Allows players to buy or rent chosen WorldGuard-regions from the server. Super easy to set up and highly adjustable! Great to set up towns with different areas; you can define a marketplace with small, only rentable plots, an area for premium-members only and a lot of other districts.
- None, area and volume based price calculation |
- Inheritance system allowing to manipulate settings global, world-wide, region-wide (parents) and region-specific |
- Region-limits for players, group-specific region limits |
- Optional permissions for regions & whole areas
- Optional taxes
- Very easy sign-connection-system, no region-names on the signs, auto-updating
- Language support
- Region rebuilding (Even non-cuboid regions!)
- Benefit from WorldGuard's well-rounded region-system
- Integration of other plugins
- ShowCaseStandalone - automatically removes shops
- LWC - automatically removes protections
! Info - Development halted
Hello everybody,
This is Tobias aka Phoenix, the developer of this project. I am sad to inform you that RegionForSale, just like the Bukkit project, is pretty much dead nowadays. I do not like the fact that Minecraft is owned by Microsoft and, even though I respect the company, I cannot see how the spirit of Minecraft fits in there at all. Shame on you for selling, Notch! I do not care about the money involved. But this game, no matter how much profit it generates, belongs into the hands of loving, independent developers (Just like Bukkit – love you guys). My opinion. To be fair: My interest shifted in general as well. So overall, I am not willing to work on this project for free anymore.
Q: What about security updates / bugfixes?
A: I will do my best to still fix those and upload a new version for you. I do not want to let you down.
Q: Will you continue if I donate xx dollar?
A: Probably not. Please try to estimate the time I spend and apply a horrific minimal wage – I am sure you still do not want to pay that. Yes, it’s quite some time.
I still want to thank you very much for the few donations I received up to this point. Developing was fun and I was so very euphoric when I received my first donation. I still remember quite well. Not to forget about the many supportive comments and “thank you”s I received despite the money.
Required Plugins
- WorldGuard
- Vault
- An economy-plugin supported by Vault
- The configuration files
- How to create a region
- The inheritance system
- Commands
- Permissions
- Region rebuilding
- Example: Setting up a town
Videos in other languages:
German - Very basic
German (RFS v0.1 - outdated)
RegionForSale provides an automatic update checker to let you get informed as soon as a new version is available. If you do not want to use this feature you can set check_for_updates to false in the general.yml config file.
- Quick-set options on signs
- Give users, who rented a region, the possibility to buy it (without unrenting + possible rebuilding). The other way round would be retarded - Tell me if you don't think so.
- Auto-updater for minor updates (?)
Before writing a comment
If you want to report a bug or suggest a new feature, please create a ticket instead. These are the reasons why:
- You will always see the status of your request
- Others can easily see if something was already requested
- The discussion about it is separated from other comments
- Your request can't be simply overlooked or forgotten
@Phoenix_IV is there an option to open the source code of this plugin (on github)?
Shops (ShowcaseStandalone) will not be remove on unrent a region :( PLS FIX!
This looks and feels amazing, easy too use and are perfect for an everyday plot server.
BUT is there an possebility too set Custom "fixed" prices for diffrent plot's? as i want a bigger plot too cost more than a smaller but i still want too choose the price meself instead of the Region Calculator.
Can anyone get the group permissions to work?
and players with the perm still can only rent 1 region ;/
permission-required-buy: true
permission-required-rent: true
max-regions-per-player: 1
max-regions-per-player-buy: #<Integer> (Set to enable)
max-regions-per-player-rent: 1
# max-rent-time in minutes. Zero -> infinite
max-rent-time: 0
# Some settings can be specialized for groups as done below. If the player is in more than one group the highest
# figure counts. To add a player to a group give him the permission "<GROUP-NAME>"
max-regions-per-player: 2
max-regions-per-player-rent: 2
max-rent-time: 0
max-regions-per-player: 2
max-regions-per-player-rent: 2
max-rent-time: 0
Okay so I set up everything with the sign and all and a player bought the region but it won't let him build there, maybe because I worked with a polygon shape thing??
Hope this helps. I dont have much more info than the stack-trace.
After server restart or /wg reload the signs can be remove by simple rightclicking.. how can fix it ?
Well give me access to the source and I will continue development ;-)
wazoomie it might be that the problem is the WorldGuard-incompatibility Baba described. Unfortunately not much to do about that right now. See the info on top of the page.. :S
how to create region for only rent or sell?
Is it possible that your plugin is not working with the latest WorldGuard? I found out that after WorldGuard has converted player names into uuids, it will remove player names and stop working with them. So when you use API methods that work with the names, you get wrong results.
Yep. I had four installed/updated plugins since the week before (when we didn't have any problems). I then installed/updated the four plugins one by one to find out what plugin caused the issue and it was RFS. It did the same thing on my local testserver. Upon startup it would clear the usermap.csv and add the account defined as 'global_econ_account' in the RFS general config. It could of course be a combinations of other factors. I don't know. For me at least the fix was to not enable RFS anymore.
Like zachry said: Regions are created by admins only. Change the "unit-type" of the region (see docs) to set a fixed price.
Are you sure it is RFS's fault? Not probably Vault or something else? RFS does not mess with that file at any point in the code.
I had to stop using this plugin as it removed the usermap.csv of Essentials, making it impossible for other plugins to lookup offline players by name or UUID. Due to this a lot of players didn't receive payments from bought goods in rented shops when they were offline.
This happened on Spigot 1.8.8 with both Essentials and EssentialsX. There were no errors or other messages regarding this in the console.
Just a heads up for the developer and other people who might encounter the same issues.
You make the markets not the players....
Well as far as I know.
How do I let players mark regions for whatever price they want, instead of area based calculation, and also, is it possible to just get a buy sign or just a rent sign instead of a sign that includes both?
Thanks for the info Shawn! Best of luck to you and your projects!
This seems to be a worldguard issue from what i have seen. Looking for related bug atm, will link back if found.
Seams RFS and WG still has UUID issues when players rename themselves. When they rename there player the region does not rename to the new player name. Please look into this.
Hi tcarey, thanks for your idea. This is already possible, tough, by just typing the rent command for the region again. This will extend your time to the maximum again. Please also notice that your message would better fit in a suggestion-ticket.