

How to create a leaderboard per sign:



<sign_name> is optional

<srv_name> is optional


Example: Result:






How to remove a leaderboard per sign

Easy, you have to destroy the main sign :D


How to create a leaderboard per holograms









How to remove a leaderboard per holograms




Utility for leaderboard management

Use the command /pvpboard to open.



 Aditional information:

  • Teleport/remove leaderboards clicking (Check wool blocks)
  • Also, you can see extra information by placing the cursor over each item.


All about leaderboard models

You have to edit models.txt

// List of variables
// -------------------
// <main> | Poster with scoreboard data.
// <player> | Name of each player
// <rank> | Rank name of each player ** (Added in 2.1.2) **
// <fame> | Rank points of each player
// <pos> | Position of each player
// <server> | Server name
// <world> | World name
// Example
// -------
// #<model_name>(<quantity>)
// <Vars>
// Utils
// ------
// | -> This indicates a new sign auto created at the right side
// / -> This indicates a line break in the sign
// $spacing=<character> -> Configure the character you will use to create the space between words or vars.
// $fwslash=<character> -> Configure the character you will use to create '/' between words or vars.
// $vcbar=<character>   -> Configure the character you will use to create '|' between words or vars.
//       Example1: #Basic1(3)$spacing=. ---> The usage of "." will create the space in that model
//       Example2: #Basic2(5)$spacing=# ---> The usage of "#" will create the space in that model
// How to use
// -------------
// The last line of the board has to contain the variables
// Also, the variables use all board lines
// You can repeat all variables into different columns to distribute the content
// Remember, you can use color codes (&) and empty lines to get an empty row in the board.
// Premaded Types

/&eTOP 5/------  | &6Name/&6Of/&6Player/--------
<pos>            | <player>

<main>  | /&aName/-------   | /&aFame/-----
<pos>   | <player>          | <fame>