

Configurations use the Bukkit Material names

  • MIN sets the minimum amount that everything will stack to, but will not override higher default values. Ex: MIN: 2 would allow swords/armor/etc. to stack to 2, but dirt/cobble/etc would still stack to 64.
  • MAX sets the maximum amount that everything will stack to, but will not override lower default values. EX: MAX: 32 would allow dirt/cobble/etc to only stack to 32, but still allow tools to stack at 1 and snowballs to stack at 16.

Version 1.0 +

Basic structure of items.yml
    MIN: -1 // See the definitions at the top of this page for details on how to use these
    MAX: -1 // They can be set underneath default or any playerName, groupName, or inventoryName
  default: // Everything defined here will be applied to every player, group, inventory within every world UNLESS overridden below
    snow_ball: 32 // allows snow balls to stack to 32
    arrow: 32 // You can add as many materials as you want
      snow_ball: 64 // Overrides the default setting to allow snow balls to stack to 64 in chests
      snow_ball: 4 // Overrides ender chests to only allow snow balls to stack to 4
    MIN: -1
    MAX -1
    haveric: // for setting up the player, just set the name here, it will get replaced with a uuid and an original name as seen below
      dirt: 100
    fa2ebad5-7014-4e60-90fa-321236fdde9f: // autogenerated uuid
      original-name: haveric // autogenerated from the original setting/uuid
      dirt: 100
      MIN: 100 // Sets all items whose stacks are below 100 (with vanilla, that would be all items) to stack to 100.
      snow_ball: 64
      cobblestone: 16
      disabled: true // Disables Ender Chests from being affected by StackableItems for all worlds.
    MIN: -1
    MAX: -1
    knights,archers: // Apply configs to multiple groups with a comma
      tnt: 0 // Disables tnt
    chest,dispenser: // Apply configs to multiple inventories with a comma
      arrow: 100
flatland,creative: // Apply configs to multiple worlds with a comma
    MAX: 16 // Restricts all items to have at most 16 per stack. Will not affect any items with stacks below 16.

Version 0.9.4 - 0.9.5:

World support has been added and configuration has been merged into items.yml

If you are upgrading from an older version, you will need to move your defaultItems.yml and any player.yml or group.yml files you have into items.yml.

See Version 0.9 for an explanation of MIN and MAX. (Most of the time, you want to set the MIN, not the MAX)

Example of items.yml:

    MIN: -1 // -1 will use default vanilla values.
    MAX: -1 
    tnt: 0 // Disables picking up and crafting of tnt
    dirt: 100 // Override dirt to stack to 100
    cobblestone: 127 // Override cobble to 127
    '5': 5 // You can use the data values (with or without quotes, it will add the quotes if you don't), Overrides wood planks to 5
  admin: // Use permission group names to affect only group members (the group also needs the permission node: stackableitems.stack)
    tnt: -1 // Gives all admins normal use of tnt overriding the disable in default
  haveric: // Use any player's name to give them specific overrides
    MIN: 100 // You can override individual players if you want to give them different stacking amounts. In this case, I'll be able to stack anything to 100
    MAX: -1 // If MIN is >= 64, max won't do anything as all values will be higher already and nothing can be brought down from vanilla
  Chest: // any vanilla inventory can be overridden as well
    MIN: -1
    MAX: -1
    diamond_sword: 10 // Allows stacking of diamond swords to 10 only in chests
    cobblestone: 100 // Allows cobble to be stacked to 100 in chests.
rpg: // Create specific stacking rules per world, in this case for the world named "rpg"
    MIN: 32 // All items on rpg will stack to at least 32 (Snowballs will stack to 32, dirt will stay at 64)
    MAX: 48 // All items on rpg will stack to a max of 48 (Snowballs will stay at 32, dirt will stack to 48)
    373: 20 // Override all potions to stack to 20
    torch: 40 // Override torches to stack to 40
    dirt: infinite // Will not consume dirt when placing, but will still collect it.
    iron_sword: 3 // Override iron swords to stack to 3 in dispensers.

Version 0.9 or higher:

Replaced "ALL ITEMS MAX" with MIN and MAX

  • MIN sets the minimum amount that everything will stack to, but will not override higher default values. Ex: MIN: 2 would allow swords/armor/etc. to stack to 2, but dirt/cobble/etc would still stack to 64.
  • MAX sets the maximum amount that everything will stack to, but will not override lower default values. EX: MAX: 32 would allow dirt/cobble/etc to only stack to 32, but still allow tools to stack at 1 and snowballs to stack at 16.
  • If you want it to work as before, set both min and max to "ALL ITEMS MAX" (values above 64 only need min set as no default values go that high)

Version 0.8.9 or lower:

Sets all items to a max of 10 except for snowballs which can be up to 100
All items Max: 10

Sets all items to normal except snowballs can be up to 64
All items Max: -1

Sets all steps to 20 except for cobble steps which can be up to 40 and all other items are normal
All items Max: -1
STEP: 20
STEP 3: 40

Sets all wool to 20 except white wool which is 30 and all other items are normal
All items Max: -1
35: 20
35 0: 30