

Before you begin the installation process, you need to have full access to a MySQL database. It can be an existing database, or you can create a new one; the later is preferable, but not required. Additionally, you have to have a web server to host the YASP portal.

  1. Copy the Statistics.jar to the /plugins/ directory of your Minecraft server. Restart the server. The plugin will complain about the lack of connection to the database - this is normal and expected.
  2. Open /plugins/Statistics/config.yml and fill in the necessary MySQL database details. Restart or reload the server again.
  3. The plugin will complete the initial set up of the database tables. You will see the patch notification - please, be patient and wait until the plugin says that the database is up to date.
  4. The plugin installation is complete.
  5. Copy the contents of the web archive to the desired directory on your web server. For example, /home/public_html/stats.
  6. Make the cache and include/config dirs writable. (chmod 777)
  7. Proceed to the URL associated with that directory and follow the instructions on screen.
  8. Portal installation is complete.