Current stable version: v5.9.9 for CB 1.6.2-R0.1
Regios, a fully fledged, extensive and extendible Region mod. Regios allows you to easily create regions with a vast amount of properties such as protection, entry & exit control, password protection, speed and health modifiers and much more! Regios is multi-world compatible and lightweight. More so Regios is open source and has a well documented API which will allow other developers to make add-ons to make Regios even better!
NOTE: Regios v5.0.3 and later now REQUIRES Vault for Economy and/or Permissions support. You can still use Regios without Vault but it will be Op or basic superperms only and without economy support.
Do you use Dynmap? Ever wanted to see your Regios regions on Dynmap? Well now you can! Try the new Dynmap-Regios!
Some of the main features of Regios are:
- Complete Region protection.
- Spout GUI editor!
- Permissions and group modification in real-time, force commands and inventory options.
- Prevent exit or entry with password authentication.
- Transfer structures/regions from server to server with new Blueprint (*.blp) files!
- Backup your Regions and restore them to their former states. (Now includes container contents and sign text!)
- API access.
- Fun features such as health control, pvp settings and speed modifiers.
- Per world configurations.
- Default Region settings.
- Simple flat file storage allows for manual editing if needed.
- Universal Economy/Permission support through Vault
- WorldEdit Support
Current To-Do list (in no particular order or priority):
- Fix Spout GUI
Add non-cuboid regionsCompleted in 5.9.0!- Add self-contained permission system
- Add player variables to commands
Expand Regios APICompleted in 5.9.0!- Better multi-world support
- Add renting
- Add fall damage prevention
- Fix water and lava placement issue when regions are close to each other
- Add more effects for "fun" commands (prevent hunger, regen hunger, cause potion effects, etc.)
- Add some way of visualizing regions in-game.
- Add some form of child regions (mainly to prevent players from creating regions inside of other players regions)
- Add some form of priority system for regions (for when regions overlap)
- Add music looping
- Make tutorial videos!
- Make the commands more flexible (and helpful)
- Add more command aliases (for some of the stranger commands, such as set-creature-spawns)
- Add zombie door break protection
- Improve modification commands
- Add optional auto-update function
- Add world commands
- Add a scheduler for backups
For a list of Commands and Permissions, visit here:
>> === Wiki Page === <<
You don't have 1.6 installed too do you? You have a newer version of Java 7 than I do, so you really shouldn't be getting that error as usually it means you have a older version than me. If your startup script for bukkit is point to the older version that would explain it. If not I'll update my Java environment and recompile Regios and see if that fixes it.
@johnnyzerox7 java version - 1.7.0_21 java (tm) se runtime enviroment (build 1.7.0_21-b11) java hotspot (tm) 64-bit server vm 23.21-b01
Do me a favor, run java -version on a cmd prompt on that server and tell me what version it says you have, if you can.
should be latest ?!? it should uppdate automaticly since it is a server pc with windows server 2008
What version of java are you running?
using the same and it doest load
(invalidpluginsupportexeption : java.lang unsuported class support unsuported major.minor version 51.0
I didn't think spout supported mp3's. That may be the issue.
I'm not sure. Tbh it's been a long time since I've used spout to even used the spout features of Regios. I'll check and get back to you.
Yep, it's managed to keep trucking on somehow. :P Its a good name.
Not unless factions supports it, because Regios doesn't. Some one could probably write a plugin to do that though.
Ok I'll look into it. Thanks.
I dont quite understand the question.
Are you getting errors? What version are you using? I'm running 5.9.8 on my personal 1.5.2 server and have had no issues.
why isnt this getting uppdated to 1.5.2??? doesent seem to work with 1.5.1!
how would i go about adding differnt items that can be places and stuff, i am running a tfc server and the ids are differnt but players can play them in protected area but cant break them.
It throws an NPE, And the p var is working. Also tried with an location, same issue.
Sorry if this is a stupid question but I am having a hard time understanding permissions.
If I create a region and only want a certain group in my PEX settings to have entry how do I specify this? Also, how do I assign protections to a PEX group? I will list an example below:
I would like to protect my "tutorial" area and only allow the Tourist group (my default group) and Moderators entry access. The Mod group will have full access but the Tourist group will not be allowed to exit, place, or, break. They basically can't do anything except read signs and push a couple buttons/pressure plates.
Thanks in advance...
This is so epic. I can't believe this is still running. I'm the one that suggested the name for this plugin back on the forum thread a couple years ago.
By the way, when you leave and enter the area and you use a spout welcome message, the name of the region appears above the message. Is there any way to remove this? I don't want my player walking into a shop and above the "welcome to the shop" message, the region name which would probably be "wcshop1", it just sounds really weird.
Is there a way to have the regions be able to hook into factions and have a faction be able to capture the a region and as long as the region is captured that faction get rewards?
Hello, every time I add an mp3 to the region, I get an error that says "URL does not exist" What do I need to do to fix it?
Did it return null or throw an NPE? A boolean primitive shouldn't be able to return any other value than true or false. I'm not where I can dig at it atm, but I'll look at it next chance I get.
I was trying to use the api call isInRegion(Player) in RegiosAPI.class but it returns null.
If I can remember it, I will try.
I'll try to get something like that in.
What command are you trying to use?
Yes it does. If 5.9.6 doesn't 5.9.8 does.
does it work for minecraft 1.5.1
hi can anyone help me? i keep getting this error, "an internal error occured while trying to perform this command" how can i fix this? thanks