RecipeManager 2
Complex recipes made easy !
NOTE: I will refer to some .html files in here, those files can be found in your /plugins/RecipeManager/ folder after you load the plugin the first time. The html files will also be updated automatically on new versions.
- Add new recipes (or remove existing ones):
- Shaped or shapeless recipes with optionally multiple results
- Furnace (+ Blast Furnace and Smoker) recipes with optional custom cook time and optional special fuel
- Fuel recipes with custom burning time or even random time from specified range
- Anvil, Brewing, Campfire, Stonecutting, and Compost recipes
- NEW: Grindstone and Cartography recipes with configuration for disabling default functionality
- See 'basic recipes.html' for more info.
- Making recipes more special with flags, featured flags:
- @permission to limit a recipe (or result) to specific permission node(s)
- @remove, @restrict and @override to remove/restrict/override existing recipes, including Minecraft recipes.
- @ingredientcondition to make extra requirements from ingredients like enchantments, ranged data values, stack amounts, etc
- @keepitem to keep an ingredient from using up and optionally damaging it in the process
- @modmoney/@reqmoney and their experience and level counterparts to require/give/take money/exp/level from crafter
- @cooldown to limit the usage of the recipe
- And a lot more, see 'recipe flags.html' for all of them including documentation.
- Flags can also be added to results to make them more special, some featured result flags:
- @cloneingredient to clone an ingredient's features over to the result, like data value, amount, enchantments, etc
- @itemname and @itemlore to edit a result's display name and description with colors
- @potionitem and @fireworkitem to design your custom potions and fireworks
- @getrecipebook to get a RecipeBook as result, ones generated by this plugin with recipes in them
- And a lot more, see 'recipe flags.html' for all of them including documentation.
- Flexible recipe files to add your recipes in:
- You can use any kind of spacing and letter casing you want in recipe files, also supports comments
- Design your file names and folder structure as you want in the 'recipes' folder
- Auto-generated recipe books with high customization:
- Pick which recipes to be added and to what volume
- Re-arrange them as you like
- Books that players have are automatically updated when edited by admin and reloaded
- For more information see 'recipe books.yml' file.
- Other features:
- Local documentation files for ease, the .html files that will be generated the first time you run the plugin
- Customizable settings, messages and item/data/enchant aliases in their respective YML files
- Supports Vault for economy and permission groups
- API for plugin developers, custom events and utility methods for most features
Installing or updating
- Download the latest version of the plugin
- Place the RecipeManager.jar file in the plugins folder and start/restart the server
- Now the plugins/RecipeManager/ folder is created which contains configuration files (.yml) and documentation files (.html)
Using the plugin
- Run the plugin at least once to allow the .html files to be generated, then start with 'basic recipes.html'.
- Plugin settings can be configured in "plugins/RecipeManager/config.yml"
- When you're done editing, type rmreload in server console to reload everything without a server restart.
- Commands and permissions can be found in 'commands & permissions.html' file.
In the jar file, auto-extracted when first ran to plugins/RecipeManager/changelog.txt and on GitHub.
Having problems, found bugs ?
If you have any issues or found some bugs, please create a ticket. But first you should check other tickets if the issue has already been reported and then check out the Discord server below to ask for help.
Note: I don't support any previous versions other than the absolute latest, so if you used an older version, update and test again.
Source code
Source code is on github, feel free to look at it, improve on it and provide feedback: If you need, you can use code from my project but please provide credits to haveric and THDigi.
Support project
If you find my plugins useful and want to help support future development and faster updates, please consider donating and fueling my need for coffee:
With R5, will it be possible to remove the necessity for Spout? As it stands, this is the only plugin I run that uses Spout, simply to remove/deny recipes (like editing the recipe for TNT to use 4 sand, 4 sulphur, and 1 blaze powder) and I would rather remove Spout entirely.
That would allow me to replace restricting with removing/editing of the default recipes... however, it won't allow most of the suggested stuff because the recipes are still processed by bukkit and I can't add permissions and stuff.
Well, anyway, when that code is in a recommended build I will look into it further and maybe make this version a better one until I get to the new one.
Is it possible to have this work with Buildcraft's automatic crafting tables?
You should look aound this change on bukkit API :
I guess it could be a major improvment for your plugin.
I have a problem with your plugin... :/
I try to create recipes using custom materials from some spout plugin, the values are something like 318:1027
I've created a recipe with this data value, no console error, everything loads fine.
In game, I type "/recipes workbench", and tadaaaa ! I've got a "FLINT:2 + FLINT:3 + FLINT:4 = FLINT:5" message... Where's my 1027 ? Of course, recipe don't work, as there's no item with 318:5 ID (all custom IDs are over 1024).
Before ask me why I try to use your plugin as MoreMaterials orother Spout plugins do it well, it's why I have to created custom weapon parts (barrel, stock, magazine etc...) with MoreMaterials, then craft them together to have complete weapons from GunPack plugin.
Please help :)
The problem is I can't seem to replicate that duping thing... and I can't see that video because it's removed.
Have you tried it yourself ? Can you at least post the recipe ? :P
Also, my plugin doesn't handle crafting, bukkit does... but I want to see for myself about that duping thing maybe I can fix it or report it to bukkit.
I love the setup of this, the biggest concern was the dupes. Good job on the project, we'll re-enable once dupes are gone :D
Hmm, whops, I posted a link to the jar with the source, I dunno if I modified it since then tough...
<<reply 532084>>
Well, if cookbook does what you want, switch, I will update when I have the time to test out the errors which I can't seem to get.
Can you post the source code somewhere? The latest jars don't include it.
Or I guess I could decompile it. The LGPL allows that...
I would also like an update or we'll have to move to Cookbook somewhen...
as cool as this plugin is, i'm having a bit of an issue with it, seems when people travel thru nether portals, it throws a severe error to recipemanager.
[SEVERE] Could not pass event to RecipeManager
any chance this plugin will be updated to be compatible with the latest RB?
restriction based on permissions? Possible ?
Tried to reproduce Kainzo's problem on my server and I couldn't. A problem I'm having is when the recipe is posted in game for potions it changes the data value to the value you would use to spawn the item 373:37 health potion 2, but if you are actually brewing potions it is not data value 37 its 8229 which is how I write the recipe but unfortunately it changes it by the time the recipe gets to the game. So I'm unable to use brewed potions in recipes. Although, I can still use spawned potions.
"This video has been removed by the user."
Anyway, I'll look into that as well.
A user found this issue.
"I found a exploit which allows you to duplicate alot of Chainmail.
I found this while waiting for it to make me the chainmail, (It seems to have a delay in the crating table). I pressed Escape and it gave me x amount of chainmail and x amount of iron bars.
I hope this is a easy fix. Have a good day.
P.S sorry about the bad quailty I didn't bother rendering it as HD."
Hmm, yes, it's not crafing it because the restricted recipe glitches, I'll see if I can fix it but I'd rather work on the new overhaul version.
I made the unshaped in one line, the shaped in 2 by 2. With the current banned recipes, it still doesn't work. And sorry about not making a ticket. I will next time.
You probably didn't make it 2x2, I just tested this and it can be crafted in the inventory:
melon + melon
melon + melon
= melon_block
Also, next time please make a ticket :}
Config: I changed how melons are created in my world (as well as dropped via OtherDrops), meaning 4 melons = 1 melon_block and vice versa. I banned the 3x3 shaped melon_block recipe, as well as the single melon recipe for seeds.
Problem is that I can make a melon_block in the workbench with 4 melons, but can't do it in the inventory window, shaped or unshaped. Any clues?
What do you mean dev build ?
All the released files are in the FILES tab.