Simple Help Tickets

Simple Help Tickets

Simple Help Tickets provides a simple and effective system for users to request the assistance of an admin. Starting out as a rather lightweight plugin I threw together for personal use and decided to share, it has continued to expand due to popular demand. By using /ticket a user can open a help ticket, which can then be reviewed and dealt with by an administrator. Both users and admin are able to reply to tickets to further dialogue regarding a ticket. If a user logs in and an open ticket has received a reply from an admin, they will be notified of the change.

Updating to 1.0

If you are updating to 1.0 you will need to start with a fresh database.
If you're using SQLite simply delete Tickets.db in SimpleHelpTickets plugin directory
MySQL users, delete the table SHT_Tickets in your database, it will be replaced on server start.
  1. Download the .jar
  2. Place the .jar in your plugins directory
  3. Restart the server
 • MaxTickets
    Maximum number of tickets per user.
 • TicketExpiration
    Number of days before a closed ticket expires
 • NotifyAdminOnTicketClose
    Users with the sht.admin permission will receive a message when a ticket is closed.
 • MultiWorld
    If using more than one world, take/check ticket will display the appropriate world name in ticket details
 • OnJoin
    Display number of personal tickets to user / total tickets to admin upon join
    Whether to use MySQL instead of SQLite output.yml
 • Use to customize plugin output (Language / Formatting)

 • /helptickets - SimpleHelpTickets Menu.
 • /ticket (description) - Open a help ticket.
 • /tickets [-a/-c] - List Open/All/Closed tickets.
 • /checkticket <#> - Check the details of a ticket.
 • /taketicket <#> - Assign self to a ticket. (and be teleported to the location is was set)
 • /replyticket <#> <reply> - Reply to a ticket
 • /closeticket [-r] <#> - Close a help ticket.
 • /delticket (#) - Delete a help ticket.
 • /purgetickets [-c/-a] - Purge expired, Closed or All tickets
 • sht.ticket - Open a help ticket.
 • sht.admin - Administrate help tickets.
 • sht.reload - Reload SimpleHelpTickets.

To Do:
 • Add config options for customizing messages.Done.
 • Add SQLite support, expand ticket communication and logging.Done.
 • Add MySQL Support.Done.
 • Add resolve ticket feature.Done.
 • Add ticket expiration.Done.
  Web GUI
 By popular demand, a Web GUI is available for SimpleHelpTickets.
 You can download it below.   • SimpleHelpTickets Web GUI                                                                  
                                                        Thankyou for your support! :D Recent Change-Log:
- Updated for Spigot API 1.10.2
- UPDATED: Updated for new UUID system
(Caveats: UUID not translated to player name)
- Fixed: bug when reopening a ticket
- FIXED: MaxTickets not limiting the amount of tickets a user can open
- FIXED: User OnJoin notification of open tickets repeating itself
- FIXED: MySQL Connection Check. (Merged PR: TheCutter)
- Updated extra formatting to not interfere with colour codes
- Recoded ticket.class
- Fixed "CONSOLE has opened a ticket" bug for MySQL users
- Fixed notification of admin reply on user join
- Added bold/italic/underline/strike/reset to output.yml
- Fixed typo in output.yml
- Added check to getconnection in to ensure connection is established, and if not re-stablish connection before continuing.
- minor bugfix: Users rceiving notification about open tickets even if tickt is/are closed
- minor bugfix: Prefix removed from 'No Tickets To Display' message
- minor bugfix: Instances of getDisplayName changed to getName in closeticket & taketicket (Fronix)
- minor bugfix: A few typos in output.yml have been fixed (if your output.yml is unchanged, delete it before starting your server to generate a new one)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 18, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Jun 22, 2017
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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