This plugin requires Residence
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ResExtras is a addition to Residence that includes limiting and configuring everything you see below. This addition adds more Residence flags to the existing ones built in. For example, don't want pigs to spawn? No problem just set pig to false. Or say you have a mob grinder and spiders are clogging it up, just turn spider to false.
See anything I missed? Comment below or send me code.
- portal - prevents users using nether portals
- lightning - prevents lightning strikes
- hunger - prevents users losing hunger
- sprint - prevents sprinting
- fishing - prevents fishing
- sneak - prevents sneaking
- pigzap - prevents pigs turning into pigman on lightning strike
- slimesplit - prevents slimes splitting into multiple slimes
- pigsaddle - prevents the saddling of the precious pigs
- god - prevents users from taking damage and displays sparkles on receiving damage
- blockdamage - prevents entities(Ex: TNT) from harming blocks but still damages other entities
Mob Flags:
- Too many to list, just click here
- /ResExtras version - Displays version number
- /ResExtras list - Displays Flag list
How to install:
I guess I could do something similar but I cannot copy ResidenceSigns. I will think of something.
Add the same features to your plugin!
What do you mean by include it?
Please include ResidenceSigns
Sorry I was away, since I was switching operating systems (Dual-Boot :D) and updating hardware.
You can already do that, Residence has "tp" flag :)
easy to implement, residence api provided
I think people will just go in, drop everything and go out to collect, or you have some suggestion how to prevent that?
Wauu I haven't see this plugin! It's good :) Here i give you some suggestions: - Flag to prevent a user tp into the residence - Flag to denegate a user all commands (Only for Admins) - Flag to separate inventories, i say, if an user enter to a residence, the inventory he had is taken, erased from him and gived him a predefinide inventory, if he left the residence that inventory is erased and the old is given... If you need more explications say me :) (Only for Admins)
So.... It is all now... I wait i have explain well, i am spanish, and my english level is not good. The new flags would be awsome for servers events, is for this I would need them. I would develop my own res-plugin but i have no time now and the api support is... Too technical for me at now...
Thanks for all!!
Will setting an individual mob to true override having monsters akreadt set to false and allow that monster to spawn? Or will i need to set monsters to true and set the individual mobs i dont want to false?
Let me know if you need assistance testing this as it comes along.
I don't know if you knew but I'm working with cnaude on this plugin. He is the creator of ResMelt and gave me permission to use his code. We teamed up to make one big add-on.
That's because one of their guys made resmelt....