This plugin allows you to set mob spawner types and optionally gather mob spawners with a Silk Touch enchanted tool.
Thanks to @shop1126 for this video which showcases some of the plugin's features.
This plugin allows you to set mob spawner types and optionally gather mob spawners with a Silk Touch enchanted tool.
Thanks to @shop1126 for this video which showcases some of the plugin's features.
Permissions are not working.
Sure, I will add that to the todo list.
Could you add that config file for language? Though I love the plugin, the constant messages can be tiresome XD
Thanks, very good plugin :)
I just uploaded a new version for approval by Bukkit staff.
Spawner v1.5b - 27 April 2013
Thanks. I will fix that.
Using the silktouch method to get a spawner bypasses worldguard protection.
It also bypasses hawkeye logging.
I'll look, thank you for your help! Great plugin;)
I've never used Factions but isn't that the point since it's their territory now?
I don't believe this plugin should be responsible for who can and cannot break spawners within a specific area. I don't understand how they would get it back anyway if it isn't in their territory. You probably can find another plugin to lock specific blocks to players.
I use a faction plugin, but the problem is that even if the players claim their territory, as other players can even undermine spawners !
I think you have to use a land protection plugin of some sort or something that can lock blocks for them. There are a lot of plugins to do these things.
My server uses an auto shop, so I sell different spawner, thanks to your plugin that allows all Gives. But the problem is that I do not want the players the steals, I want that only, the buyer of the spawner can move him and not the other players ! (Sorry for my bad english, i'm french)
Fair enough, i found a way to get around the issue. :)
I will see if I can fix that.
There is already an alpha version uploaded that has to be approved. Actually, maybe I don't understand what your request is. Can you explain in more detail please?
You have a release date for version or only the players who put their spawn can break it?
Sorry for my bad english
Yes I think the torch is counting as one full block, so a way to fix this would be to make it so you can look through a non-solid block and change the spawner.
Are you sure you're looking at the spawner and not the torch?
Found another bug
If there is a torch on the spawner and you are looking at it it does not change.
Ok I uploaded Spawner v1.5a which is an alpha version. I haven't tested it very much and plan to add more features and will release a beta with those soon.
Found bug:
You have to be in creative and have spawner.break to break a spawner without silk touch.