Allows players to buy or rent chosen WorldGuard-regions from the server. Super easy to set up and highly adjustable! Great to set up towns with different areas; you can define a marketplace with small, only rentable plots, an area for premium-members only and a lot of other districts.
- None, area and volume based price calculation |
- Inheritance system allowing to manipulate settings global, world-wide, region-wide (parents) and region-specific |
- Region-limits for players, group-specific region limits |
- Optional permissions for regions & whole areas
- Optional taxes
- Very easy sign-connection-system, no region-names on the signs, auto-updating
- Language support
- Region rebuilding (Even non-cuboid regions!)
- Benefit from WorldGuard's well-rounded region-system
- Integration of other plugins
- ShowCaseStandalone - automatically removes shops
- LWC - automatically removes protections
! Info - Development halted
Hello everybody,
This is Tobias aka Phoenix, the developer of this project. I am sad to inform you that RegionForSale, just like the Bukkit project, is pretty much dead nowadays. I do not like the fact that Minecraft is owned by Microsoft and, even though I respect the company, I cannot see how the spirit of Minecraft fits in there at all. Shame on you for selling, Notch! I do not care about the money involved. But this game, no matter how much profit it generates, belongs into the hands of loving, independent developers (Just like Bukkit – love you guys). My opinion. To be fair: My interest shifted in general as well. So overall, I am not willing to work on this project for free anymore.
Q: What about security updates / bugfixes?
A: I will do my best to still fix those and upload a new version for you. I do not want to let you down.
Q: Will you continue if I donate xx dollar?
A: Probably not. Please try to estimate the time I spend and apply a horrific minimal wage – I am sure you still do not want to pay that. Yes, it’s quite some time.
I still want to thank you very much for the few donations I received up to this point. Developing was fun and I was so very euphoric when I received my first donation. I still remember quite well. Not to forget about the many supportive comments and “thank you”s I received despite the money.
Required Plugins
- WorldGuard
- Vault
- An economy-plugin supported by Vault
- The configuration files
- How to create a region
- The inheritance system
- Commands
- Permissions
- Region rebuilding
- Example: Setting up a town
Videos in other languages:
German - Very basic
German (RFS v0.1 - outdated)
RegionForSale provides an automatic update checker to let you get informed as soon as a new version is available. If you do not want to use this feature you can set check_for_updates to false in the general.yml config file.
- Quick-set options on signs
- Give users, who rented a region, the possibility to buy it (without unrenting + possible rebuilding). The other way round would be retarded - Tell me if you don't think so.
- Auto-updater for minor updates (?)
Before writing a comment
If you want to report a bug or suggest a new feature, please create a ticket instead. These are the reasons why:
- You will always see the status of your request
- Others can easily see if something was already requested
- The discussion about it is separated from other comments
- Your request can't be simply overlooked or forgotten
Sweet, thanks :)
Greetings back to your players and tell them their admin is the best!
V. 2.5.4 should be available in a few hours, I made some little tweaks there. I do not know of any more server side bugs, RegionForSale should be stable within itself - you are free to use it with 1.8! (Backup recommended anyway)
I will be unavailable for the next seven days. Have a nice Christmas time!
I'm a man of my word, an well X-mas came earlier for me so I sent you a present! ;) Hope you have a great Holiday!
Should I go ahead with Current RFS or wait for a ?UUID fix? No real rush as said before. My players have to understand that I only put together the plugins I did not make them. All in all thanks again so much!
Ok, thats still pretty cool. We might be able to work with that for now, I'll consider our alternatives a bit. Hopefully there'll be a feature upgrade in the future though :). Thanks for your time and your awesome work.
Okay. Everything I can offer you until this is eventually implemented is to create an area with free regions where only new players are able to buy (a single) one.
Actually not really with our setup (and making some major changes). Please consider my feature request of having the option to set either free regions as only buyable if you don't own any region OR setting a flag for a region as buyable only if you don't own any.
Hey! Great you were able to get that sign issue fixed automatically!
Actually it is quite good that you reported that addparent-problem even tough its false positive; I think a simple message like "Region 'foo' is up for sale - Cannot add as parent-region" by the plugin would have solved the problem, so I am definitely gonna add that in.
The video really really helped to see what is going wrong for you! Thanks for all the effort you make, also including your text and screenshots, to make my life a little easier!
I see that remaining issue about the member display. I will have another look at it and try to figure it out. The +?UUID thing should also actually only be in there if someone added a member by UUID (instead of name) but the name is not known.
I made a video on my issue and will msg you it when its done. Seams that I may have set my parents wrong in the region I was testing. This is 100% my fault & very sorry to even report that if it is on my end.
I tested a few things though and think that the addmembers is working. The small issue is this.
Player C rented Plot1. Click the Plot1 Sign Shows no members. /rg info the sign. it shows a member named B. Now if Player C adds another member it will show the new member Z and a "+?UUID" The "+?UUID" is player B but ounly shows his name with /rg info. does it later on convert the "+?UUID" to a player name?
Example: I added Myself to this region with rg addmember ZachryWilsn Issue is There is a Player added an his name is not "+?UUID" Example: As you can see there is a player and he has a name.
Can you give me a full list of example commands to execute that cause a "Members are not displayed" error for you? You can use the
<<code text>><</code>>
block for that.Info links about the broken signs:"sign""sign"
You won't have to re-link all signs again if you put in your backed up MC1.7.9 RegionForSale directory. RFS is now able to handle that sign bug. It only occurs if you update your server to 1.8 btw., as you can also read up on the pages linked above.
I was not able to fetch that error earlier, as it is a Minecraft bug and I did not know about it. Actually it should not be a plugin developers task to care about fixing that at all.
About not being able to add a parent region:
If you want to add "foobar" as parent region you should not be able to
//rg select foobar
. If you ARE able to select it like this foobar IS already either a normal or a parent region (and therefore also listed in//rg listall
). You may want to check that.@TheTrain2000
Very welcome also you may want this if your trying to get into 1.8 asap.
This will protect your armor stands.
Thanks for all your help, it's working now! :D
Yah don't use the stable builds, You need to use the Dev Builds. "" Try #1477
I'm using the latest stable builds and I'm still getting errors. Any ideas?
This is where you find the DEV builds. As they state some builds fix bugs but also some other bugs can come up. So use them with a bit of caution and make many many backups. I suggest a Portable HD if you are wanting to work with DEV builds. You will want to make many backups as some bugs happen over time and may not show right on a load or within the week. You can check Tickets and Latest Commits to WG & WE with the site below.
Want to get more deep you can read the Commits and do a little googling to find out exactly what the Commit/Update does to that version. Hope that Help's.
[Edit] Spot using bukkit versions of plugins. Many have been ported over to Spigot. I suggest that RFS joins us at Spigot. :)
Can you link me the download for the latest WorldGuard and WorldEdit? Whenever I try to anything with the WorldGuard version I found(6.0.0-beta-02), it just gives out an error. I even tried creating a new WorldGuard folder, but still nothing. This is without RegionForSale installed.
Ok signs Do Not break on a load/new start up. I ran it more than once to check. :)
The signs still need replacing the brackets stay missing. So they don't pop off but they don't work unless replaced.
To me not a issue, I can replace the signs. Its lame yes but some plugins when you update you cannot roll back etc etc. So this could be the case with RFS in future. this is not my call though.
Now when you add members with the -n added you can see the members added. Also if you remove with "/ /rg delmember" it removes both from the list.
Example: "/rg info shows member Zach " " / /rg info shows no Zach. Same for clicking sign."
"Use "/ /rg delmember" and recheck." "Zach is missing from both /rg info and / /rg info, and clicking sign."
Something is just not showing RFS that you added a member to it. Also my big issue is when setting a region for rent/sale within a region it tells me to use this command.
/ /rg addParent <region>
When I try to do this command on the RegionForSale 2.5.3 for 1.8.1 I get a Region not found warning. The region is there. I click with leather it shows. I /rg info it shows. I / /rg info it shows.
Here is a example:
Note: Without RFS I loaded Spigot 1.8 and signs have no Brackets. Note: On this test RFS had been installed before. Just taken out for start up. Here is a example:
The last update before this one I could addParent no problem's. "To me the signs are not a issue."
Also after X-mas expect something from our community. Since the holidays coming up & your still willing to work with us on issues I want to send thanks wen I can. So expect something from us for the new year!
"You are more than professional and glad you take time to work with us as a community."
EDIT " / /'s " makes it hard to explain since Bukkit uses for Italic. on post.
You can restrict the ability to buy / rent a region to certain user groups, as well as the amount of regions. So you could have a "newbie" and a "advanced" group and both have different limitations. After e.g. five weeks "newbies" get ranked up to "advanced".
This way you could create an area in which only newbies are able to buy regions. The regions in that area can be cheap or for free. You might want to restrict them to renting and also restrict the rent time so that they cannot keep their "newbie" region after getting ranked up.
Does that help?
@OriginalMadman I myself tried to pull of what you are wanting out of RFS. I think @Phoenix_IV would have to add a few more perm's for this to work. Below are the current perms you can have. Well some of them.
You could set noobies to have only rent or only so many they could rent. Then lets say have that noobie group the only one allowed it that part of your city. Then set rent in thta area how you want it to be. This would be a issue for me since no other players can view that area of the map now. Kinda punishment for being a higher rank in my mind. All in all if @Phoenix_IV has the time he would only need a few new perms. The code for the perms... Well that could take time. I do not code, I'm better at finding bugs.
Permissions needed:
I believe with that addition you could do what you are trying to pull off.
The above perms if added would give each group a different price from each room based of the flat rate you set on your room. Example: rent cost $100 for noobie. if a Vip rank times rent by 2,3,4 etc etc. This is just a concept. Again I do not code. This would have to be added for your plan to work though. Well I think it would work.
Also I will test RFS current asap! Fingers crossed.
Yes I figured that. But that doesn't quite solve regions reserved for new players issue I see. We have an attractive city and I need to make sure only new players can buy cheap or for free get their regions (or older players lay claim). At the same time, older players are allowed more regions - but I want them to pay properly for that privilege (in fact, they should be encouraged). It would be nice if that could be solved. RegionSelfService has a simple function that if price is free, only players without regions can get it. That would solve it, or I'd suggest something more configurable like below.
Thanks for listening ;)
Phew, that's the very first time that I am forced to push so many updates in a row. Some new WorldGuard code there. However, that one should be solved now as well.
You do have the possibility to limit the amount of regions a player can own - Globally, in a world and / or within a master region.
I would really like to try this instead of RegionSelfService (since it has some issues and doesn't have UUID). Is there any way I can smoothly make it so that
1) Some regions can only be bought (for free or for a price) by players who do not own any regions already or 2) Regions cost, but if its the first - it is free (if within a certain world or master region).
3) Increased cost multiplier with number of regions already owned.
If not, I'd like to make those as feature requests. Thanks!