This plugin requires Residence
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ResExtras is a addition to Residence that includes limiting and configuring everything you see below. This addition adds more Residence flags to the existing ones built in. For example, don't want pigs to spawn? No problem just set pig to false. Or say you have a mob grinder and spiders are clogging it up, just turn spider to false.
See anything I missed? Comment below or send me code.
- portal - prevents users using nether portals
- lightning - prevents lightning strikes
- hunger - prevents users losing hunger
- sprint - prevents sprinting
- fishing - prevents fishing
- sneak - prevents sneaking
- pigzap - prevents pigs turning into pigman on lightning strike
- slimesplit - prevents slimes splitting into multiple slimes
- pigsaddle - prevents the saddling of the precious pigs
- god - prevents users from taking damage and displays sparkles on receiving damage
- blockdamage - prevents entities(Ex: TNT) from harming blocks but still damages other entities
Mob Flags:
- Too many to list, just click here
- /ResExtras version - Displays version number
- /ResExtras list - Displays Flag list
How to install:
To be honest I have no idea what you're trying to tell me.
I put this plugin on my server, and occurred an error: All residences stayed with flag animalkilling, mobkilling and Vilagerkilling: FALSE IN ALL RESIDENCES, fix plis =b
You would probably want to contact to the dev team of Residence itself for this via ticket. Personally I kinda ask why you would want to do this in the first place.
Any permission or worldguard implementation, I wana be able to put a worldguard region around my residence without influencing the residence.
Seems that Animalkilling, Villagerkilling, and Mobkilling was reversed. I guess I just never saw that. Thanks for saying that :D
No, it's not you, that one puzzled me for quite some time.
Is it just me, or is the animalkilling flag inverted? I'm using version 1.6.3. Animal killing is allowed unless animalkilling flag is set to true.
I just finished the god flag and I have implemented your idea for the delay of messages. I'm still making some final touches on ResExtras 2.0 so I might submit it either today or tomorrow.
Any word on the god flag?
Also, could you add a delay on the messages sent when the sprinting flag is false? It spams your whole chatbox when you try sprinting in a residence that has sprinting off.
No. All the flags you see above are it. However, I will take that into consideration.
Is there a flag that prevents villager breeding and iron/snow golem building?
Can you add a flag, which can deny or allow using a bow? I hate these players, who are attacking from nonPVP...
I am currently running ResExtras-1.6.3 with Residence Experiemental Build and don't see any issues. Does something not work for you with these two together? Cause I don't see anything wrong.
When will the update come out for Residence Experiemental Build?
That is a good idea. I will definitely look into that and try to implement it :D.
I've never really given it any thought of adding compatibility with mods. However, I believe it would be a good addition to ResExtras. I will take this into consideration and see if I can find a way to implement it that doesn't interfere with people who don't have the mod.
What version of ResExtras are you running?
Ok, I put my demand in the residence stream, but it's more appropriate here ! Is it possible to integrate mob from MoCreature in a flag to block the block destruction ? Or maybe just add the "code" to creeper explosion flag... I dont know how all that work, but I get a lot of trouble with combination of mod and plugin... My people dont want to see her construct destroy by ogre...Help me someone...
That actually sounds like a bug with Residence. I suggest talking to them about it.
I have another suggestion. Preventing players from throwing eggs and snowballs, make it the flag "throw".
Is possible to add 'givedamage' flag? I have pvp world with 10x10 spawnpoint with nonpvp. All player stay in nonpvp and give damage to players which aren't in pvp... I don't know how disable this.
Any ideas?
Hi I have a problem with the flags involving snow, when i change the flags the snow keeps forming and i can't prevent the snow from covering the floors of my server.