- Make your TARDIS blend in with the Chameleon Circuit.
- Use your own schematic to build the TARDIS interior
- Grow new TARDIS rooms
- Use Artron Energy
- Remote control the TARDIS
- Custom TARDIS sounds with companion Resource Pack
- Custom TARDIS textures with companion Resource Pack
Official documentation & FAQs
The documentation is here: https://tardis.pages.dev/
Tutorial videos for version 2+ (also included in the official docs)
Not all of these are up-to-date...
- Installation
- Creating a TARDIS - a bit old now, check the official docs for instructions
- Growing rooms and the Gravity well and changing Walls
- Time travelling
- Recharging Artron Energy - Updated with energy condenser chest!
- Companions
What's new?
As a minimum, just drop the TARDIS.jar, TARDISChunkGenerator.jar (look under Additional Files on the download page) and any optional plugins listed below into the Bukkit plugins folder and start your server. For more detailed instructions see: https://tardis.pages.dev/installation-v5
Optional installs
These are not needed for TARDIS to function, but enhance the plugin with extra features...
- Install the TARDIS-SoundResourcePack in the Minecraft client to hear custom TARDIS sounds
- Install the TARDIS-Resource-Pack to see aal the fancy textures and models (requires TARDIS v4.2 or higher).
- Install the TARDISChunkGenerator plugin so that you can generate TARDISes in their own self-contained world (included on the TARDIS plugin download page under Additional files).
- Install WorldGuard to automatically protect your TARDIS from griefing, and stop mobs spawning in TARDIS worlds.
- Install TARDISWeepingAngels to add some Whovian mobs to the game.
- Install a Permissions plugin, so that you can restrict or grant players the rights to use TARDIS’ different features. We like PermissionsBukkit.
Other important pages
Subject | Link |
Configuration | https://tardis.pages.dev/category/plugin-configuration |
Commands | https://tardis.pages.dev/category/commands |
Permissions | https://tardis.pages.dev/permissions-table |
TARDIS Github repository | https://github.com/eccentricdevotion/TARDIS |
Official todo list | https://github.com/eccentricdevotion/TARDIS/blob/master/todo.md |
Bleeding edge builds (Will not always be available) |
Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk. Latest TARDIS Build (Jenkins) Bleeding edge changes/commits |
Bugs / Requests
Please post a ticket for TARDIS plugin requests and bugs, thank you :)
WARNING: I am no longer prepared to waste my time looking at incomplete tickets. If your ticket does not follow the guidelines set out below, it will be deleted immediately!
Make sure you have read the FAQs first, as your question may already be answered there. Also make sure you have searched for a previous ticket with the same/similar issue (use the Filters to search closed tickets).
If you are going to create a BUG ticket you need to supply relevant information (as I'm not a mind reader, nor do I have access to your server...) - as a minimum you need:
- Exact CraftBukkit version i.e. NOT 'the latest' - use the
/tardis version
command if possible, otherwise copy from server log - Exact TARDIS version i.e. NOT 'the latest' - use the
/tardis version
command if possible, otherwise copy from server log - The server log showing the entire error (as a paste or at Pastebin - NOT a screenshot) - this should be the log from when the server starts up right through to when the error occurs
- If no error in the log, then a video of the bug happening or the EXACT steps needed to reproduce the issue.
- Attach your plugins/TARDIS/config.yml file or other configuration file if relevant
- Attach your plugins/TARDIS/TARDIS.db file if relevant
- List of other plugins on server
Basic statistics are collected for some versions of the TARDIS plugin (v2.5.8 and earlier). You can opt out at any time by setting opt-out: true
in plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml
External web access
Version 2.8 (and higher) of this plugin includes a translation feature (the /tardissay
command) that connects to the Lingva translation service.
You can prevent players from using the command by removing / not giving them the permission tardis.translate
Was thinking about sound effects last night... but wasn't sure how many people actually use spout? Maybe I should start a poll.
Have sorted admin deletion, will be in the next release, just testing some new features and then it will be out :)
Will you be adding other sound effects, like the landing effect?
Leme get that admin deletion dawg (:
I must say, you guys/girls are taking this plugin to places I never would have thought of. FANTASTIC!
Ha! So you did, must have subconsciously taken notice, but it didn't sink in till now. Will credit you with the idea, thanks.
LOL Thats what I did I had to edit the database myself but didnt you see my other comment on new ideas. http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/tardis/?page=3#c74
Here is my Tardis full album here: http://imgur.com/a/X3pIw#0
Link to pictures please :)
Technically you could move the door, but you would have to edit the TARDIS database file to change the location of the door, bit of a pain really... but does give me an idea for a new feature - a new command -
/tardis update [door | repeater[1-4] | button]
Running the command will allow you to click on the new location of the moved block and update the database for you.
Adding to the todo list...
This will allow you to build the TARDIS on your home world, from any other world. It will also exclude the world from being used in random time travel destinations. You will need to prevent other forms of getting to the world using your permissions setup ie for MultiVerse/PermissionsBukkit you would set other players to multiverse.access.yourworldname: false
I loved this update for the most part, however now I can't place my TARDIS door further away. I built a replica of David Tennant's TARDIS interior, but I have to place the door right next to the console so I can get out :/
Is it possible for the Tardis cockpits to be generated in a different world to the police box? i use my Tardis as my survival home on my private survival server and don't want to risk my friends robbing diamonds. if this is possible, what other plugins do i need?
great plugin by the way!
Would you be able to make it so that you could also travel using player commands as in: '/TARDIS travel 100 100 100' That would move your tardis to location 100 100 100 and so on making it easier to get to certain locations, or if they use the command: '/TARDIS ptravel Player' the tardis would goto the location of the selected player in this example 'Player'. Please could you add some of them feature
There can only be one (inner) TARDIS per chunk, if you try to build a TARDIS in a chunk that is already occupied, it won't let you.
I have my TARDIS underground, but not as low as the inner TARDIS, an interesting scenario to test!
Won't be adding new features for a few weeks, as I'm off overseas on business soon, but will try to get the bugs ironed out of the current version before I go :)
Feature Suggestions:
/tardis admin setdest preset# [world:]x z y [username]
/tardis setdest preset# (sets the front door location wherever the user is standing when the command is issued. Can be restricted by permission if you want to keep your users random)
/tardis sethome (a more limited variant on the above for the home position only. Maybe with a cooldown.)
/tardis admin build_rad #int (If I build my tardis right next to yours, I believe my control room will overlap and partially destroy yours (assumed, not tested). In simple form, this command could disallow tardis builds within a certain radius from an existing tardis build site. A slightly more advanced form would offset the new tardis control room location by some value and perform the check again before building.
Quit scolding me every time I click on a non-tardis-related steel door. I know this isn't my tardis, it's my basement. I'm going for mushrooms. Leave me alone!
edit: Actually, now it's telling me I haven't built a tardis yet if I have a rs torch in my hand. If I have anything else it complains that it's not a redstone torch. It would be good if this only happened when I was actually clicking on the active Tardis door, interior or exterior.
Cave tardis's? What happens if you are standing at level 17-23 on the same world where your tardis interiors are built, and you decide to build your tardis?
I have been unable to duplicate the flying bug, possibly for the same reason I kept losing flying when I operated the tardis door in creative mode.
I suspect it has to do with either multiverse or permissions.
I'm using
I'll send my config files if it'll help.
I also had the problem with the front step being malformed on water-landings. It does keep you from falling though.
My son and I tried to break the thing in perverse ways, and I see you anticipated such things.
Problem: He was unable to remove me as a companion. ("An internal error occurred")
As to my earlier upgrade issues. Removal of the older jar and TARDIS folder, followed by installation of the new jar, and recreation of my Tardis in the same spot as the old one fixed my issue, and returned my control room perfectly to the same spot in the middle of my custom Tardis structure.
Its a fantastic plugin, soon as the bug which gives everyone fly mode is fixed I'll be letting the players on my server use it.
It bears restating. This is a REALLY cool plugin. Thanks for all the work on it.
I just landed on my skylands world, and I was hanging over the edge, (the TARDIS itself was on land, but the door was hanging over, so I would have fallen to my death without the platform).
The platform seemed to work just fine for that. It was 2 blocks out from the TARDIS and the entire length of the side. This makes me think it is only when landing on water that there is an issue.
I am thinking it might be related to the fact there are 2 water blocks, 08 and 09. I am thinking you told it to search for only one of those to replace? (I would assume there is the same issue with landing on Lava, (blocks 10 & 11), but I haven't had that happen yet).