This plugin requires Residence
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ResExtras is a addition to Residence that includes limiting and configuring everything you see below. This addition adds more Residence flags to the existing ones built in. For example, don't want pigs to spawn? No problem just set pig to false. Or say you have a mob grinder and spiders are clogging it up, just turn spider to false.
See anything I missed? Comment below or send me code.
- portal - prevents users using nether portals
- lightning - prevents lightning strikes
- hunger - prevents users losing hunger
- sprint - prevents sprinting
- fishing - prevents fishing
- sneak - prevents sneaking
- pigzap - prevents pigs turning into pigman on lightning strike
- slimesplit - prevents slimes splitting into multiple slimes
- pigsaddle - prevents the saddling of the precious pigs
- god - prevents users from taking damage and displays sparkles on receiving damage
- blockdamage - prevents entities(Ex: TNT) from harming blocks but still damages other entities
Mob Flags:
- Too many to list, just click here
- /ResExtras version - Displays version number
- /ResExtras list - Displays Flag list
How to install:
Yay :D. Thanks for using ResExtras!
Thanks! Can't wait! I'm planning on using it for my spawn :p
Well what I would do first is talk to the owner of ResPerm and see if he can fix these bugs. The god flag I kinda put off for some odd reason. Thank for reminding me :D. Ill see if I can get a working god flag in the next release.
ResPerm is very buggy. It allows you to keep the permissions upon teleporting out of the area in addition to several other bugs. It would probably be best for these bugs to either be removed or another plugin replace it. Also, is there an expected release date for the god flag? :p
The command flag just doesn't allow players to use ANY commands in a res:
This flag does not allow you to add specific commands. Its just can use them or can't. That is a nice idea for the future though.
If you are looking for a permission specific plugin for residence check out ResPerm. I believe its still active. Click here
Could you please explain how to use the commands flag? I'm not sure if that removes commands from the user or adds them... :/ And could you add a way to remove all commands but the ones listed? If this is already added, ignore what you see below:
For example, to deny all commands except for /me and /tell you would do: /res set commands me,tell
To allow all commands except for /res and /cprivate you would do: /res set commands -res,-cprivate
Also, is there a possibility of adding a permission flag? Where you can give a user upon entering the region, then have it taken away when they leave?
You're welcome :D
Thanks for the fix, my snow was piling up! :D
@WoodenAxeServer There you go.
Link Removed:
Can you post the source for this?
I had the same issue until I updated to the most recent Residence. I think it is?
Error as requested
Can you please paste the errors in pastebin and post them please.
Please update for 1.4.6! It's spitting out errors galore
ResExtras 1.5 just uploaded. Please wait for Bukkit to approve :D
This weekend I am releasing a newer version of ResExtras that is optimized and also will include pset for almost every flag instead of just set. In conclusion expect your request/question to be completed this weekend.
Is there possibility to disable /god and /fly? Thanks!
is this working on 142?
is there any pset command? like if I want my players when they share residence they can shear sheeps? like 3 players on 1 shared residence? thanks
Grow flag don't work with vines. I set grow to false but vines still grow. Pls fix it.
Optimized version coming out soon :DD