This plugin allows you to set mob spawner types and optionally gather mob spawners with a Silk Touch enchanted tool.
Thanks to @shop1126 for this video which showcases some of the plugin's features.
This plugin allows you to set mob spawner types and optionally gather mob spawners with a Silk Touch enchanted tool.
Thanks to @shop1126 for this video which showcases some of the plugin's features.
Any beta versions?
I've been working on it. I have done:
And I started adding /spawner list and /spawner help
I really want to add the ability to limit the number of spawners a player can give/change based on permissions for use for donators.
I cant wait for the new update! Hopefully it is coming out soon.
I doubt it, unless you can set the durability of items for reward with it.
Does this work with Mob Arena? So like I could give a skeleton spawner as a reward?
I believe that should be up to the plugin controlling that area whether you can break things there or not. I don't think this plugin should be responsible for who can break a spawner or not within a specific area.
Could you add support so players cannot mine spawners inside other players factions?
Eg: I get into your base that is claimed by you and your faction, not being op, i'm able to mine the spawners inside the faction region. Would be much appreciated if you could add support for this. :)
I think you want to give your donators the spawner.mine permission then and other people just spawner.break.
I want to disable the silk touch part and use it as a donation thing. could you make it configurable the part with silk touch?
I don't know, I don't use Essentials. It could be a bug with essentials though.
when i was using CB:1.4.7 i could sell spanners with essentials but as i updated the server to 1.5.1 beta the [sell] sign will not detect that player has a spawner in invtory any ideas would be great?
Oh ok ! I think it was a problem ! Cool thank you i reinstall it tommorow and i tell you if ther's a problem ! Good night ( it´s 11 pm in france and i work tomorrow :)!)
Yes it is normal. There is no config or anything yet so no folder needs to be created for it.
When i deplace (im french too:) ) in my plugins' folders (the.jar) and when i reload there are no folders wich was create ! Is it normal ?
It should work fine. If you have a problem let me know.
Because in "récent files" There are only 1.4.7 versions!
Youre plugin is ut compatible With thé version 1.5.1 of bukkit ?
Are you having a problem?
1.5.1 please ?
Thanks =)