StackableItems allows you to raise or lower the default stack amounts for any item. Items can also be disabled (disallows pickup and crafting). Items can be set in three different ways: individual players, permission groups (requires Vault), and universally.
Example use cases:
- Carrying 16 snowballs while carrying 64 cubic meters of dirt is ridiculous.
- Carry a stack of water buckets or mushroom soup with you so you never run out
- Make potions stack
- Limit stacks of food for a hardcore survival server
- Allow only privileged users to craft/pickup TNT
- Allow individual players to craft custom items
Download: BukkitDev
Source Code: Github
Example configurations
- Items are capped to 127 max to prevent item loss.
- Configurations use Bukkit Material names.
More info on the Configurations page.
Custom configs per group/player
Each Permissions group or player can be setup to use their own custom config by creating a new file in the StackableItems directory. Examples for me would be: I am in group admin and player haveric, so I could use admin.yml or haveric.yml
A group file will override defaultItems for the Permission group.
A player file will override a group file or defaultItems for the given player.
- - stackableitems.admin
- Allows a player to use in-game commands to set stack amounts and reload the config.
- Permissions can also be used to create groups which can be handled with group.yml (ex: admin.yml) files
See the options page for detailed descriptions of each option in options.yml
See the full changelog on github.
Problem or Bug?
If you are having any issues or encounter any bugs, check the issue tracker on github first, and submit a new one if needed. If you're not sure if you've found a bug or just want to ask for help, jump on the Discord server below to ask around.
If you find my plugins useful and want to help support future development and faster updates, please consider donating and fueling my need for coffee:
Hello Haveric,
Please enjoy your coffee donation
Hoping for a 1.21 fix :)
Best regards
how do i use this plugin
Is it possible to somehow clarify the type of item? For example, so that this works not only for all potions, but only for a specific type. Via ID using { } does not work
In reply to streptacopter:
Unfortunately not at this time. It will take a partial rewrite of the plugin in order to accomplish that, which may not happen for a while.
Do Not Use This Plugin - Duplicate Exploits Guaranteed
This plugin is an absolute disaster. I'm not sure how it interacts with players' inventories that it causes this, but it has enabled players to use various packet mods and methods to duplicate items easily on our server. Please be cautious.
Moreover, its GitHub page is flooded with duplicate issue reports. If you are seeking problems, then go ahead and use this plugin.
GitHub Issue Reports
In reply to Ayal:
If your players are using packet mods, there is absolutely nothing that I can do to avoid duplication issues and they will likely be able to do so with many more plugins than just mine.
StackableItems modifies the stack sizes via the server and since stack sizes are normally handled by the client, the possibility of desync is more likely. The only way to avoid this would be to use a client mod for stack sizes. I try to mitigate and cover every case that I can, but a lot of the reports that I get are difficult or impossible to replicate, which is why they don't always get fixed. While I can never guarantee there won't be exploits, I do try to fix as much as I can, but I'll admit that my time to dedicate to plugins lately has not been as much as I would like it to be.
If you do have replicatable methods of any exploits, please do create a ticket with as much info as you can on how to replicate the issues so that they can be fixed
Does it work on 1.20.1?
How would you make every item stack to the custom stack limit? I tested the plugin on just dirt and it worked perfectly. Would the config look like this if you were to make all items stack to 99?
This is what I would think:
Also, wonderful plugin!
In reply to 4194304_CurseForge:
You should be able to set MIN and MAX to 99 like this:
In reply to Ryan_plays_mediocrely:
Thank you for that! Also one thing I noticed is that in places like chests, items stacked over 64 display with the item count of 64 until interacted with, e.g dragging a stack around the chest interface, which I certainly don’t mind but is funny anyway
In reply to 4194304_CurseForge:
Unfortunately, that is a client side visual bug that I am not able to fix with a server side plugin.
In reply to Trianon_77:
Unfortunately the limit is set to 127 due to limitations of the game. Anything higher than that caused instability and duplication issues.
Is there a way to make this work with hoppers too?
Hopper facing a chest with a chest of (empty) buckets, the stacks are automatically stacked, without a player having to access the chest and stack them together.
Would be super dope!
In reply to pandafishie:
Unfortunately, the answer is no at this time. The hopper events within the api do not work the way they need to and caused item duplication the last time I used them.
In reply to Ryan_plays_mediocrely:
Okay thanks none the less <3
In 1.18 there are massive issues when in creative mode with inventory..
Stacks get reduced to one item when left-klicked!
(And doubled when rightklicked) Very strange!
Chests seem to be ok...
In reply to Jeppa_1:
The creative inventory is handled client side so unfortunately is not fixable by StackableItems.
cool plugin! i hope you will have enough inspiration and motivation to update for 1.18.1 :D goodluck have a nice day!
Sorry to trouble you. I can see that you've listed 1.17 support as "coming soon" on the Github page. Is there perhaps an ETA on this? I hasten to add, I'm not trying to rush you at all: I just so missing having this wonderful quality-of-life plugin on my new server.