
Set Command


/graveyard set <graveyard_name> <attribute> [value]


Change a Graveyard attribute. Tab completion supported for <graveyard_name> and <attribute>. Possible attributes are:

Attribute Description Permission Node
name Change the display name of a Graveyard
location Change the location of a Graveyard to player's current location graveyard.set.location
enabled Set the enabled status of a Graveyard
( true | false | default)
hidden Set the hidden status of a Graveyard
(true | false | default)
range Set a custom discovery range for a Graveyard graveyard.set.discoveryrange
discoverymessage Set a custom discovery message for a Graveyard graveyard.set.discoverymessage
respawnmessage Set a custom respawn message for a Graveyard graveyard.set.respawnmessage
safetytime Set a custom safety cooldown time (in seconds) for a Graveyard graveyard.set.safetytime
group Set Graveyard's permission group. Only players with the permission group. will have access to the Graveyard.

Required permission:
graveyard.set allows use of the set command
graveyard.set.[attribute] allows setting the specified attribute
graveyard.set.* includes permission to set all attributes and is included in parent node (graveyard.admin)


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