PvpTitles 2015 edition

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.



This plugin is based on the PvP titles plugin by asc_dreanor. These titles reflect a player's success in defeating other players by earning Titles after a specific amount of Kills.



  • Display the title in the chat or as hologram over player's head!
  • Default rank 'None' won't be shown.
  • Customize your own ranks with custom colors in the config.
  • Customize the output of non-op commands.
  • Customize the formula for getting/losing points.
  • Use time like a requirement for getting a title
  • Create your own leaderboard per signs or holograms!
  • Create your own rewards (Works with permissions!)
  • Create your own multipliers by permissions.
  • Translate it into multiple languages (Automatic translation per client's language :D)
  • Support for MySQL.
  • Supports MultiWorld.
  • Antifarm system running.
  • Automatic updates.

Learn by Example

Learn by Example

spaik66 made a great video explaining how pvptitles works. [OUTDATED v2.1.1]


Commands and Permissions

Commands and Permissions

Be careful giving all permissions!!, check this one: "pvptitles.hideprefix"

Command Description Permission Added
/pvptitles It shows info about the plugin. pvptitles.help [ALL] 0.1
/pvprank It shows info about your rank. pvptitles.rank [ALL] 0.1
/pvpladder It shows the top 'x' players. pvptitles.ladder [ALL] 0.1
/pvpfame Add, view or set player fame in game. pvptitles.setRank [OP] 1.0
/pvpboard It shows the scoreboards created in the server. pvptitles.board [OP] 2.1
/pvppurge It cleans inactive users. pvptitles.purge [OP] 1.1
/pvpreload It reloads the plugin. pvptitles.reload [OP] 0.1
/pvpdatabase It allows to manage data from the database. pvptitles.database [OP] 2.4
  Create/destroy scoreboards per signs. pvptitles.managesign [OP] 2.1
  Doesn't display your title. pvptitles.hideprefix [NONE] 2.3.1

Custom translations


You can create custom translations in order to get the plugin shows the information in each language (Depends on the client language). So, if you want to contribute sharing a custom translation, just let me know and I'll add it here :D

Custom translations available:

German (DE) | Greek (GR) | French (FR) | Japanese (JP) | Chinese (CH) | Simplified Chinese (CN) | Russian (RU) | Portuguese (PT) | Swedish (SV) | Czech (CS) | Euskara (EU) | Galician (GL) | Catalan (CA) | Croatian (HR) | Korean (KO) | Ukrainian (UK) | Polish (PL) | Slovenian (SL) | Serbian (SR) | Romanian (RO)

Language Supported versions Author Source
 Chinese  2.6 - 2.6.10 Leaf_LunHui Paste from Bukkit


And please, send me your translation by using this: "Paste from bukkit" :)



Required Dependencies


Optional Dependencies
ScoreboardStats LATEST VERSION Link to ScoreboardStats
Vault LATEST VERSION Link to Vault
HolographicDisplays + ProtocolLib LATEST VERSION Link to HolographicDisplays
Placeholder API LATEST VERSION Link to PlaceholderAPI
MVdWPlaceholderAPI LATEST VERSION Link to MVDWPlaceholderapi
VanishNoPacket LATEST VERSION Link to VanishNoPacket





Placeholder API


Title name




Title name (if valid)














Implemented in next

No date

Already implemented



Description Status
Add more features to rewards and to fix major bugs

Update to minecraft v1.13.X

Known bugs


Description Workaround Version
Incompatibility with XRayInformer if Ebean (DB) is enabled. Use SQLite or MySQL All versions


Source code

PvpTitles Project

You don't have to decompile the plugin. You can find there the source code with comments and building utilities. Also, this plugin is open source and It's hosted on GitHub; feel free to fork, star, or contribute by making pull requests and opening issues.

Donations are always appreciated, it's a good way to say thanks to a developer.



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