Allows players to buy or rent chosen WorldGuard-regions from the server. Super easy to set up and highly adjustable! Great to set up towns with different areas; you can define a marketplace with small, only rentable plots, an area for premium-members only and a lot of other districts.
- None, area and volume based price calculation |
- Inheritance system allowing to manipulate settings global, world-wide, region-wide (parents) and region-specific |
- Region-limits for players, group-specific region limits |
- Optional permissions for regions & whole areas
- Optional taxes
- Very easy sign-connection-system, no region-names on the signs, auto-updating
- Language support
- Region rebuilding (Even non-cuboid regions!)
- Benefit from WorldGuard's well-rounded region-system
- Integration of other plugins
- ShowCaseStandalone - automatically removes shops
- LWC - automatically removes protections
! Info - Development halted
Hello everybody,
This is Tobias aka Phoenix, the developer of this project. I am sad to inform you that RegionForSale, just like the Bukkit project, is pretty much dead nowadays. I do not like the fact that Minecraft is owned by Microsoft and, even though I respect the company, I cannot see how the spirit of Minecraft fits in there at all. Shame on you for selling, Notch! I do not care about the money involved. But this game, no matter how much profit it generates, belongs into the hands of loving, independent developers (Just like Bukkit – love you guys). My opinion. To be fair: My interest shifted in general as well. So overall, I am not willing to work on this project for free anymore.
Q: What about security updates / bugfixes?
A: I will do my best to still fix those and upload a new version for you. I do not want to let you down.
Q: Will you continue if I donate xx dollar?
A: Probably not. Please try to estimate the time I spend and apply a horrific minimal wage – I am sure you still do not want to pay that. Yes, it’s quite some time.
I still want to thank you very much for the few donations I received up to this point. Developing was fun and I was so very euphoric when I received my first donation. I still remember quite well. Not to forget about the many supportive comments and “thank you”s I received despite the money.
Required Plugins
- WorldGuard
- Vault
- An economy-plugin supported by Vault
- The configuration files
- How to create a region
- The inheritance system
- Commands
- Permissions
- Region rebuilding
- Example: Setting up a town
Videos in other languages:
German - Very basic
German (RFS v0.1 - outdated)
RegionForSale provides an automatic update checker to let you get informed as soon as a new version is available. If you do not want to use this feature you can set check_for_updates to false in the general.yml config file.
- Quick-set options on signs
- Give users, who rented a region, the possibility to buy it (without unrenting + possible rebuilding). The other way round would be retarded - Tell me if you don't think so.
- Auto-updater for minor updates (?)
Before writing a comment
If you want to report a bug or suggest a new feature, please create a ticket instead. These are the reasons why:
- You will always see the status of your request
- Others can easily see if something was already requested
- The discussion about it is separated from other comments
- Your request can't be simply overlooked or forgotten
Add an ability for the player to re-rent a region before it expires so their items dont disapear (for active players)
rg re-rent (while standing in the region)
Can be done as per config :
Max time a player can rent the same region before it expires: - 4days
I turned your request into a ticket.
Can you integrate the plugin? . Because Showcasestandalone doesn't have a update.
You need to activate it in the general.yml
Renting, if not limited by the server admin, is already unlimited. The timer you see is only to indicate the next payment. If the rent time is limited a player may extend the time to the maximum again by typing
//rg rent
again.About the "how to rent" note: I will not hardcode this, but you might have the possibility to add it yourself in the future.
Hi m8,
Great job on this plugin man.
Are you able to make a person extend there rent time. Lets say a person clicks their own region sign and it example asks them to leftclick sign to extend time 1 day.
This would be very cool, so players dont have to remove thier stuff before the rollback and then set it all up again to rent again.
It would also be awsome if players got the note how to rent when they click a sign.
Type: rg rent (to rent) Or just make a feature, click again to rent one day :)
Fortunately the Bukkit plugins are already compatible. But if the project gets some new energy it will probably also list there. Thanks for looking out for me.
Yes, but you should have seen that already when trying it out. Renters and owners both have the same permissions considering WorldGuard, as they are added as WorldGuard-region-owner.
I have a question : for rentable regions, can i see the owner in "/rg info" wg's command ?
EDIT: Because when i use rentable regions, the owner seems be add in WG. So he can't uses chests etc
you should join us at, I think the devs over there and the community would love to see RFS/ :)
Q: Auto-Rebuild does not work.
A (German): Du musst auto-rebuild separat aktivieren. Schau mal in die Config-Datei oder die Command-list. Das Ground-level wird nur für die automatisch generierten Terrains gebraucht damit das Plugin weiß auf welcher höhe es den Boden setzen muss.
Q: Can players sell their region to other players?
A (German): Der Befehl den du Suchst lautet
//rg sell <player> <price>
Q: Is it possible to add additional players to a region?
A: Command:
//rg addmember <player>
Q: Is it possible to sub-rent a region?
A: Not yet. I like the idea and it might happen if I will get back to programming. But better not rely on it.
Q: Will this have MySQL support?
A: It might happen, but is rather unlikely as the plugin is running perfectly fine on files right now and this would require massive changes in code.
@zainmz I really like this, Please add it!
Will this have MySQL support?
hi is it possible for players that own a region to give their region for rent and they earn money from the rent?
Possible to add players to a cell? Poeple on my prison server want to add friends to their on cell.
Hey Phoenix_IV,
ich glaube das du Deutsch kannst deswegen schreibe ich jetzt einfach mal auf Deutsch. Unzwar habe ich ein problem mit dem Auto-Rebuild wenn ein Spieler sein Grundstück wieder an den Server Verkauft, es wird nämlich das Grundstück nicht wiederhergestellt obwohl ich vorher der stadt "rg set ground-level .me" zugewiesen habe.
Außerdem würde ich gerne wissen ob es eine Funktion gibt oder geben wird mit dem ein Spieler sagen kann okay auf dem GS ist ein Haus das verkaufe ich an Spieler B für 2000$ statt es per "rg set price sell" festlegen zu müssen. Denn die Funktion soll nur den Stadtbesitzern vorbehalten sein.
Wäre cool wenn du dich mit meinen Probleme beschäftigst. Kannst mich auch gerne per eMail kontaktieren an [email protected]
Thank you =)
"Just forgot to unrent"?
The forgetplayer command will evict players automatically. If you just want to free any region "rg set owner [blank]" is the perfect way to go.
Ok thx, and if a player just forgot to unrent? rg set Owner [blank]?
Player got banned? Use "
/rfs forgetplayer <name>
" instead! It will remove ALL data stored about the player.