Commands and Permissions


  • /rp < Main RyanProof Command displays all the RyanProof Commands
  • /rptool < Gives you a golden axe for you to see which blocks belong to what players.
  • /rpcommands < Lets you toggle between seeing player commands or hiding them.
  • /toggle < Turns automatic block protection on or off.
  • /allow [playername] < adds a player to you trusted list.
  • /remove [playername] < removes a player you previously added from your trusted list.
  • Jailing commands have been removed for now, however if you have Essentials or the Jail plugin you should be fine.

Permission Nodes

  • RyanProof.TNT.allow < Allows the user group to use TNT on your server
  • RyanProof.Bedrock.allow < Allows the user group to use Bedrock on your server
  • RyanProof.Flint&Steel.allow < Allows the user group to use Flint and Steel on your server
  • RyanProof.EnderDragonEgg.allow < Allows the user group to use Ender Dragon Eggs on your sever
  • RyanProof.Admin < Gives admin abilities to certain commands and tools.
  • RyanProof.Toggle < Lets the user toggle their auto-protection on and off.
  • RyanProof.Tool < Lets the player get a RyanProof block lookup tool.
  • RyanProof.Remove < Lets the player remove people from their allowed list.
  • RyanProof.Allow < Lets the player add people to their allowed list.
  • RyanProof.Commands < Lets the player see the commands of others (admin feature).


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