Setting Localization

When SimpleCarts is enabled, the plugin will attempt to set the appropriate language for your players, based on the language and location of the host machine. This is based on two factors: an ISO language code (such as "en") as defined by ISO 639-1 and a country code (such as "US") as defined by ISO 3166-1. If SimpleCarts is unable to obtain both the language code and the country code, it will default to English (enUS).

Alternatively, you may manually set the ISO code by enabling the override in config.yml, then changing the default "enUS" to something more to your liking. The most recent version of SimpleCarts makes the following localization options available:

LanguageISO Code
Spanish (Español)esES
French (Français)frFR
German (Deutsch)deDE
Russian (Русского)ruRU

If you would like to help with translating or improving the localization of SimpleCarts, please check this out and/or notify the plugin author. All correct, major translations will be credited in the plugin.


  • Players can change the language for themselves through use of the /sc lang command. This will only affect the user; other players on the server will not be affected.
  • Debug information may not be available outside of English (enUS).