Allows players to buy or rent chosen WorldGuard-regions from the server. Super easy to set up and highly adjustable! Great to set up towns with different areas; you can define a marketplace with small, only rentable plots, an area for premium-members only and a lot of other districts.
- None, area and volume based price calculation |
- Inheritance system allowing to manipulate settings global, world-wide, region-wide (parents) and region-specific |
- Region-limits for players, group-specific region limits |
- Optional permissions for regions & whole areas
- Optional taxes
- Very easy sign-connection-system, no region-names on the signs, auto-updating
- Language support
- Region rebuilding (Even non-cuboid regions!)
- Benefit from WorldGuard's well-rounded region-system
- Integration of other plugins
- ShowCaseStandalone - automatically removes shops
- LWC - automatically removes protections
! Info - Development halted
Hello everybody,
This is Tobias aka Phoenix, the developer of this project. I am sad to inform you that RegionForSale, just like the Bukkit project, is pretty much dead nowadays. I do not like the fact that Minecraft is owned by Microsoft and, even though I respect the company, I cannot see how the spirit of Minecraft fits in there at all. Shame on you for selling, Notch! I do not care about the money involved. But this game, no matter how much profit it generates, belongs into the hands of loving, independent developers (Just like Bukkit – love you guys). My opinion. To be fair: My interest shifted in general as well. So overall, I am not willing to work on this project for free anymore.
Q: What about security updates / bugfixes?
A: I will do my best to still fix those and upload a new version for you. I do not want to let you down.
Q: Will you continue if I donate xx dollar?
A: Probably not. Please try to estimate the time I spend and apply a horrific minimal wage – I am sure you still do not want to pay that. Yes, it’s quite some time.
I still want to thank you very much for the few donations I received up to this point. Developing was fun and I was so very euphoric when I received my first donation. I still remember quite well. Not to forget about the many supportive comments and “thank you”s I received despite the money.
Required Plugins
- WorldGuard
- Vault
- An economy-plugin supported by Vault
- The configuration files
- How to create a region
- The inheritance system
- Commands
- Permissions
- Region rebuilding
- Example: Setting up a town
Videos in other languages:
German - Very basic
German (RFS v0.1 - outdated)
RegionForSale provides an automatic update checker to let you get informed as soon as a new version is available. If you do not want to use this feature you can set check_for_updates to false in the general.yml config file.
- Quick-set options on signs
- Give users, who rented a region, the possibility to buy it (without unrenting + possible rebuilding). The other way round would be retarded - Tell me if you don't think so.
- Auto-updater for minor updates (?)
Before writing a comment
If you want to report a bug or suggest a new feature, please create a ticket instead. These are the reasons why:
- You will always see the status of your request
- Others can easily see if something was already requested
- The discussion about it is separated from other comments
- Your request can't be simply overlooked or forgotten
No, no, I think Im right. the -n just gives the player a group name, which is just a name. It literally shows when you right click a region sign, it shows the player as a member, with the custom -n name you gave him. The region name you add him to is a requirement. The -n is optional. While it dont make a group in the server config that you can ban, like the groups of members, non-members, owners, non-owners, and everyone. It helps you keep track of who you want banned from the region when you set the flag for no entry to members. I have done this, and it is effective. Its not what I want, but close enough for the limits of world guard.
It's a worldguard thing. That command is a little backwards. /region addmember [-n:Name of region to add player to] <members: playerNames>
here's an example.
/region addmember Spawn Myekaan
This would add a user named "Myekaan" to the region named "Spawn", allowing them to edit that plot.
Roles are defined by the commands. There's an "addowner" command, which is used exactly as this command, only it adds region owners, which are able to change things like size, add additional members, and define region flags.
Ex. /region addowner Spawn Myekaan
I cant find info on this command anywhere: region addmember [-n] <members...> What is the [-n]? its not [-g] for group as far as I can tell. At least when you try to set a flag for enter to deny a group, the [-g] is all it accepts, there is no [-n]. I am confused. Update
I think [-n] is naming a group for the player, to keep track of what a member's role is. This has nothing to do with world guards groups that include owners, nonowners, members, nonmembers, and everyone.
Whatever Vault (plugin) supports.
"Wallet" is what a player usually has available (typical command: /money). Bank accounts are additional constructs. Bank accounts from the plugins listed above can be used.
Thanks, I will check that.
@Phoenix_IV EDIT My Issue was the Spigot Version Of WG. The Links show where I had got the builds. Link: WG6-BETA WORKS Link: WG6-SPIGOT1.8-6.X DONOTUSE
Old Post Seams I'm having issues yet again. When the User is online I can add and del the member. Now if they log out I can not add them or del them from the region.
What do you mean by Banks in the general.yml file? I use Gringotts and we have vaults and town vaults, they're sorta like banks, but more like a personal player or town money vault.
global_econ_account: If you want to make use of a global (bank-) account fill it's name here (e.g. money taken from players will be payed to it). global_econ_account: If it's a bank-account put "bank." in front of the name
player-bank-accounts: Tries to find and withdraw money from a players bank account instead of wallet.
Thanks! :)
Check out the en.yml in the languages folder. You can change colors there. To instruct RegionForSale to use your (altered) language file change the language option in the general.yml (set it to "en").
Is it possible, that i can change the color of the Text into White? Would be nice!
Thank you for the great Plugin. Its seem to be fantastic :) But i have a problem, everytime i want to create a sign to sold a region, it doest work. The console brings this. Maybe my Worldguard is to new or old?:
EDIT: Sorry. I didnt seen, that i loaded the old Version of Worldguard. Now it WORKS! :D
You shall read a little or just try it before asking unnecessary questions ;-)
Maybe the "caveats" section will help.
31.12 13:08:28 [Server] INFO java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sk89q/worldguard/protection/managers/storage/StorageException Looks like i have a problem :3 Shall i update worldguard? or shall i downgrade it?
That's not possible (yet). RFS regions were meant to be administrated by server admins only. This may change in the future.
How can players open hotels?
Example: A player created a hotel on a plot he had purchased. He created rooms, and I created regions within the rooms.
How do I rent those rooms out in a way that pays this player when they are rented?
I can make it a hotel - yes - but I cannot seem to make it pay the player who owns the initial plot.
Please read comments below, you have wrong WG. Use Beta Builds made for Spigot.
Getting the following error on startup:
[06:53:51] [Server thread/ERROR]: Error occurred while enabling RegionForSale v2.5.4 (Is it up to date?) java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sk89q/worldguard/protection/managers/storage/StorageException at de.phoenix_iv.regionforsale.regions.RfsGlobalRegionManager.addRegionManager( [?:?] at de.phoenix_iv.regionforsale.regions.RfsGlobalRegionManager.load( [?:?] at de.phoenix_iv.regionforsale.RegionForSale.load( [?:?] at de.phoenix_iv.regionforsale.RegionForSale.onEnable( [?:?] at [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-52c130f-81ab957] at [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-52c130f-81ab957] at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-52c130f-81ab957] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R1.CraftServer.loadPlugin( [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-52c130f-81ab957] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugins( [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-52c130f-81ab957] at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R1.MinecraftServer.q( [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-52c130f-81ab957] at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R1.MinecraftServer.k( [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-52c130f-81ab957] at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R1.MinecraftServer.a( [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-52c130f-81ab957] at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R1.DedicatedServer.init( [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-52c130f-81ab957] at [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-52c130f-81ab957] at [?:1.7.0_65] Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: at$ [?:1.7.0_65] at$ [?:1.7.0_65] at Method) [?:1.7.0_65] at [?:1.7.0_65] at [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-52c130f-81ab957] at [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-52c130f-81ab957] at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( [?:1.7.0_65] at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( [?:1.7.0_65] ... 15 more
Using WorldGuard 5.9 and RFS 2.5.4
Players can sell regions to each other. Check out the sell command on the commands page. The region owner changes when sold. The current region owner pays the taxes, if taxes are enabled.
You can enable bank support in the general.yml - just try if it works the way you need it. Bank accounts will also be used for buying a region.
Bank I do not know as I dont use it but do have a bank. I assume RFS is more hooked into the regions to make them rentable sellable etc. So trying to use WG to sell it is the opposite of what this does. I could be wrong.
Taxes should be paid by the owner if that makes sense. So a member does not pay / / rg addmember will not pay taxes the person who can addmembers will pay. Now as for a split between owners if you set more than one per region. Again I dont know. I use this to make Apartments on my server an not to much more.
Do not quote me. Selling is for selling regions to server for a price set in config or set by op. Buying is for one person to own and add members. Renting is for rent and adding members.
you can set rooms to sell i believe no matter if rent or not. So no matter what they can get cash for the land. I just dont think this is for multi owner land. Multi meber but idk about owner. Phoneix know more than me but I do my best to help others here with what I do know.
thanks for the reply. what if the players get access to assigning new owners on their region in WG and therefore transfer their region to someone else. How would it work with taxes? will the owner always play tax or is it the guy that bought the region to begin with.
Is it maybe possible to make it so that taxes are withdrawed from an craftconomy bank account?
It does support new WG but the beta not stable. Read past comments for links. An the feature you want I dont think is in RFS, they can sell there land to server worth is set in config.
looks good. does it support the new WG? Also, can the players sell the region they bought to other players? if so, can they specify the price, so that they can earn money on real estate.