
Basic Plugin Configuration

The plugin configuration is generated automatically on the first startup of the plugin. After you fill out the appropriate details, it should look similar to this:

debug: false             #Enables or disables the debug mode
log-prefix: 'Stats'      #The log message prefix. You don't need to change this.
database:                #MySQL server settings
  host: 'localhost'      #MySQL server address
  port: 3308             #MySQL server port
  name: 'pstats'
  prefix: 'stats_'       #The prefix of the stats tables. You only need to changes this if you are using the multi server setup
  user: 'user'           #MySQL username
  pass: 'qwerty'         #MySQL password
  reconnect_interval: 5  #The time in seconds the plugin waits between reconnect tries if the connection to the database is lost

Do not put the quotation marks around the port number and the boolean values.

Advanced Plugin Configuration

To access the configuration page click on the Admin link on the bottom right end of your stats homepage or open yourstatspage?page=admin in your web browser.

Now log in with your E-Mail and your password (You have set those during the installation process).